
8899 lines
349 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
%include ""
extern D_SaveInstrument:Far
extern D_LSCheckLoopValues:Far
extern D_LSCheckSusLoopValues:Far
extern D_PreLoadSampleWindow:Far
extern D_DrawLoadSampleWindow:Far
extern D_PostLoadSampleWindow:Far
extern D_LSDrawDriveWindow:Far
extern D_LSPreDriveWindow:Far
extern D_LSPostDriveWindow:Far
extern D_LIDrawDriveWindow:Far
extern D_LIPreDriveWindow:Far
extern D_LIPostDriveWindow:Far
extern D_SaveSample:Far
extern D_SaveRawSample:Far
extern D_SaveST3Sample:Far
extern D_GetFormatType:Far
extern D_SlowSampleSort:Far
extern D_SlowInstrumentSort:Far
extern D_SaveDirectoryConfiguration:Far
extern D_LoadSampleNames:Far
extern D_LoadSongNames:Far
extern D_DrawFileWindow:Far
extern D_DrawDirectoryWindow:Far
extern D_DrawDriveWindow:Far
extern D_PreFileWindow:Far
extern D_SaveModule:Far
extern D_PostFileLoadWindow:Far
extern D_PostFileSaveWindow:Far
extern D_PreDirectoryWindow:Far
extern D_PostDirectoryWindow:Far
extern D_PostViewSampleLibrary:Far
extern D_PreDriveWindow:Far
extern D_PostDriveWindow:Far
extern D_PostSaveDriveWindow:Far
extern D_NewDirectory:Far
extern D_NewSpecifier:Far
extern D_LoadXM:Far
extern D_LoadS3M:Far
extern D_LoadMOD:Far
extern D_LoadIT:Far
extern D_LoadMTM:Far
extern D_Load669:Far
extern D_DrawHeader:Far
extern D_SaveIT:Far
extern D_SaveS3M:Far
extern D_SaveSong:Far
extern Quit:Far
extern D_DrawLoadInstrument:Far
extern D_PreLoadInstrument:Far
extern D_PostLoadInstrument:Far
extern D_LoadInstrumentNames:Far
extern D_ViewInstrument:Far
extern E_DumpEMSMemory:Far
extern LSWindow_Up:Far
extern LSWindow_Down:Far
extern SongDirectory:Byte
extern FileSpecifier:Byte
extern F_InstrumentButtonHandler:Far
extern F_DrawHeader:Far
extern F_Return0:Far
extern F_Return1:Far
extern F_ShowChannels:Far
extern F_RedrawScreen:Far
extern F_GotoEmptyList:Far
extern F_DrawSMCChannels:Far
extern F_Nothing:Far
extern F_CalculateLength:Far
extern F_MainMenu:Far
extern F_Help:Far ; Menu functions
extern F_ViewVariables:Far
extern F_ViewOrderPan:Far
extern F_ViewPattern:Far
extern F_FileMenu:Far
extern F_FileLoad:Far
extern F_FileNew:Far
extern F_FileSaveCurrent:Far
extern F_FileSaveAs:Far
extern F_FileDOSShell:Far
extern F_FileQuit:Far
extern F_PlaybackMenu:Far
extern F_InfoPage:Far
extern F_PlaySong:Far
extern F_PlayPattern:Far
extern F_PlayOrder:Far
extern F_PlayMark:Far
extern F_Stop:Far
extern F_ReinitSoundCard:Far
extern F_DriverScreen:Far
extern F_CalculateLength:Far
extern F_MessageEditor:Far
extern F_SampleMenu:Far
extern F_SampleList:Far
extern F_SampleLibrary:Far
extern F_ReloadGravis:Far
extern F_Return64:Far
extern F_Return192:Far
extern F_InstrumentMenu:Far
extern F_InstrumentList:Far
extern F_InstrumentLibrary:Far
extern F_ShowMIDIZxxInput:Far
extern F_MIDI_Up:Far, F_MIDI_Down:Far
extern F_MIDI_PgUp:Far, F_MIDI_PgDn:Far
extern Fourier_Start:Far
extern Fourier_PreDrawScreen:Far
extern Fourier_DrawScreen:Far
extern Fourier_PostFunction:Far
extern Fourier_IdleList:Far
extern Fourier_ChangePalette:Far
extern K_DrawTables:Far
extern K_ResetKeyboardTables:Far
extern K_ShowMIDIInput:Far
extern PEFunction_IncreaseOctave:Far
extern PEFunction_DecreaseOctave:Far
extern Glbl_DriverScreen:Far
extern Glbl_Ctrl_F1:Far
extern Glbl_Ctrl_F3:Far
extern Glbl_Ctrl_F4:Far
extern Glbl_Ctrl_F5:Far
extern Glbl_Ctrl_F12:Far
extern Glbl_F8:Far
extern Glbl_F9:Far
extern Glbl_F10:Far
extern Glbl_F11:Far
extern Glbl_F12:Far
extern Glbl_F2:Far
extern Glbl_F3:Far
extern Glbl_F4:Far
extern Glbl_F5:Far
extern Glbl_F6:Far
extern PE_F7:Far ; Global...
