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Object1 BYTE Public 'Data' section .data EndS ;Segment Help BYTE Public USE16 'Code' ; ;Assume CS:Help, DS:Nothing section .text %warning "USE16" ;ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ;³ Variables ³ ;ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ; Help contexts.... ; 0 = Order list & Panning ; 1 = Pattern edit list ; 2 = Sample list ; 3 = Load module ; 4 = Order list & Volume ; 5 = Configuration screen ; 6 = Load sample list ; 7 = Instrument list ; 8 = Keyboard list ; 9 = Info page ; 10 = Palette configuration ; 11 = Instrument list ; 12 = message editor ; 13 = MIDI Input ; 14 = MIDI Output HelpContext DW 0 TopLine DW 0 Positions DW 15 Dup (0) HelpContextPtrs Label Word DW HelpContext0Ptrs DW HelpContext1Ptrs DW HelpContext2Ptrs DW NoHelpContext DW HelpContext4Ptrs DW NoHelpContext DW NoHelpContext DW HelpContext7Ptrs DW NoHelpContext DW HelpContext9Ptrs DW NoHelpContext DW NoHelpContext DW HelpContext12Ptrs DW NoHelpContext DW NoHelpContext NoHelpContext DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_20 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW 0 HelpContext0Ptrs DW HelpContext0_26 DW HelpContext0_0 DW HelpContext0_27 DW NewLine DW HelpContext0_6 DW HelpContext0_28 DW HelpContext0_8 DW HelpContext0_9 DW HelpContext0_13 DW HelpContext0_14 DW HelpContext0_12 DW HelpContext0_15 DW NewLine DW HelpContext0_30 DW HelpContext0_29 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW NewLine DW Divider DW 0 HelpContext4Ptrs DW HelpContext4_0 DW HelpContext4_1 DW HelpContext4_2 DW NewLine DW HelpContext0_6 DW HelpContext0_28 DW HelpContext0_8 DW HelpContext0_9 DW HelpContext0_13 DW HelpContext0_14 DW HelpContext0_12 DW HelpContext0_15 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_20 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_22 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_23 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW NewLine DW Divider DW 0 NewLine DB 0, 0 Divider DB 2, 0FFh, 76, 154, 0 HelpContext0_26 DB 27, 0FFh, 1, 139, 0FFh, 26, 134, 0FFh, 1, 138, 0 HelpContext0_0 DB 27, 0FFh, 1, 132, ' ', 0B9h, 0AAh, 0A1h, 0B8h, ' ', 0FFh, 1, 145, 0 HelpContext0_27 DB 27, 0FFh, 1, 137, 0FFh, 26, 143, 0FFh, 1, 150, 0 HelpContext4_0 DB 22, 0FFh, 1, 139, 0FFh, 33, 134, 0FFh, 1, 138, 0 HelpContext4_1 DB 22, 0FFh, 1, 132, ' ', 0B9h, 0AAh, 0A1h, 8Dh, 89h, ' ', 0FFh, 1, 145, 0 HelpContext4_2 DB 22, 0FFh, 1, 137, 0FFh, 33, 143, 0FFh, 1, 150, 0 HelpContext0_6 DB 3, 0B9h, 0ADh, '.', 0 HelpContext0_28 DB 5, 'N', 0FFh, 17, ' ', 83h, 0B4h, 85h, 0 HelpContext0_8 DB 5, '-', 0FFh, 17, ' End ', 0BEh, 'song mark', 0 HelpContext0_9 DB 5, '+', 0FFh, 17, ' Skip ', 0B1h, 0B4h, 0B9h, 'mark', 0 HelpContext0_13 DB 5, 0C1h, 0FFh, 15, ' ', 83h, 0BFh, 85h, 0 HelpContext0_14 DB 5, 0C2h, 0FFh, 15, ' ', 84h, 0BFh, 85h, 0 HelpContext0_12 DB 5, 'Tab/', 82h, 'Tab', 0FFh, 5, ' ', 9Ch, 0B1h, 0B4h, 0B6h, 0 HelpContext0_15 DB 5, 81h, 'F7', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Fh, 'this ', 0B9h, 0B4h, 0 HelpContext0_30 DB 3, 0B8h, 0ADh, '.', 0 HelpContext0_29 DB 5, 'L/M/R/S', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 0A6h, 0B5h, 0B1h, 'Left/Middle/Right/Surround', 0 HelpGlobal_0 DB 3, 'G', 0B2h, 0ADh, '.', 0 HelpGlobal_1 DB 5, 'F1', 0FFh, 16, ' Help (Context sensitive!)', 0 HelpGlobal_37 DB 5, 82h, 'F1', 0FFh, 10, ' MIDI Screen', 0 HelpGlobal_3 DB 5, 'F2', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 86h, 'Editor / ', 86h, 'Editor Options', 0 HelpGlobal_4 DB 5, 'F3', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 94h, 0AAh, 0 HelpGlobal_20 DB 5, 81h, 'F3', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 94h, 0ABh, 0 HelpGlobal_9 DB 5, 'F4', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 8Eh, 0AAh, 0 HelpGlobal_22 DB 5, 81h, 'F4', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 8Eh, 0ABh, 0 HelpGlobal_10 DB 5, 'F5', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 9Fh, 'Information / ', 9Fh, 'song', 0 HelpGlobal_19 DB 5, 81h, 'F5', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Fh, 'Song', 0 HelpGlobal_11 DB 5, 'F6', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 9Fh, 0A2h, 85h, 0 HelpGlobal_12 DB 5, 82h, 'F6', 0FFh, 10, ' ', 9Fh, 'song ', 0A9h, 0A2h, 0B9h, 0 HelpGlobal_33 DB 5, 'F7', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 9Fh, 0A9h, 'mark / ', 0A2h, 'row', 0 HelpGlobal_13 DB 5, 'F8', 0FFh, 16, ' Stop Playback', 0 HelpGlobal_5 DB 5, 'F9', 0FFh, 16, ' Load Module', 0 HelpGlobal_23 DB 5, 82h, 'F9', 0FFh, 10, ' Message Editor', 0 HelpGlobal_6 DB 5, 'F10', 0FFh, 15, ' Save Module', 0 HelpGlobal_2 DB 5, 'F11', 0FFh, 15, ' ', 0B9h, 0AAh, 0A1h, 0B8h, 0 HelpGlobal_7 DB 3, '2*F11', 0FFh, 15, ' ', 0B9h, 0AAh, 0A1h, 8Dh, 89h, 0 HelpGlobal_8 DB 5, 'F12', 0FFh, 15, ' Song Variables & Directory Configuration', 0 HelpGlobal_32 DB 5, 81h, 'F12', 0FFh, 10, ' Palette Configuration', 0 HelpGlobal_17 DB 5, '{ }', 0FFh, 15, ' ', 93h, '/', 92h, ' playback ', 0C4h, 0 HelpGlobal_31 DB 5, '[ ]', 0FFh, 15, ' ', 93h, '/', 92h, ' g', 0B2h, 8Ah, 0 HelpGlobal_18 DB 5, 80h, 'F1 -> ', 80h, 'F8 ', 9Dh, 0A3h, 's 1->8', 0 HelpGlobal_16 DB 5, 81h, 'D', 0FFh, 12, ' DOS Shell', 0 HelpGlobal_34 DB 5, 81h, 'E', 0FFh, 12, ' Refresh screen ', 0A1h, 'reset cache identification', 0 HelpGlobal_35 DB 5, 81h, 'I', 0FFh, 12, ' Reinitialise sound driver', 0 HelpGlobal_36 DB 5, 81h, 'M', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 9Dh, 'mouse cursor', 0 HelpGlobal_21 