
72 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

Networked Impulse Tracker
What is Networked Impulse Tracker?
Networked Impulse Tracker is simply that - a session of Impulse Tracker where
multiple composers can all edit the same song at the same time! It may sound
a little bizarre, but networked sessions can be both extremely fun and
1. Impulse Tracker, 7 Apr 99 or later
2. Impulse Tracker Network driver file. (*.NET)
3. Some form of network supported by the network driver file.
To Use
To initiate a Network session, Press Shift-ESC. A list of available drivers
will be shown. Select one with Enter.
ITIPX.NET is an IPX Network driver for Impulse Tracker. It is recommended that
this is used over a LAN (ie. you will need a network card in your computer).
Although Kali will work (IPX over the internet), performance will probably be
unacceptable for most people through a modem.
The IPX driver *will not be stable* under Win95. Upgrade to Win98.
To install IPX to run under Windows, go to Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel.
Select Network, and under the Configuration Tab, press Add, then select
Protocol->Microsoft->IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol
The IPX driver will list the available sessions in the left hand box. Select
a session to join by pressing Enter.
The Username that the IPX driver transmits is associated with each driver file.
The public distribution identifies itself as "Unregistered". Different
usernames are availble for US$10 each. Payment can be made via Kagi at
Please specify a username, maximum length 15 characters, or else one will be
chosen for you. Updated versions of the driver, if made, will be provided free
of charge. However, changing your username will still cost $10.
'Normal' usage of this driver should run quite stably. However, if you try hard
to make it crash, I'm sure you will be able to.
Note that connections will be automatically dropped if queued packets fail to
be transmitted for more than 10 seconds.
General Notes
Impulse Tracker supports a maximum of 4 users per session. Extra users will
be automatically discarded.
Many functions have been disabled under network mode. You will receive warning
messages in these cases.
Do *NOT* use hardware mixed drivers for networked sessions. This specifically
means the AWE32, GUS and Interwave drivers. Since networked sessions can
change samples 'behind your back', these drivers will not update correctly.