extern Glbl_Shift_F1:Far
extern Glbl_Shift_F6:Far
extern Glbl_Shift_F9:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F1:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F2:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F3:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F4:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F5:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F6:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F7:Far
extern Glbl_Alt_F8:Far
extern Glbl_LoadSample:Far
extern Glbl_LoadInstrument:Far
extern Glbl_LeftBrace:Far
extern Glbl_RightBrace:Far
extern Glbl_LeftSquareBracket:Far
extern Glbl_RightSquareBracket:Far
extern Network_DriverScreen:Far
extern Network_DrawDriverScreen:Far
extern Network_PreDriverScreen:Far
extern Network_PostDriverScreen:Far
Public O1_LoadNetworkDriver
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern Glbl_TimerScreen:Far
extern D_DrawTimer:Far, D_PostTimerList:Far
extern H_HelpESC:Far
extern H_Help:Far
extern H_DrawHelp:Far
extern H_HelpUp:Far
extern H_HelpDown:Far
extern H_HelpPgUp:Far
extern H_HelpPgDn:Far
extern I_SelectScreen:Far
extern I_InstrumentListSpace:Far
extern I_InstrumentListNoteOff:Far
extern I_AmplifySample:Far
extern I_GetInstrumentScreen:Far
extern I_SampleButtonHandler:Far
extern I_CalculateC5Speed:Far
extern I_PrintC5Frequency:Far
extern I_DoubleSampleSpeed:Far
extern I_HalveSampleSpeed:Far
extern I_SampleSpeedSemiUp:Far
extern I_SampleSpeedSemiDown:Far
extern I_PlaySample:Far
extern I_PlayNote:Far
extern I_DrawPitchPanCenter:Far
extern I_PrePitchPanCenter:Far
extern I_PostPitchPanCenter:Far
extern I_IncreasePlayChannel:Far
extern I_DecreasePlayChannel:Far
extern I_DeleteInstrument:Far
extern I_ReverseSample:Far
extern I_InvertSample:Far
extern I_CutSampleBeforeLoop:Far
extern I_ConvertSample:Far
extern I_DeleteSample:Far
extern I_CutSample:Far
extern I_ExchangeSamples:Far
extern I_SwapSamples:Far
extern I_ReplaceSample:Far
extern I_ReplaceInstrument:Far
extern I_SwapInstruments:Far
extern I_ResizeSample:Far
extern I_ResizeSampleNoInt:Far
extern I_UpdateInstrument:Far
extern I_ToggleSampleQuality:Far
extern I_CopyInstrument:Far
extern I_CenterSample:Far
extern I_ScaleInstrumentVolumes:Far
extern I_ScaleSampleVolumes:Far
extern I_DrawInstrumentWindow:Far
extern I_PreInstrumentWindow:Far
extern I_PostInstrumentWindow:Far
extern I_ToggleMultiChannel:Far
extern I_DrawNoteWindow:Far
extern I_PreNoteWindow:Far
extern I_PostNoteWindow:Far
extern I_DrawEnvelope:Far
extern I_PreEnvelope:Far
extern I_PostEnvelope:Far
extern I_ShowSampleInfo:Far
extern I_SampleUp:Far
extern I_SampleDown:Far
extern I_CheckLoopValues:Far
extern I_CheckSusLoopValues:Far
extern I_DrawSampleList:Far
extern I_PreSampleList:Far
extern I_PostSampleList:Far
extern I_IdleUpdateEnvelope:Far
extern Msg_DrawMessage:Far
extern Msg_PreMessage:Far
extern Msg_PostMessage:Far
extern Music_SoundCardLoadAllSamples:Far
extern Music_ReinitSoundCard:Far
extern Music_SaveMIDIConfig:Far
extern Music_ShowAutodetectSoundcard:Far
extern Music_ToggleOrderUpdate:Far
extern PE_FillHeader:Far
extern PE_SetCommandCursor:Far
extern PE_DrawPatternEdit:Far
extern PE_PrePatternEdit:Far
extern PE_PostPatternEdit:Far
extern PEFunction_DrawUndo:Far
extern PEFunction_PreUndo:Far
extern PEFunction_PostUndo:Far
extern S_UpdateScreen:Far
extern S_RestoreScreen:Far
extern DrawDisplayData:Far
extern PostDisplayData:Far
extern DisplayUpdateScreen:Far
extern BaseOctave
extern SkipValue
extern RowHiLight1
extern RowHiLight2
extern NumberOfRows:Word
extern Amplification