DB 5, 81h, 'N', 0FFh, 12, ' New Song', 0 HelpGlobal_14 DB 5, 81h, 'Q', 0FFh, 12, ' Quit ', 0B1h, 'DOS', 0 HelpGlobal_15 DB 5, 81h, 'S', 0FFh, 12, ' Save ', 0A2h, 'song', 0 HelpContext1Ptrs Label Word DW HelpContext1_0 DW HelpContext1_1 DW HelpContext1_2 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_3 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_200 DW HelpContext1_201 DW HelpContext1_202 DW HelpContext1_203 DW HelpContext1_204 DW HelpContext1_205 DW HelpContext1_206 DW HelpContext1_207 DW HelpContext1_208 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_299 DW HelpContext1_4 DW HelpContext1_5 DW HelpContext1_6 DW HelpContext1_7 DW HelpContext1_8 DW HelpContext1_9 DW HelpContext1_10 DW HelpContext1_11 DW HelpContext1_12 DW HelpContext1_13 DW HelpContext1_14 DW HelpContext1_15 DW HelpContext1_16 DW HelpContext1_17 DW HelpContext1_18 DW HelpContext1_19 DW HelpContext1_20 DW HelpContext1_21 DW HelpContext1_22 DW HelpContext1_23 DW HelpContext1_24 DW HelpContext1_141 DW HelpContext1_142 DW HelpContext1_143 DW HelpContext1_25 DW HelpContext1_26 DW HelpContext1_135 DW HelpContext1_136 DW HelpContext1_137 DW HelpContext1_27 DW HelpContext1_28 DW HelpContext1_29 DW HelpContext1_30 DW HelpContext1_31 DW HelpContext1_32 DW HelpContext1_33 DW HelpContext1_34 DW HelpContext1_35 DW HelpContext1_36 DW HelpContext1_45 DW HelpContext1_46 DW HelpContext1_47 DW HelpContext1_48 DW HelpContext1_49 DW HelpContext1_50 DW HelpContext1_51 DW HelpContext1_62 DW HelpContext1_63 DW HelpContext1_64 DW HelpContext1_65 DW HelpContext1_66 DW HelpContext1_52 DW HelpContext1_53 DW HelpContext1_144 DW HelpContext1_145 DW HelpContext1_153 DW HelpContext1_154 DW HelpContext1_155 DW HelpContext1_156 DW HelpContext1_157 DW HelpContext1_162 DW HelpContext1_168 DW HelpContext1_169 DW HelpContext1_170 DW HelpContext1_171 DW HelpContext1_54 DW HelpContext1_55 DW HelpContext1_56 DW HelpContext1_57 DW HelpContext1_146 DW HelpContext1_58 DW HelpContext1_59 DW HelpContext1_60 DW HelpContext1_61 DW HelpContext1_179 DW HelpContext1_180 DW HelpContext1_67 DW HelpContext1_68 DW HelpContext1_69 DW HelpContext1_70 DW HelpContext1_138 DW HelpContext1_139 DW HelpContext1_140 DW HelpContext1_71 DW HelpContext1_72 DW HelpContext1_73 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_74 DW HelpContext1_114 DW HelpContext1_115 DW HelpContext1_134 DW HelpContext1_75 DW HelpContext1_76 DW HelpContext1_77 DW HelpContext1_78 DW HelpContext1_79 DW HelpContext1_80 DW HelpContext1_81 DW HelpContext1_181 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_82 DW HelpContext1_83 DW HelpContext1_163 DW HelpContext1_84 DW HelpContext1_85 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_86 DW HelpContext1_127 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_87 DW HelpContext1_164 DW HelpContext1_129 DW HelpContext1_88 DW HelpContext1_131 DW HelpContext1_90 DW HelpContext1_89 DW HelpContext1_160 DW HelpContext1_91 DW HelpContext1_92 DW HelpContext1_93 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_116 DW HelpContext1_124 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_130 DW HelpContext1_117 DW HelpContext1_161 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_166 DW HelpContext1_174 DW HelpContext1_300 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_176 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_118 DW HelpContext1_119 DW HelpContext1_120 DW HelpContext1_121 DW HelpContext1_122 DW HelpContext1_123 DW HelpContext1_128 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_167 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_159 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_94 DW HelpContext1_95 DW HelpContext1_96 DW HelpContext1_97 DW HelpContext1_98 DW HelpContext1_165 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_99 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_113 DW HelpContext1_100 DW HelpContext1_101 DW HelpContext1_102 DW HelpContext1_103 DW HelpContext1_104 DW HelpContext1_133 DW HelpContext1_105 DW HelpContext1_106 DW HelpContext1_132 DW HelpContext1_107 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_108 DW HelpContext1_109 DW HelpContext1_110 DW HelpContext1_111 DW HelpContext1_173 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_125 DW HelpContext1_126 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_112 DW HelpContext1_175 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_147 DW HelpContext1_148 DW HelpContext1_149 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_152 DW HelpContext1_158 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_150 DW HelpContext1_151 DW NewLine DW HelpContext1_172 DW HelpContext1_177 DW HelpContext1_178 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_20 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_22 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_23 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW NewLine DW Divider Comment & DW NewLine DW HelpHexTable0 DW HelpHexTable1 DW HelpHexTable2 DW NewLine DW HelpHexTable3 DW Divider DW HelpHexTable4 DW HelpHexTable5 DW HelpHexTable6 DW HelpHexTable7 DW HelpHexTable8 DW HelpHexTable9 DW HelpHexTable10 DW HelpHexTable11 DW HelpHexTable12 DW HelpHexTable13 DW HelpHexTable14 DW HelpHexTable15 DW HelpHexTable16 DW HelpHexTable17 DW HelpHexTable18 DW HelpHexTable19 DW HelpHexTable20 DW HelpHexTable21 DW HelpHexTable22 DW HelpHexTable23 DW HelpHexTable24 DW HelpHexTable25 DW HelpHexTable26 DW HelpHexTable27 DW HelpHexTable28 