extern InstrumentAmplification
extern FastVolumeAmplification
extern SampleAmplification
extern CommandToValue
extern MultiChannelInfo
extern SampleNumberInput:Byte
extern SongDirectory:Byte
extern SampleDirectory:Byte
extern InstrumentDirectory:Byte
extern IdleUpdateInfoLine:Far
extern DOSShell:Far
extern I_ExchangeInstruments:Far
extern F_ConfigButtonSetup:Far
extern F_SetControlInstrument:Far
extern F_SetControlSample:Far
extern F_SetMono:Far
extern F_SetStereo:Far
extern F_SetAmiga:Far
extern F_SetLinear:Far
extern F_NewSong:Far
extern AddressInput:Byte
extern NewSampleSize:Word
extern ThumbStringEnter:Byte
extern SampleName:Byte
extern F_PostDebug:Far
extern Glbl_Debug:Far
extern F_DrawDebug:Far
extern F_DebugUp:Far
extern F_DebugDown:Far
extern F_DebugPgUp:Far
extern F_DebugPgDn:Far
extern F_DebugStringInput:Far
Global O1_DebugList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern PaletteDefs:Byte
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern S_UsePresetPalette:Far
extern DisplayMinus:Far
extern DisplayPlus:Far
extern PatternSetLength, PatternLengthStart, PatternLengthEnd
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern MouseToggle:Far
extern Refresh:Far
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern MIDI_SetInstrument:Far, CentraliseCursor
extern MIDI_PlayNote:Far, MIDI_NoteOff:Far, MIDI_PlaySample:Far
extern MIDICentralNote, MIDIAmplification
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern Music_TimeSong:Far, Music_ShowTime:Far
extern Flags
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern Music_ToggleSoloInstrument:Far
extern Music_ToggleSoloSample:Far
Global O1_MIDIScreen
Global O1_LongMessageList
Global O1_MessageList
Global O1_ConfirmNoSave
Global O1_MainMenu
Global O1_PlayBackMenu
Global O1_SampleMenu
Global O1_FileMenu
Global O1_InstrumentMenu
Global O1_EditSampleName
Global O1_AutoDetectList
Global O1_ShowTime
Global O1_SampleCenterList
Global O1_ConfirmClearMessage
Global O1_SampleAmplificationList
Global O1_EnableInstrumentMode
Global O1_OutOfSoundCardMemoryList
Global O1_OutOfSamplesList
Global O1_NewSongList
Global O1_InitInstrument
Global O1_ThumbStringList
Global O1_ConfigureITList
Global O1_OrderVolumeList
Global O1_HelpList
Global O1_OrderPanningList
Global O1_PatternEditList
Global O1_PEConfigList
Global O1_OutOfMemoryList
Global O1_OutOfSoundCardMemoryList
Global O1_SwapOutOfRangeList
Global O1_OverlapBlockList
Global O1_NoBlockMarkedList
Global O1_NoBlockDataList
Global O1_GetAmpList
Global O1_GetInstrumentAmpList
Global O1_GetFastAmpList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Global O1_ShowPatternLengthList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Global O1_C5FrequencyList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Global O1_FourierDisplay
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Global O1_EMSWarningMessage
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Global O1_NetworkErrorList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Global O1_TemplateErrorList
Global O1_PatternTooLongList
Global O1_SampleList
Global O1_LoadModuleList
Global O1_SaveModuleList
Global O1_SaveS3MList
Global O1_LoadS3MList
Global O1_LoadXMList
Global O1_LoadMODList
Global O1_Load669List
Global O1_LoadMTMList
Global O1_LoadITList
Global O1_SaveITList
Global O1_EmptyList
Global O1_ConfirmOverWriteList
Global O1_UnableToSaveList
Global O1_ConfirmQuit
Global O1_SelectMultiChannel
Global O1_ConfirmDelete
Global O1_ConfirmDelete2
Global O1_ConfirmDelete3
Global O1_ConfirmDeleteSample
Global O1_ConfirmDeleteInstrument
Global O1_ConfirmCutSample
Global O1_ConfirmConvertList
Global O1_ConfirmConvert2List
Global O1_ExchangeSampleList
Global O1_ExchangeInstrumentList
Global O1_ReplaceSampleList
Global O1_ReplaceInstrumentList
Global O1_LoadSampleList
Global O1_ConfirmSaveRenameList
Global O1_ConfirmResaveList
Global O1_ConfirmDiscardList
Global O1_InitialiseInstrumentList
Global O1_SwapSampleList
Global O1_SwapInstrumentList
Global O1_ResizeSampleList
Global O1_KeyboardList
Global O1_DisplayList
Global O1_FullDisplayList
Global O1_ViewSampleLibrary
Global O1_ConfigurePaletteList
Global O1_LoadInstrumentList
Global O1_ViewInstrumentLibrary
Global O1_ConfirmDeleteInstrument
Global O1_CopyInstrumentList
Global O1_CrashRecovery
Global O1_UndoList
Global O1_InstrumentListGeneral
Global O1_InstrumentListVolume
Global O1_InstrumentListPanning
Global O1_InstrumentListPitch
Global O1_SetPatternLength
Global O1_StereoSampleList
Global O1_PatternSizeMismatchList
Global PatternLength
Global HelpKeyValue, OrderKeyValue
Global GlobalKeyList:Byte
Global LogoCharacter:Word
Global EMSErrorValue, EMSErrorValue2
Global EMSErrorValue3, EMSErrorValue4
Global EMSErrorValue5, EMSErrorValue6
Global EMSErrorValue7, EMSErrorValue8
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Public O1_TimerList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Segment Object1 BYTE Public 'Data'
O1_AutoDetectList DW 6
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCContinueList
DW AboutBox
DW ImpulseLogo
DW AutoMiniBox
DW AboutText
DW AutoDetectText
DW CallAutoDetect
DW AutoContinueButton
DW 0
ESCContinueList DB 0 ; ESC
DW 101h
DD Glbl_F2
O1_OrderPanningList DW 10
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW OrderandPanningMsg ; 3
DW OrderBox ; 4
DW PanBox1 ; 5
DW PanBox2 ; 6
DW ShowChannelMsgs ; 7
DW PanText1 ; 8
DW PanText2 ; 9
DW OrderList ; 10
DW Channel1 ; 11
DW Channel2 ; 12
DW Channel3 ; 13
DW Channel4 ; 14
DW Channel5 ; 15
DW Channel6 ; 16
DW Channel7 ; 17
DW Channel8 ; 18
DW Channel9 ; 19
DW Channel10 ; 20
DW Channel11 ; 21
DW Channel12 ; 22
DW Channel13 ; 23
DW Channel14 ; 24
DW Channel15 ; 25
DW Channel16 ; 26
DW Channel17
DW Channel18
DW Channel19
DW Channel20
DW Channel21
DW Channel22
DW Channel23
DW Channel24
DW Channel25
DW Channel26
DW Channel27
DW Channel28
DW Channel29
DW Channel30
DW Channel31
DW Channel32
DW Channel33
DW Channel34
DW Channel35
DW Channel36
DW Channel37
DW Channel38
DW Channel39
DW Channel40
DW Channel41
DW Channel42
DW Channel43
DW Channel44
DW Channel45
DW Channel46
DW Channel47
DW Channel48
DW Channel49
DW Channel50
DW Channel51
DW Channel52
DW Channel53
DW Channel54
DW Channel55
DW Channel56
DW Channel57
DW Channel58
DW Channel59
DW Channel60
DW Channel61
DW Channel62
DW Channel63
DW Channel64
DW SetHelpContext0
DW 0
O1_HelpList DW 6
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW HelpKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW HelpMsg ; 3
DW HelpBox ; 4
DW ShowHelp ; 5
DW HelpDoneButton ; 6
DW 0
O1_PatternEditList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW InfoPageIdleList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW PatternEditMsg ; 2
DW PatternEdit ; 3
DW FillHeader ; 4
DW SetHelpContext1 ; 5
DW 0
O1_PEConfigList DW 14
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCF2&ReturnList
DW PEConfigBox ; 0
DW PEConfigText ; 1
DW PEConfigBsOctText ; 2
DW PEConfigSkipValueText ; 3
DW PEConfigRHLMinorText ; 4
DW PEConfigRHLMajorText ;5
DW PEConfigMaxRowsText ; 6
DW PEConfigCommandCursor ; 7
DW PEConfigDoneButton ; 13
DW PETBBaseOctave ; 14