DW HelpHexTable29 DW HelpHexTable30 DW HelpHexTable31 DW HelpHexTable32 DW HelpHexTable33 DW HelpHexTable34 DW HelpHexTable35 DW Divider & DW 0 HelpContext1_0 DB 32, 0FFh, 1, 139, 0FFh, 16, 134, 0FFh, 1, 138, 0 HelpContext1_1 DB 32, 0FFh, 1, 132, ' ', 86h, 'Edit ', 0FFh, 1, 145, 0 HelpContext1_2 DB 32, 0FFh, 1, 137, 0FFh, 16, 143, 0FFh, 1, 150, 0 HelpContext1_3 DB 3, 'Summary ', 0BEh, 'Effects.', 0 HelpContext1_200 DB 4, 89h, 'Column ', 0BDh, 's.', 0 HelpContext1_201 DB 5, 'Ax', 8Bh, 8Ah, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_202 DB 5, 'Bx', 8Bh, 8Ah, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_203 DB 5, 'Cx ', 89h, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_204 DB 5, 'Dx ', 89h, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_205 DB 5, 'Ex ', 0BAh, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_206 DB 5, 'Fx ', 0BAh, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_207 DB 5, 'Gx ', 0BCh, 0B1h, 0A5h, 0A0h, 0C4h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_208 DB 5, 'Hx V', 0B3h, 0A0h, 0C6h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_299 DB 4, 'General ', 0BDh, 's.', 0 HelpContext1_4 DB 5, 'Axx ', 0A6h, 'song ', 0C4h, '(hex)', 0 HelpContext1_5 DB 5, 'Bxx Jump ', 0B1h, 0B9h, '(hex)', 0 HelpContext1_6 DB 5, 'Cxx Break ', 0B1h, 'row xx (hex) ', 0BEh, 0B4h, 85h, 0 HelpContext1_7 DB 5, 'D0x ', 89h, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_8 DB 5, 'Dx0 ', 89h, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_9 DB 5, 'DFx', 8Bh, 8Ah, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_10 DB 5, 'DxF', 8Bh, 8Ah, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_11 DB 5, 'Exx ', 0BAh, 88h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_12 DB 5, 'EFx', 8Bh, 0BBh, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_13 DB 5, 'EEx Extra fine ', 0BBh, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_14 DB 5, 'Fxx ', 0BAh, 87h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_15 DB 5, 'FFx', 8Bh, 0BBh, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_16 DB 5, 'FEx Extra fine ', 0BBh, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_17 DB 5, 'Gxx ', 0BCh, 0B1h, 0A5h, 0A0h, 0C4h, 'xx', 0 HelpContext1_18 DB 5, 'Hxy V', 0B3h, 0A0h, 0C5h, 0 HelpContext1_19 DB 5, 'Ixy Tremor ', 0A0h, 'ontime x ', 0A1h, 'offtime y', 0 HelpContext1_20 DB 5, 'Jxy Arpeggio ', 0A0h, 'halftones x ', 0A1h, 'y', 0 HelpContext1_21 DB 5, 'Kxx', 9Bh, 'H00 & Dxx', 0 HelpContext1_22 DB 5, 'Lxx', 9Bh, 'G00 & Dxx', 0 HelpContext1_23 DB 5, 'Mxx ', 0A6h, 0A4h, 8Ah, 0B1h, 'xx (0->40h)', 0 HelpContext1_24 DB 5, 'N0x ', 8Dh, 8Ah, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_141 DB 5, 'Nx0 ', 8Dh, 8Ah, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_142 DB 5, 'NFx', 8Bh, 0A4h, 8Ah, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_143 DB 5, 'NxF', 8Bh, 0A4h, 8Ah, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_25 DB 5, 'Oxx ', 0A6h, 95h, ' offset ', 0B1h, 'yxx00h, y set ', 0A0h, 'SAy', 0 HelpContext1_26 DB 5, 'P0x ', 0B8h, 0A7h, 0B1h, 'right ', 0B0h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_135 DB 5, 'Px0 ', 0B8h, 0A7h, 0B1h, 'left ', 0B0h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_136 DB 5, 'PFx', 8Bh, 0B5h, 0A7h, 0B1h, 'right ', 0B0h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_137 DB 5, 'PxF', 8Bh, 0B5h, 0A7h, 0B1h, 'left ', 0B0h, 'x', 0 HelpContext1_27 DB 5, 'Qxy Retrigger ', 0A5h, 'every y ticks ', 0A0h, 8Ah, 'modifier x', 0 HelpContext1_28 DB 7, 'Values for x:', 0 HelpContext1_29 DB 9, '0: No ', 8Ah, 0C9h, 0FFh, 8, ' 8: Not used', 0 HelpContext1_30 DB 9, '1: -1', 0FFh, 23, ' 9: +1', 0 HelpContext1_31 DB 9, '2: -2', 0FFh, 23, ' A: +2', 0 HelpContext1_32 DB 9, '3: -4', 0FFh, 23, ' B: +4', 0 HelpContext1_33 DB 9, '4: -8', 0FFh, 23, ' C: +8', 0 HelpContext1_34 DB 9, '5: -16', 0FFh, 22, ' D: +16', 0 HelpContext1_35 DB 9, '6: *2/3', 0FFh, 21, ' E: *3/2', 0 HelpContext1_36 DB 9, '7: *1/2', 0FFh, 21, ' F: *2', 0 ; HelpContext1_37 DB 9, '8: Not used', 0 ; HelpContext1_38 DB 9, '9: +1', 0 ; HelpContext1_39 DB 9, 'A: +2', 0 ; HelpContext1_40 DB 9, 'B: +4', 0 ; HelpContext1_41 DB 9, 'C: +8', 0 ; HelpContext1_42 DB 9, 'D: +16', 0 ; HelpContext1_43 DB 9, 'E: *3/2', 0 ; HelpContext1_44 DB 9, 'F: *2', 0 HelpContext1_45 DB 5, 'Rxy Tremelo ', 0A0h, 0C5h, 0 HelpContext1_46 DB 5, 0FEh, 7, 'S0x ', 0A6h, 'filter', 0 HelpContext1_47 DB 5, 0FEh, 7, 'S1x ', 0A6h, 'glissando control', 0 HelpContext1_48 DB 5, 0FEh, 7, 'S2x ', 0A6h, 'finetune', 0 HelpContext1_49 DB 5, 'S3x ', 0A6h, 'v', 0B3h, 9Ah, 0 HelpContext1_50 DB 5, 'S4x ', 0A6h, 'tremelo ', 9Ah, 0 HelpContext1_51 DB 5, 'S5x ', 0A6h, 'panbrello ', 9Ah, 0 HelpContext1_62 DB 7, 'Waveforms for commands S3x, S4x ', 0A1h, 'S5x:', 0 HelpContext1_63 DB 9, '0: Sine wave', 0 HelpContext1_64 DB 9, '1: Ramp down', 0 HelpContext1_65 DB 9, '2: Square wave', 0 HelpContext1_66 DB 9, '3: Random wave', 0 HelpContext1_52 DB 5, 'S6x ', 86h, 'delay for x ticks', 0 HelpContext1_53 DB 5, 'S70', 0C0h, 0A5h, 'cut', 0 HelpContext1_144 DB 5, 'S71', 0C0h, 0A5h, 'off', 0 HelpContext1_145 DB 5, 'S72', 0C0h, 0A5h, 'fade', 0 HelpContext1_153 DB 5, 'S73', 96h, 0A5h, 'cut', 0 HelpContext1_154 DB 5, 'S74', 96h, 'continue', 0 HelpContext1_155 DB 5, 'S75', 96h, 0A5h, 'off', 0 HelpContext1_156 DB 5, 'S76', 96h, 0A5h, 'fade', 0 HelpContext1_157 DB 5, 'S77 ', 0ACh, 'off ', 8Ah, 8Ch, 0 HelpContext1_162 DB 5, 'S78 ', 0ACh, 'on ', 8Ah, 8Ch, 0 HelpContext1_168 DB 5, 'S79 ', 0ACh, 'off ', 0B5h, 