DW PETBSkipValue ; 15
DW PETBRHLMinor ; 16
DW PETBRHLMajor ; 17
DW PETBMaxRow ; 18
DW PECLinkButton ; 19
DW PECSplitButton ; 20
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_SetPatternLength DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESC&ReturnList
DW SetPatternLengthBox ; 0
DW SetPatternLengthHeader
DW SetPatternLengthThumbBox1
DW SetPatternLengthThumbBox2
DW SetPatternLengthThumbBar ; 4
DW SetPatternLengthStart ; 5
DW SetPatternLengthEnd ; 6
DW SetPatternLengthOKButton ; 7
DW SetPatternLengthText
DW 0
SetPatternLengthBox DW 0
DB 15, 19, 65, 33
DB 3
SetPatternLengthHeader DW 1
DB 31, 21
DB 20h
DB "Set Pattern Length", 0
SetPatternLengthText DW 1
DB 19, 24
DB 20h
DB "Pattern Length", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Start Pattern", 13
DB " End Pattern", 0
SetPatternLengthThumbBox1 DW 0
DB 33, 23, 56, 25
DB 25
SetPatternLengthThumbBox2 DW 0
DB 33, 26, 60, 29
DB 25
SetPatternLengthThumbBar DW 9
DB 34, 24
DW 32, 200
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, PatternSetLength
DW 0FFFFh, 5, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
SetPatternLengthStart DW 9
DB 34, 27
DW 0, 199
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, PatternLengthStart
DW 4, 6, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
SetPatternLengthEnd DW 9
DB 34, 28
DW 0, 199
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, PatternLengthEnd
DW 5, 7, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
SetPatternLengthOKButton DW 2
DW 6, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 1 ; Returns 1
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 35, 30, 44, 32
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
OKCancelList DB 8 ; 'O'
DW 'O'
DD DWord Ptr F_Return1
DB 8 ; 'C'
DW 'C'
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DB 8 ; 'Y'
DW 'Y'
DD DWord Ptr F_Return1
DB 8 ; 'N'
DW 'N'
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
ESCReturnList DB 0
DW 101h
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ChainMIDICommands
O1_NoBlockMarkedList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_OutOfSoundCardMemoryList DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW OOSoundCardMemoryText
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_OutOfMemoryList DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_PatternSizeMismatchList DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_LongMessageList DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW LongMsgText
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_OutOfSamplesList DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_OverlapBlockList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_SwapOutOfRangeList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_NoBlockDataList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_PatternTooLongList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW PatternTooLongText
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_GetAmpList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW AmpExtraKeyList
DW AmpBox ; 0
DW AmpText ; 1
DW AmpTBBox ; 2
DW AmpTB ; 3
DW ConfirmOKButton ; 4
DW ConfirmCancelButton ; 5
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_GetInstrumentAmpList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW AmpExtraKeyList
DW AmpBox ; 0
DW AmpText ; 1
DW AmpTBBox ; 2
DW InstrumentAmpTB ; 3
DW ConfirmOKButton ; 4
DW ConfirmCancelButton ; 5
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_GetFastAmpList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW AmpExtraKeyList
DW AmpBox ; 0
DW AmpText ; 1
DW FastAmpTBBox ; 2
DW FastAmpTB ; 3
DW ConfirmOKButton ; 4
DW ConfirmCancelButton ; 5
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_SampleAmplificationList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESC&ReturnList
DW SampleAmpBox
DW SampleAmpText ; 1
DW SampleAmpTBBox ; 2
DW SampleAmpTB ; 3
DW ConfirmOKButton ; 4
DW ConfirmCancelButton ; 5
DW FillHeader
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_ShowPatternLengthList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW PatternLengthText
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_C5FrequencyList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW C5FrequencyText
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_EMSWarningMessage DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW EMSErrorBox
DW EMSErrorText
DW OKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_NetworkErrorList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW TemplateErrorBox
DW NetworkErrorText
DW TemplateOKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_TemplateErrorList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW TemplateErrorBox
DW TemplateErrorText
DW TemplateOKButton
DW FillHeader
DW 0
O1_CrashRecovery DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW CrashRecoveryBox
DW CrashRecoveryText
DW CrashRecoveryOKButton
DW 0
O1_LoadSampleList DW 15
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SampleNameLoader
DW LoadSampleKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW LoadSampleHeader ; 2
DW FillHeader ; 3
DW LoadSampleBox
DW DriveSampleBox
DW LSInfoBox
DW LSInfoText
DW LSWaveFormBox
DW LSParametersBox
DW LSParametersText ; 10
DW LSParametersVolBox ; 11
DW LSParametersVibBox
DW LSFileInfoBox
DW LSFileInfoText
DW LoadSampleWindow ; 15
DW LSDriveWindow ; 16
DW LSFileNameInput ; 17
DW LSSpeedInput
DW LSLoopToggle ; 19
DW LSLoopBeginInput
DW LSLoopEndInput
DW LSSusLoopToggle ; 22
DW LSSusLoopBeginInput
DW LSSusLoopEndInput
DW LSDefaultVolumeInput ; 25
DW LSGlobalVolumeInput ; 26
DW LSVibratoSpeedInput ; 27
DW LSVibratoDepthInput ; 28
DW LSVibratoRateInput ; 29
DW SetHelpContext6
DW 0
O1_ViewSampleLibrary DW 15
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SampleNameLoader
DW LoadSampleKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW ViewSampleHeader ; 2
DW FillHeader ; 3
DW LoadSampleBox
DW DriveSampleBox
DW LSInfoBox
DW LSInfoText
DW LSWaveFormBox
DW LSParametersBox
DW LSParametersText ; 10
DW LSParametersVolBox ; 11
DW LSParametersVibBox
DW LSFileInfoBox
DW LSFileInfoText
DW ViewSampleWindow ; 15
DW LSDriveWindow ; 16
DW LSFileNameInput ; 17
DW LSSpeedInput
DW LSLoopToggle ; 19
DW LSLoopBeginInput
DW LSLoopEndInput
DW LSSusLoopToggle ; 22
DW LSSusLoopBeginInput
DW LSSusLoopEndInput
DW LSDefaultVolumeInput ; 25
DW LSGlobalVolumeInput ; 26
DW LSVibratoSpeedInput ; 27
DW LSVibratoDepthInput ; 28
DW LSVibratoRateInput ; 29
DW SetHelpContext6
DW 0
LSFileNameInput DW 16
DB 64, 13
DW 3, 4
DW 13
DD 0
DW 0FFFFh, 18, 25, 16
LSSpeedInput DW 18
DB 64, 14
DW 1, 3Ch
DD 0
DW 17, 19, 25, 16
LSLoopToggle DW 17
DB 64, 15
DW 3, 12h
DB 16
DW 18, 20, 25, 16
LSLoopBeginInput DW 18
DB 64, 16
DW 1, 34h
DD DWord Ptr D_LSCheckLoopValues
DW 19, 21, 25, 16
LSLoopEndInput DW 18
DB 64, 17
DW 1, 38h
DD DWord Ptr D_LSCheckLoopValues
DW 20, 22, 25, 16
LSSusLoopToggle DW 17
DB 64, 18
DW 3, 12h
DB 32
DW 21, 23, 25, 16
LSSusLoopBeginInput DW 18
DB 64, 19
DW 1, 40h
DD DWord Ptr D_LSCheckSusLoopValues
DW 22, 24, 25, 16
LSSusLoopEndInput DW 18
DB 64, 20
DW 1, 44h