8Ch, 0 HelpContext1_169 DB 5, 'S7A ', 0ACh, 'on ', 0B5h, 8Ch, 0 HelpContext1_170 DB 5, 'S7B ', 0ACh, 'off ', 0BBh, 8Ch, 0 HelpContext1_171 DB 5, 'S7C ', 0ACh, 'on ', 0BBh, 8Ch, 0 HelpContext1_54 DB 5, 'S8x ', 0A6h, 0B5h, 'position', 0 HelpContext1_55 DB 5, 'S91 ', 0A6h, 'surround sound', 0 HelpContext1_56 DB 5, 'SAy ', 0A6h, 'high value ', 0BEh, 95h, ' offset yxx00h', 0 HelpContext1_57 DB 5, 'SB0 ', 0A6h, 'loopback point', 0 HelpContext1_146 DB 5, 'SBx Loop x times ', 0B1h, 'loopback point', 0 HelpContext1_58 DB 5, 'SCx ', 0C3h, 'cut after x ticks', 0 HelpContext1_59 DB 5, 'SDx ', 0C3h, 'delay for x ticks', 0 HelpContext1_60 DB 5, 'SEx ', 86h, 'delay for x rows', 0 HelpContext1_61 DB 5, 'SFx ', 0A6h, 'parameterised MIDI Macro', 0 HelpContext1_179 DB 5, 'T0x ', 97h, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_180 DB 5, 'T1x ', 97h, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_67 DB 5, 'Txx ', 0A6h, 97h, 0B1h, 'xx (20h->0FFh)', 0 HelpContext1_68 DB 5, 'Uxy', 8Bh, 'v', 0B3h, 0A0h, 0C5h, 0 HelpContext1_69 DB 5, 'Vxx ', 0A6h, 'g', 0B2h, 8Ah, 0B1h, 'xx (0->80h)', 0 HelpContext1_70 DB 5, 'W0x G', 0B2h, 8Ah, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_138 DB 5, 'Wx0 G', 0B2h, 8Ah, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_139 DB 5, 'WFx', 8Bh, 'g', 0B2h, 8Ah, 88h, 0 HelpContext1_140 DB 5, 'WxF', 8Bh, 'g', 0B2h, 8Ah, 87h, 0 HelpContext1_71 DB 5, 'Xxx ', 0A6h, 0B5h, 'position (0->0FFh)', 0 HelpContext1_72 DB 5, 'Yxy Panbrello ', 0A0h, 0C5h, 0 HelpContext1_73 DB 5, 'Zxx MIDI Macros', 0 HelpContext1_74 DB 3, 86h, 'Edit ', 0ADh, '.', 0 HelpContext1_114 DB 5, 'Grey +,-', 0FFh, 9, ' ', 0C7h, 85h, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_115 DB 5, 'Shift +,-', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 0C7h, '4 ', 85h, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_134 DB 5, "Ctrl +,-", 0FFh, 9, " ", 0C7h, "order's ", 85h, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_75 DB 5, '0-9', 0FFh, 14, ' ', 0C8h, 'octave/volume/', 8Fh, 0 HelpContext1_76 DB 5, '0-9, A-F', 0FFh, 9, ' ', 0C8h, 0BDh, 'value', 0 HelpContext1_77 DB 5, 'A-Z', 0FFh, 14, ' ', 0C8h, 0BDh, 0 HelpContext1_78 DB 5, '. (Period)', 0FFh, 7, ' Clear field(s)', 0 HelpContext1_79 DB 5, '1', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 0C3h, 'cut (^^^)', 0 HelpContext1_80 DB 5, '`', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 0C3h, 'off (', 0FFh, 3, 'Í) / ', 0B8h, 9Dh, 0 HelpContext1_81 DB 5, 'Spacebar', 0FFh, 9, ' Use last note/', 8Fh, '/volume/', 0BDh, '/', 0BDh, 'value', 0 HelpContext1_181 DB 5, 'Caps Lock+Key', 0FFh, 4, ' Preview ', 0A5h, 0 HelpContext1_82 DB 5, 99h, 0FFh, 11, ' Get default note/', 8Fh, '/volume/', 0BDh, 0 HelpContext1_83 DB 5, '< or ', 81h, 'Up', 0FFh, 5, ' ', 93h, ' ', 8Fh, 0 HelpContext1_163 DB 5, '> or ', 81h, 'Down ', 92h, ' ', 8Fh, 0 HelpContext1_84 DB 5, 'Grey /,*', 0FFh, 9, ' ', 93h, '/', 92h, ' octave', 0 HelpContext1_85 DB 5, ', (Comma)', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 9Dh, 'edit mask for ', 0A2h, 'field', 0 HelpContext1_86 DB 5, 0C1h, '/', 0C2h, 0FFh, 10, ' ', 9Eh, 0BFh, 'row to/', 0A9h, 0A2h, 0A3h, 0 HelpContext1_127 DB 5, 80h, 0C1h, '/', 0C2h, 0FFh, 6, ' ', 9Eh, 'an entire row to/', 0A9h, 85h, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_87 DB 5, 'Up/Down', 0FFh, 10, ' ', 9Ch, 0B7h, 0B0h, 'the skipvalue (set ', 0A0h, 'Alt 0-9)', 0 HelpContext1_164 DB 5, 81h, 'Home/End', 0FFh, 4, ' ', 9Ch, 0B7h, 0B0h, '1 row', 0 HelpContext1_129 DB 5, 80h, 'Up/Down', 0FFh, 6, ' ', 0BCh, 85h, 0B7h, 0B0h, '1 row', 0 HelpContext1_88 DB 5, 'Left/Right', 0FFh, 7, ' ', 9Ch, 'cursor left/right', 0 HelpContext1_131 DB 5, 80h, 'Left/Right ', 9Ch, 'forwards/backwards one ', 0A3h, 0 HelpContext1_90 DB 5, 'Tab/', 82h, 'Tab', 0FFh, 4, ' ', 9Ch, 'forwards/backwards ', 0B1h, 0A5h, 'column', 0 HelpContext1_89 DB 5, 'PgUp/PgDn', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 9Ch, 0B7h, 'n lines (n=Row Hilight Major)', 0 HelpContext1_160 DB 5, 81h, 'PgUp/PgDn ', 9Ch, 0B1h, 'top/bottom ', 0BEh, 85h, 0 HelpContext1_91 DB 5, 'Home', 0FFh, 13, ' ', 9Ch, 0B1h, 'start ', 0BEh, 'column/start of line/start of ', 85h, 0 HelpContext1_92 DB 5, 'End', 0FFh, 14, ' ', 9Ch, 0B1h, 'end ', 0BEh, 'column/end ', 0BEh, 'line/end of', 85h, 0 HelpContext1_93 DB 5, 'Backspace', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 9Ch, 0B1h, 'previous position (accounts for Multi', 0A3h, ')', 0 HelpContext1_116 DB 5, 80h, 'N', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 9Dh, 'Multichannel mode for ', 0A2h, 0A3h, 0 HelpContext1_124 DB 3, '2*', 80h, 'N', 0FFh, 12, ' Multichannel Selection menu', 0 HelpContext1_130 DB 5, 80h, 99h, 0FFh, 7, ' Store ', 85h, 90h, 0 HelpContext1_117 DB 5, 80h, 'Backspace', 0FFh, 4, ' Revert ', 85h, 90h, ' ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_161 DB 5, 81h, 'Backspace Undo - any function ', 0A0h, 0CDh, ' can be undone', 0 HelpContext1_166 DB 5, 81h, 'C', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Dh, 'centralise cursor', 0 HelpContext1_174 DB 5, 81h, 'H', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Dh, 0A2h, 'row hilight', 0 HelpContext1_300 DB 5, 81h, 'V', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Dh, 'default ', 8Ah, 'display', 0 HelpContext1_176 DB 5, 81h, 'F2', 0FFh, 10, ' ', 0A6h, 85h, 'length', 0 HelpContext1_118 DB 4, 'Track View Functions.', 0 HelpContext1_119 DB 5, 80h, "T", 0FFh, 12, " Cycle ", 0A2h, "track's view", 0 HelpContext1_120 DB 5, 80h, 'R', 0FFh, 