DD DWord Ptr D_LSCheckSusLoopValues
DW 23, 25, 25, 16
LSDefaultVolumeInput DW 9
DB 63, 33
DW 0, 64
DW 5, 13h
DW 24, 26, 15, 17
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
LSGlobalVolumeInput DW 9
DB 63, 34
DW 0, 64
DW 5, 11h
DW 25, 27, 15, 17
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
LSVibratoSpeedInput DW 9
DB 63, 37
DW 0, 64
DW 5, 4Ch
DW 26, 28, 15, 17
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
LSVibratoDepthInput DW 14
DB 63, 38
DW 0, 32
DW 5, 4Dh
DW 27, 29, 15, 17
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
DW 8
LSVibratoRateInput DW 14
DB 63, 39
DW 0, 255
DW 5, 4Eh
DW 28, 0FFFFh, 15, 17
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
DW 8
SampleNameLoader DD DWord Ptr D_LoadSampleNames
IdleFunctionList DD DWord Ptr IdleUpdateInfoLine
DD 0
IdleInstrumentList DD DWord Ptr IdleUpdateInfoLine
DD DWord Ptr I_IdleUpdateEnvelope
DD 0
LoadSampleHeader DW 10
DB "Load Sample", 0
ViewSampleHeader DW 10
DB "Sample Library (Ctrl-F3)", 0
LoadSampleBox DW 0
DB 5, 12, 44, 48
DB 27
DriveSampleBox DW 0
DB 45, 12, 54, 23
DB 27
LSInfoBox DW 0
DB 63, 12, 77, 23
DB 27
LSInfoText DW 1
DB 55, 13
DB 20h
DB "Filename", 13
DB " Speed", 13
DB " Loop", 13
DB " LoopBeg", 13
DB " LoopEnd", 13
DB " SusLoop", 13
DB " SusLBeg", 13
DB " SusLEnd", 13
DB " Quality", 13
DB " Length"
DB 0
LSWaveFormBox DW 0
DB 45, 24, 77, 29
DB 27
LSParametersBox DW 0
DB 45, 30, 77, 42
DB 9
LSParametersText DW 1
DB 48, 33
DB 20h
DB "Default Volume", 13
DB " Global Volume", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Vibrato Speed", 13
DB " Vibrato Depth", 13
DB " Vibrato Rate"
DB 0
LSParametersVolBox DW 0
DB 62, 32, 72, 35
DB 25
LSParametersVibBox DW 0
DB 62, 36, 72, 40
DB 25
LSFileInfoBox DW 0
DB 52, 43, 77, 48
DB 27
LSFileInfoText DW 1
DB 46, 44
DB 20h
DB "Format", 13
DB " Size", 13
DB " Date", 13
DB " Time"
DB 0
LoadSampleWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawLoadSampleWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PreLoadSampleWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PostLoadSampleWindow
ViewSampleWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawLoadSampleWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PreLoadSampleWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PostViewSampleLibrary
LSDriveWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_LSDrawDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_LSPreDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_LSPostDriveWindow
O1_SampleList DW 28
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW SampleGlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW SampleListHeader
DW SampleListBox
DW InstDVBox
DW InstDVText
DW InstDVTB ; 7
DW InstGVBox
DW InstGVText
DW InstGVTB ; 11
DW InstVSBox
DW InstVSText
DW InstVSTB ; 15
DW InstVDBox
DW InstVDText
DW InstVDTB ; 19
DW InstVRBox
DW InstVRText
DW InstVRTB ; 23
DW InstVWBox
DW InstVWText
DW InstParamBox
DW InstParamText
DW SampleList ; 28
DW InstFileName ; 29
DW InstSpeed
DW InstLoopToggle
DW InstLoopBegin
DW InstLoopEnd
DW InstSusLoopToggle
DW InstSusLoopBegin
DW InstSusLoopEnd ;36
DW InstVibSine ; 37
DW InstVibRamp ; 38
DW InstVibSquare ; 39
DW InstVibRandom ; 40
DW InstWaveFormBox ; 41
DW InstWaveFormText ; 42
DW InstDPBox ; 43
DW InstDPText
DW InstDPToggle ; 46
DW InstDPTB ; 47
DW InstFillInfo
DW FillHeader
DW SetHelpContext2
DW 0
O1_LoadModuleList DW 12
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SongNameModuleLoader
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW LoadModuleText
DW FileBox
DW DirBox ; 5