12, ' Clear all ', 0CBh, 'views', 0 HelpContext1_121 DB 5, 80h, 'H', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 9Dh, 0CBh, 'view divisions', 0 HelpContext1_122 DB 5, 81h, '0', 0FFh, 11, ' Deselect ', 0A2h, 0CBh, 0 HelpContext1_123 DB 5, 81h, '1 - ', 81h, '5 View ', 0A2h, 0CBh, 'in scheme 1-5', 0 HelpContext1_128 DB 5, 81h, 'Left/Right ', 9Ch, 'left/right ', 0A8h, 0CBh, 'view columns', 0 HelpContext1_167 DB 5, 'L-Ctrl&Shift 1-4 Quick view scheme setup', 0 HelpContext1_159 DB 5, 81h, 'T', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Dh, 'View-', 8Dh, 'cursor-tracking', 0 HelpContext1_94 DB 4, 'Block Functions.', 0 HelpContext1_95 DB 5, 80h, 'B', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0CAh, 'beginning ', 0BEh, 0CCh, 0 HelpContext1_96 DB 5, 80h, 'E', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0CAh, 'end ', 0BEh, 0CCh, 0 HelpContext1_97 DB 5, 80h, 'D', 0FFh, 12, ' Quick mark n/2n/4n/... lines (n=Row Hilight Major)', 0 HelpContext1_98 DB 5, 80h, 'L', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0CAh, 'entire column/', 85h, 0 HelpContext1_165 DB 5, 82h, 'Arrows', 0FFh, 5, ' ', 0CAh, 0CCh, 0 HelpContext1_99 DB 5, 80h, 'U', 0FFh, 12, ' Unmark block/Release ', 98h, 'memory', 0 HelpContext1_113 DB 5, 80h, 'Q', 0FFh, 12, ' Raise notes ', 0B0h, 0BFh, 0AFh, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_100 DB 5, 80h, 'A', 0FFh, 12, ' Lower notes ', 0B0h, 0BFh, 0AFh, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_101 DB 5, 80h, 'S', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0A6h, 8Eh, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_102 DB 5, 80h, 'V', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0A6h, 'volume/', 0B5h, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_103 DB 5, 80h, 'W', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0CEh, 'vol/pan not associated ', 0A0h, 0BFh, 'note/', 8Fh, ' ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_104 DB 5, 80h, 'K', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0BCh, 'volume/', 0B5h, 'column ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_133 DB 3, '2*', 80h, 'K', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0CEh, 'all volume/', 0B5h, 'controls ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_105 DB 5, 80h, 'J', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 89h, 'amplifier ', 0CDh, ' / Fast ', 8Ah, 'attenuate ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_106 DB 5, 80h, 'Z', 0FFh, 12, ' Cut ', 0CCh, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_132 DB 5, 80h, 'X', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0BCh, 0BDh, ' value ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_107 DB 3, '2*', 80h, 'X', 0FFh, 12, ' ', 0CEh, 'all ', 0BDh, ' ', 90h, ' ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_108 DB 5, 80h, 'C', 0FFh, 12, ' Copy ', 0CCh, 'into ', 98h, 0 HelpContext1_109 DB 5, 80h, 'P', 0FFh, 12, ' Paste ', 90h, ' ', 0A9h, 98h, 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_110 DB 5, 80h, 'O', 0FFh, 12, ' Overwrite ', 0A0h, 90h, ' ', 0A9h, 98h, ' ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_111 DB 5, 80h, 'M', 0FFh, 12, ' Mix each row ', 0A9h, 98h, 0A0h, 85h, 90h, ' ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_173 DB 3, '2*', 80h, 'M', 0FFh, 12, ' Mix each field ', 0A9h, 98h, 0A0h, 85h, 90h, 0 HelpContext1_125 DB 5, 80h, 'F', 0FFh, 12, ' Double ', 0CCh, 'length ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_126 DB 5, 80h, 'G', 0FFh, 12, ' Halve ', 0CCh, 'length ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_112 DB 5, 80h, 'I', 0FFh, 12, ' Select Template mode / Fast ', 8Ah, 'amplify ', 0CDh, 0 HelpContext1_175 DB 5, 81h, 'J', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Dh, 'fast ', 8Ah, 'mode', 0 HelpContext1_147 DB 3, 'Playback Functions.', 0 HelpContext1_148 DB 5, '4', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 9Fh, 0A5h, 'under cursor', 0 HelpContext1_149 DB 5, '8', 0FFh, 16, ' ', 9Fh, 'row', 0 HelpContext1_152 DB 5, 81h, 'F6', 0FFh, 10, ' ', 9Fh, 0A9h, 0A2h, 'row', 0 HelpContext1_158 DB 5, 81h, 'F7', 0FFh, 10, ' Set/Clear playback mark (for use ', 0A0h, 'F7)', 0 HelpContext1_150 DB 5, 80h, 'F9', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Dh, 0A2h, 0A3h, 0 HelpContext1_151 DB 5, 80h, 'F10', 0FFh, 10, ' Solo ', 0A2h, 0A3h, 0 HelpContext1_172 DB 5, 'Scroll Lock', 0FFh, 6, ' ', 9Dh, 'playback tracing', 0 HelpContext1_177 DB 5, 81h, 'Z', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 0C8h, 'MIDI playback trigger', 0 HelpContext1_178 DB 5, 80h, 'Scroll Lock ', 9Dh, 'MIDI input', 0 HelpContext2Ptrs Label Word DW HelpContext2_0 DW HelpContext2_1 DW HelpContext2_2 DW NewLine DW HelpContext2_3 DW HelpContext2_10 DW HelpContext2_4 DW HelpContext2_5 DW NewLine DW HelpContext2_11 DW HelpContext2_23 DW HelpContext2_8 DW HelpContext2_6 DW HelpContext2_17 DW HelpContext2_18 DW HelpContext2_27 DW HelpContext2_30 DW HelpContext2_33 DW HelpContext2_7 DW HelpContext2_29 DW HelpContext2_28 DW HelpContext2_14 DW HelpContext2_19 DW HelpContext2_12 DW HelpContext2_13 DW HelpContext2_16 DW HelpContext2_15 DW HelpContext2_9 DW NewLine DW HelpContext2_31 DW HelpContext2_32 DW NewLine DW HelpContext2_26 DW NewLine DW HelpContext2_21 DW HelpContext2_22 DW HelpContext2_24 DW HelpContext2_25 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_20 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_22 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_23 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW NewLine DW Divider DW 0 ; End of list. HelpContext2_0 DB 31, 0FFh, 1, 139, 0FFh, 17, 134, 0FFh, 1, 138, 0 HelpContext2_1 DB 31, 0FFh, 1, 132, ' ', 94h, 0AAh, ' ', 0FFh, 1, 145, 0 HelpContext2_2 DB 31, 0FFh, 1, 137, 0FFh, 17, 143, 0FFh, 1, 150, 0 HelpContext2_3 DB 3, 94h, 0AAh, 0ADh, '.', 0 HelpContext2_10 DB 5, 99h, 0FFh, 7, ' Load new ', 95h, 0 HelpContext2_4 DB 5, 'Tab', 0FFh, 10, ' ', 9Ch, 0A8h, 'options', 0 HelpContext2_5 DB 5, 'PgUp/PgDn', 0FFh, 4, ' ', 9Ch, 0B7h, '(when not on list)', 0 HelpContext2_11 DB 5, 80h, 'A', 0FFh, 8, ' Convert Signed to/', 0A9h, 'Unsigned ', 95h, 's', 0 HelpContext2_23 DB 5, 80h, 'B', 0FFh, 8, ' Pre-Loop cut ', 95h, 0 HelpContext2_8 DB 5, 80h, 'C', 0FFh, 8, ' Clear ', 94h, 'Name & Filename (Used in ', 94h, 'Name ', 0B6h, ')', 0 HelpContext2_6 DB 5, 80h, 'D', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 084h, 94h, 0 HelpContext2_17 DB 5, 80h, 'E', 0FFh, 8, ' Resize ', 94h, '(', 0A0h, 'interpolation)', 0 HelpContext2_18 DB 5, 80h, 'F', 0FFh, 8, ' Resize ', 94h, '(without interpolation)', 0 HelpContext2_27 DB 5, 80h, 'G', 0FFh, 8, ' Reverse ', 94h, 0 HelpContext2_30 DB 5, 80h, 'H', 0FFh, 8, ' Centralise ', 94h, 0 HelpContext2_33 DB 5, 80h, 'I', 0FFh, 8, ' Invert ', 94h, 0 HelpContext2_7 DB 5, 80h, 'L', 0FFh, 8, ' Post-Loop cut ', 95h, 0 HelpContext2_29 DB 5, 80h, 'M', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 94h, 'amplifier', 0 HelpContext2_28 DB 5, 80h, 'N', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 9Dh, 'Multi', 0A4h, 'playback', 0 HelpContext2_14 DB 5, 80h, 'O', 0FFh, 8, ' Save ', 0A2h, 95h, ' ', 0B1h, 'disk (IT Format)', 0 HelpContext2_19 DB 5, 80h, 'Q', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 9Dh, 95h, ' quality', 0 HelpContext2_12 DB 5, 80h, 'R', 0FFh, 8, ' Replace ', 0A2h, 95h, ' in song', 0 HelpContext2_13 DB 5, 80h, 'S', 0FFh, 8, ' Swap ', 95h, ' (in song also)', 0 HelpContext2_16 DB 5, 80h, 'T', 0FFh, 8, ' Save ', 0A2h, 95h, ' ', 0B1h, 'disk (ST3 Format)', 0 %IF SAVESAMPLEWAV HelpContext2_15 DB 5, 80h, 'W', 0FFh, 8, ' Save ', 0A2h, 95h, ' ', 0B1h, 'disk (WAV Format)', 0 %ELSE HelpContext2_15 DB 5, 80h, 'W', 0FFh, 8, ' Save ', 0A2h, 95h, ' ', 0B1h, 'disk (RAW Format)', 0 %ENDIF HelpContext2_9 DB 5, 80h, 'X', 0FFh, 8, ' Ex', 0C9h, 95h, ' (only in ', 94h, 'List)', 0 HelpContext2_31 DB 5, 80h, 0C1h, 0FFh, 6, ' ', 83h, 95h, ' ', 91h, 0 HelpContext2_32 DB 5, 80h, 0C2h, 0FFh, 6, ' Remove ', 95h, ' ', 91h, 0 HelpContext2_26 DB 5, '< >', 0FFh, 10, ' ', 93h, '/', 92h, ' playback ', 0A3h, 0 HelpContext2_21 DB 5, 80h, 'Grey + ', 92h, 0AEh, 'octave', 0 HelpContext2_22 DB 5, 80h, 'Grey - ', 93h, 0AEh, 'octave', 0 HelpContext2_24 DB 5, 81h, 'Grey + ', 92h, 0AEh, 0AFh, 0 HelpContext2_25 DB 5, 81h, 'Grey - ', 93h, 0AEh, 0AFh, 0 HelpContext7Ptrs Label Word DW HelpContext7_0 DW HelpContext7_1 DW HelpContext7_2 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_8 DW HelpContext7_26 DW HelpContext7_9 DW HelpContext7_10 DW HelpContext7_36 DW HelpContext7_22 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_25 DW HelpContext7_24 DW HelpContext7_23 DW HelpContext7_28 DW HelpContext7_11 DW HelpContext7_12 DW HelpContext7_13 DW HelpContext7_14 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_34 DW HelpContext7_35 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_33 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_3 DW HelpContext7_4 DW HelpContext7_5 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_6 DW HelpContext7_7 DW HelpContext7_27 DW HelpContext7_29 DW HelpContext7_30 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_15 DW HelpContext7_16 DW HelpContext7_17 DW HelpContext7_18 DW HelpContext7_19 DW NewLine DW HelpContext7_20 DW HelpContext7_21 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_20 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_22 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_23 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW NewLine DW Divider DW 0 ; End of list HelpContext7_0 DB 29, 0FFh, 1, 139, 0FFh, 21, 134, 0FFh, 1, 138, 0 HelpContext7_1 DB 29, 0FFh, 1, 132, ' ', 8Eh, 0AAh, ' ', 0FFh, 1, 145, 0 HelpContext7_2 DB 29, 0FFh, 1, 137, 0FFh, 21, 143, 0FFh, 1, 150, 0 HelpContext7_8 DB 3, 8Eh, 0AAh, 0ADh, ".", 0 HelpContext7_26 DB 5, 99h, 0FFh, 10, " Load new ", 8Fh, 0 HelpContext7_9 DB 5, 81h, "PgUp/PgDn ", 9Ch, 8Fh, " ", 0B7h, "(when not on list)", 0 HelpContext7_10 DB 5, 80h, "C", 0FFh, 11, " Clear ", 8Fh, " name & filename", 0 HelpContext7_36 DB 5, 80h, "W", 0FFh, 11, ' ', 0CEh, 8Fh, " ", 90h, 0 HelpContext7_22 DB 5, "Spacebar", 0FFh, 8, " Edit ", 8Fh, " name (ESC ", 0B1h, "exit)", 0 HelpContext7_25 DB 5, 80h, 'D', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 084h, 8Fh, ' & all related ', 95h, 's', 0 HelpContext7_24 DB 5, 80h, 'N', 0FFh, 11, ' ', 9Dh, 'Multi', 0A4h, 'playback', 0 HelpContext7_23 DB 5, 80h, 'O', 0FFh, 11, ' Save ', 0A2h, 8Fh, ' ', 0B1h, 'disk', 0 HelpContext7_28 DB 5, 80h, 'P', 0FFh, 11, ' Copy ', 8Fh, 0 HelpContext7_11 DB 5, 80h, 'R', 0FFh, 11, ' Replace ', 0A2h, 8Fh, ' in song', 0 HelpContext7_12 DB 5, 80h, 'S', 0FFh, 11, ' Swap ', 08Fh, 's (in song also)', 0 HelpContext7_13 DB 5, 80h, 'U', 0FFh, 11, ' Update ', 85h, 90h, 0 HelpContext7_14 DB 5, 80h, 'X', 0FFh, 11, ' Ex', 0C9h, 08Fh, 's (only in ', 08Eh, 'List)', 0 HelpContext7_34 DB 5, 80h, 0C1h, 0FFh, 9, ' ', 83h, 8Fh, ' ', 91h, 0 HelpContext7_35 DB 5, 80h, 0C2h, 0FFh, 9, ' Remove ', 8Fh, ' ', 91h, 0 HelpContext7_33 DB 5, '< >', 0FFh, 13, ' ', 93h, '/', 92h, ' playback ', 0A3h, 0 HelpContext7_3 DB 3, 0C3h, "Translation.", 0 HelpContext7_4 DB 5, 99h, 0FFh, 10, " Pickup ", 95h, " number & default play ", 0A5h, 0 HelpContext7_5 DB 5, "< >", 0FFh, 13, " ", 93h, "/", 92h, " ", 95h, " number", 0 HelpContext7_6 DB 5, 80h, "A", 0FFh, 11, " ", 0C8h, "all ", 95h, "s", 0 HelpContext7_7 DB 5, 80h, "N", 0FFh, 11, " ", 99h, 0B4h, 0A5h, 0 HelpContext7_27 DB 5, 80h, "P", 0FFh, 11, " ", 99h, "previous ", 0A5h, 0 HelpContext7_29 DB 5, 80h, "Up/Down", 0FFh, 5, " Transpose all notes ", 0BFh, 0AFh, 0B7h, 0 HelpContext7_30 DB 5, 80h, 0C1h, "/", 0C2h, 0FFh, 5, " ", 9Eh, 0BFh, "row ", 0A9h, "the table", 0 HelpContext7_15 DB 3, 'Envelope ', 0ADh, '.', 0 HelpContext7_16 DB 5, 99h, 0FFh, 10, ' Pick up/Drop ', 0A2h, 'node', 0 HelpContext7_17 DB 5, 83h, 0FFh, 9, ' Add node', 0 HelpContext7_18 DB 5, 84h, 0FFh, 9, ' ', 084h, 'node', 0 HelpContext7_19 DB 5, 80h, 'Arrow ', 0ADh, ' ', 9Ch, 'node (fast)', 0 HelpContext7_20 DB 5, 'Press Spacebar ', 9Fh, 'default ', 0A5h, 0 HelpContext7_21 DB 5, 'Release Space ', 0C3h, 'off command', 0 HelpContext9Ptrs Label Word DW HelpContext9_0 DW HelpContext9_1 DW HelpContext9_2 DW NewLine DW HelpContext9_3 DW HelpContext9_4 DW HelpContext9_11 DW HelpContext9_5 DW HelpContext9_6 DW HelpContext9_7 DW NewLine DW HelpContext9_15 DW HelpContext9_16 DW NewLine DW HelpContext9_8 DW HelpContext9_9 DW NewLine DW HelpContext9_10 DW NewLine DW HelpContext9_12 DW HelpContext9_14 DW NewLine DW HelpContext9_13 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_20 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_22 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_23 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW NewLine DW Divider DW 0 HelpContext9_0 DB 33, 0FFh, 1, 139, 0FFh, 13, 134, 0FFh, 1, 138, 0 HelpContext9_1 DB 33, 0FFh, 1, 132, ' Info Page ', 0FFh, 1, 145, 0 HelpContext9_2 DB 33, 0FFh, 1, 137, 0FFh, 13, 143, 0FFh, 1, 150, 0 HelpContext9_3 DB 3, 83h, 0FFh, 11, ' Add ', 0BFh, 'new ', 0B6h, 0 HelpContext9_4 DB 3, 84h, 0FFh, 11, ' ', 084h, 0A2h, 0B6h, 0 HelpContext9_11 DB 3, 'Tab/', 82h, 'Tab', 0FFh, 5, ' ', 9Ch, 0A8h, 0B6h, 's', 0 HelpContext9_5 DB 3, 'Up/Dn/Left/Right ', 9Ch, 'highlighted ', 0A3h, 0 HelpContext9_6 DB 3, 'PgUp/PgDn', 0FFh, 9, ' ', 0C8h, 0B6h, ' type', 0 HelpContext9_7 DB 3, 80h, 'Up/Down', 0FFh, 7, ' ', 9Ch, 0B6h, ' base ', 0B7h, 0 HelpContext9_15 DB 3, 'V', 0FFh, 17, ' ', 9Dh, 0A8h, 'volume/velocity bars', 0 HelpContext9_16 DB 3, 'I', 0FFh, 17, ' ', 9Dh, 0A8h, 95h, '/', 8Fh, ' names', 0 HelpContext9_8 DB 3, 'Q', 0FFh, 17, ' Mute/Unmute ', 0A2h, 0A3h, 0 HelpContext9_9 DB 3, 'S', 0FFh, 17, ' Solo ', 0A2h, 0A3h, 0 HelpContext9_10 DB 3, 'Grey +, Grey -', 0FFh, 4, ' ', 9Ch, 'forwards/backwards one ', 85h, 'in song', 0 HelpContext9_12 DB 3, 80h, 'S', 0FFh, 13, ' ', 9Dh, 'Stereo playback', 0 HelpContext9_14 DB 3, 80h, 'R', 0FFh, 13, ' Reverse output ', 0A3h, 's', 0 Helpcontext9_13 DB 3, 'G', 0FFh, 17, ' Goto ', 85h, 'currently playing', 0 HelpContext12Ptrs Label Word DW HelpContext12_0 DW HelpContext12_1 DW HelpContext12_2 DW NewLine DW HelpContext12_3 DW NewLine DW HelpContext12_4 DW HelpContext12_5 DW HelpContext12_6 DW NewLine DW Divider DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_0 DW HelpGlobal_1 DW HelpGlobal_37 DW HelpGlobal_3 DW HelpGlobal_4 DW HelpGlobal_20 DW HelpGlobal_9 DW HelpGlobal_22 DW HelpGlobal_10 DW HelpGlobal_19 DW HelpGlobal_11 DW HelpGlobal_12 DW HelpGlobal_33 DW HelpGlobal_13 DW HelpGlobal_5 DW HelpGlobal_23 DW HelpGlobal_6 DW HelpGlobal_2 DW HelpGlobal_7 DW HelpGlobal_8 DW HelpGlobal_32 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_17 DW HelpGlobal_31 DW HelpGlobal_18 DW NewLine DW HelpGlobal_16 DW HelpGlobal_34 DW HelpGlobal_35 DW HelpGlobal_36 DW HelpGlobal_21 DW HelpGlobal_14 DW HelpGlobal_15 DW NewLine DW Divider DW 0 HelpContext12_0 DB 31, 0FFh, 1, 139, 0FFh, 18, 134, 0FFh, 1, 138, 0 HelpContext12_1 DB 31, 0FFh, 1, 132, ' Message Editor ', 0FFh, 1, 145, 0 HelpContext12_2 DB 31, 0FFh, 1, 137, 0FFh, 18, 143, 0FFh, 1, 150, 0 HelpContext12_3 DB 3, 99h, '/ ESC', 0FFh, 5, ' Edit message / finished editing', 0 HelpContext12_4 DB 3, 'Editing ', 0ADh, '.', 0 HelpContext12_5 DB 5, 81h, 'Y', 0FFh, 8, ' ', 084h, 'line', 0 HelpContext12_6 DB 5, 80h, 'C', 0FFh, 9, ' Clear message', 0 ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DecodeWord80h DB "Alt-", 0 DecodeWord81h DB "Ctrl-", 0 DecodeWord82h DB "Shift-", 0 DecodeWord83h DB 0C1h, "ert ", 0 DecodeWord84h DB 0C2h, "ete ", 0 DecodeWord85h DB "pattern ", 0 DecodeWord86h DB "Pattern ", 0 DecodeWord87h DB 0A7h, "up ", 0B0h, "x", 0 DecodeWord88h DB 0A7h, "down ", 0B0h, "x", 0 DecodeWord89h DB "Volume ", 0 DecodeWord8Ah DB "volume ", 0 DecodeWord8Bh DB " Fine ", 0 DecodeWord8Ch DB "envelope", 0 DecodeWord8Dh DB "Channel ", 0 DecodeWord8Eh DB 0C1h, "trument ", 0 DecodeWord8Fh DB "instrument", 0 DecodeWord90h DB "data", 0 DecodeWord91h DB "slot (updates ", 85h, 90h, ")", 0 DecodeWord92h DB "Increase", 0 DecodeWord93h DB "Decrease", 0 DecodeWord94h DB "Sample ", 0 DecodeWord95h DB "sample", 0 DecodeWord96h DB " ", 0A6h, "NNA ", 0B1h, 0 DecodeWord97h DB "Tempo ", 0 DecodeWord98h DB "clipboard ", 0 DecodeWord99h DB "Enter ", 0 DecodeWord9Ah DB "waveform ", 0B1h, "type x", 0 DecodeWord9Bh DB " Dual Command: ", 0 DecodeWord9Ch DB "Move ", 0 DecodeWord9Dh DB "Toggle ", 0 DecodeWord9Eh DB 0C1h, "ert/", 0C2h, "ete ", 0 DecodeWord9Fh DB "Play ", 0 DecodeWordA0h DB "with ", 0 DecodeWordA1h DB "and ", 0 DecodeWordA2h DB "current ", 0 DecodeWordA3h DB "channel", 0 DecodeWordA4h DB 0A3h, ' ', 0 DecodeWordA5h DB "note ", 0 DecodeWordA6h DB "Set ", 0 DecodeWordA7h DB "slide ", 0 DecodeWordA8h DB "between ", 0 DecodeWordA9h DB "from ", 0 DecodeWordAAh DB "List ", 0 DecodeWordABh DB "Library ", 0 DecodeWordACh DB "Turn ", 0 DecodeWordADh DB "Keys", 0 DecodeWordAEh DB ' C-5 Frequency by 1 ', 0 DecodeWordAFh DB 'semitone ', 0 DecodeWordB0h DB "by ", 0 DecodeWordB1h DB "to ", 0 DecodeWordB2h DB "lobal ", 0 DecodeWordB3h DB "ibra", 0B1h, 0 DecodeWordB4h DB "next ", 0 DecodeWordB5h DB "panning ", 0 DecodeWordB6h DB "window", 0 DecodeWordB7h DB "up/down ", 0 DecodeWordB8h DB "Panning ", 0 DecodeWordB9h DB "Order ", 0 DecodeWordBAh DB "Pitch ", 0 DecodeWordBBh DB "pitch ", 0 DecodeWordBCh DB "Slide ", 0 DecodeWordBDh DB "effect", 0 DecodeWordBEh DB "of ", 0 DecodeWordBFh DB "a ", 0 DecodeWordC0h DB " Past ", 0 DecodeWordC1h DB "Ins", 0 DecodeWordC2h DB "Del", 0 DecodeWordC3h DB "Note ", 0 DecodeWordC4h DB "speed ", 0 DecodeWordC5h DB 0C4h, "x, ", 0C6h, "y", 0 DecodeWordC6h DB "depth ", 0 DecodeWordC7h DB "Next/Previous ", 0 DecodeWordC8h DB "Change ", 0 DecodeWordC9h DB "change ", 0 DecodeWordCAh DB "Mark ", 0 DecodeWordCBh DB "track ", 0 DecodeWordCCh DB "block ", 0 DecodeWordCDh DB " (*)", 0 DecodeWordCEh DB "Wipe ", 0 ; channel, pitch, column, effect, note, current, list, library ; speed/width, turn, on, off, down, instrument ; semitone, octave, block, edit, save, (g)lobal, (v)ibrato, (p)anbrello ; cursor, window DecodeBuffer DB 80 Dup (0) DecodeWords DW DecodeWord80h, DecodeWord81h DW DecodeWord82h, DecodeWord83h DW DecodeWord84h, DecodeWord85h DW DecodeWord86h, DecodeWord87h DW DecodeWord88h, DecodeWord89h DW DecodeWord8Ah, DecodeWord8Bh DW DecodeWord8Ch, DecodeWord8Dh DW DecodeWord8Eh, DecodeWord8Fh DW DecodeWord90h, DecodeWord91h DW DecodeWord92h, DecodeWord93h DW DecodeWord94h, DecodeWord95h DW DecodeWord96h, DecodeWord97h DW DecodeWord98h, DecodeWord99h DW DecodeWord9Ah, DecodeWord9Bh DW DecodeWord9Ch, DecodeWord9Dh DW DecodeWord9Eh, DecodeWord9Fh DW DecodeWordA0h, DecodeWordA1h DW DecodeWordA2h, DecodeWordA3h DW DecodeWordA4h, DecodeWordA5h DW DecodeWordA6h, DecodeWordA7h DW DecodeWordA8h, DecodeWordA9h DW DecodeWordAAh, DecodeWordABh DW DecodeWordACh, DecodeWordADh DW DecodeWordAEh, DecodeWordAFh DW DecodeWordB0h, DecodeWordB1h DW DecodeWordB2h, DecodeWordB3h DW DecodeWordB4h, DecodeWordB5h DW DecodeWordB6h, DecodeWordB7h DW DecodeWordB8h, DecodeWordB9h DW DecodeWordBAh, DecodeWordBBh DW DecodeWordBCh, DecodeWordBDh DW DecodeWordBEh, DecodeWordBFh DW DecodeWordC0h, DecodeWordC1h DW DecodeWordC2h, DecodeWordC3h DW DecodeWordC4h, DecodeWordC5h DW DecodeWordC6h, DecodeWordC7h DW DecodeWordC8h, DecodeWordC9h DW DecodeWordCAh, DecodeWordCBh DW DecodeWordCCh, DecodeWordCDh DW DecodeWordCEh ;ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ;³ Functions ³ ;ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ H_DrawHelp:;:;Far Push CS Pop DS Push CS Pop ES ;Assume DS:Help Mov CX, 32 Mov SI, HelpContext Add SI, SI Mov SI, [HelpContextPtrs+SI] Mov DI, 13*160 Mov AX, TopLine Add AX, AX Add SI, AX H_DrawHelp1: Push SI Push DI Mov SI, [SI] LodsB Xor AH, AH Add AX, AX Add DI, AX ; DS:SI points to string. Deposit into buffer Push DI Mov DI, DecodeBuffer Mov DX, 1 H_DecodeBuffer1: LodsB Test AL, AL JZ H_DecodeBuffer4 JS H_DecodeBuffer2 StosB Jmp H_DecodeBuffer1 H_DecodeBuffer2: Cmp AL, -2 JGE H_DecodeBuffer3 ; Insert word Push SI LEA SI, [EAX*2 + DecodeWords - 100h] Inc DX Mov SI, [SI] Jmp H_DecodeBuffer1 H_DecodeBuffer3: StosB JE H_DecodeBuffer1 MovsB MovsB Jmp H_DecodeBuffer1 H_DecodeBuffer4: Dec DX JZ H_DecodeBufferEnd Pop SI Jmp H_DecodeBuffer1 H_DecodeBufferEnd: Xor AL, AL StosB Pop DI Mov SI, DecodeBuffer Mov AH, 6 Call S_DrawString Pop DI Pop SI LodsW ; Add SI, 2 Add DI, 160 Cmp Word Ptr [SI], 0 LoopNZ H_DrawHelp1 Ret ;EndP H_DrawHelp ;Assume DS:Nothing ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ H_Help:;Far Call Glbl_SaveMode Mov BX, CS:HelpContext Add BX, BX Mov AX, [CS:Positions+BX] Mov CS:TopLine, AX Mov AX, 5 Mov CX, Object1 Mov DX, O1_HelpList Mov SI, 1 Ret ;EndP H_Help ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ H_HelpUp:;Far Sub CS:TopLine, 1 AdC CS:Topline, 0 Mov AX, 1 Ret ;EndP H_HelpUp ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ H_HelpDown:;Far Push CX Push CS Pop DS ;Assume DS:Help Mov SI, HelpContext Add SI, SI Mov SI, [HelpContextPtrs+SI] Mov BX, TopLine Add BX, BX Add SI, BX Mov CX, 32 H_HelpDown2: Add SI, 2 Cmp Word Ptr [SI], 0 LoopNZ H_HelpDown2 JZ H_HelpDown1 Inc TopLine H_HelpDown1: Pop CX Mov AX, 1 Ret ;EndP H_HelpDown ;Assume DS:Nothing ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ H_HelpPgUp:;Far Mov AX, CS:TopLine Sub AX, 32 JNS H_HelpPgUp1 Xor AX, AX H_HelpPgUp1: Mov CS:TopLine, AX Mov AX, 1 Ret ;EndP H_HelpPgUp ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ H_HelpPgDn:;Far Mov CX, 32 H_HelpPgDn1: Call H_HelpDown Loop H_HelpPgDn1 Ret ; AX = 1, set by H_HelpDown ;EndP H_HelpPgDn ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ H_HelpESC:;Far Mov AX, CS:TopLine Mov BX, CS:HelpContext Add BX, BX Mov [CS:Positions+BX], AX Jmp Glbl_RestoreMode ;EndP H_HelpESC ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ H_SetHelpContext:;Far Mov AX, [SI+2] Mov CS:HelpContext, AX Ret ;EndP H_SetHelpContext ;ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ EndS ;ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ;End