DW DriveBox
DW SearchBox
DW FileInfoBox
DW FileNameBox
DW SearchText ; 10
DW FileText
DW FileWindow ; 12
DW DirectoryWindow
DW DriveWindow
DW FileNamePrompt ; 15
DW SongDirectoryPrompt
DW SetHelpContext3
DW 0
O1_SaveModuleList DW 15
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SongNameModuleLoader
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW SaveModuleText
DW FileBox
DW DirBox ; 5
DW DriveBox
DW SearchBox
DW FileInfoBox
DW FileNameBox
DW SearchText ; 10
DW FileText
DW FileSaveWindow ; 12
DW DirectoryWindow
DW SaveDriveWindow
DW FileNameSavePrompt ; 15
DW SongDirectoryPrompt
DW ITFormatButton ; 17
DW S3MFormatButton ; 18
DW OldITFormatButton ; 19
DW IT215FormatButton ; 20
DW 0
O1_LoadNetworkDriver DW 6
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW SaveModuleText
DW LoadNetworkText
DW LoadNetworkBox
DW LoadNetworkFunctions
DW 0
O1_SaveITList DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW SaveModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW SaveITModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW SaveIT ; 7
DW 0
O1_SaveS3MList DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW SaveModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW SaveS3MModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW SaveS3M ; 7
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_LoadS3MList DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW LoadModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW LoadS3MModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW LoadS3M ; 7
DW 0
O1_LoadXMList DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW LoadModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW LoadXMModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW LoadXM ; 7
DW 0
O1_LoadMTMList DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW LoadModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW LoadMTMModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW LoadMTM ; 7
DW 0
O1_LoadMODList DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW LoadModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW LoadMODModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW LoadMOD ; 7
DW 0
O1_Load669List DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW LoadModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW Load669ModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW Load669 ; 7
DW 0
O1_LoadITList DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionGotoEmpty
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW LoadModuleText
DW LoadBox
DW LoadITModuleText
DW DirectScreen ; 6
DW LoadIT ; 7
DW 0
O1_EmptyList DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW InDirectScreen ; 0
DW FullScreenBox ; 1
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW NoText
DW 0
ITFormatButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 18, 14, 15
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr D_GetFormatType
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DB 69, 12, 77, 14
DB 8
DB 0
DB " IT214", 0
S3MFormatButton DW 2
DW 17, 19, 14, 15
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr D_GetFormatType
DW 1
DW 0, 0
DB 69, 15, 77, 17
DB 8
DB 0
DB " S3M", 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
OldITFormatButton DW 2
DW 18, 20, 14, 15
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr D_GetFormatType
DW 2
DW 0, 0
DB 69, 18, 77, 20
DB 8
DB 0
DB " IT2xx", 0
IT215FormatButton DW 2
DW 19, 15, 14, 15
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr D_GetFormatType
DW 3
DW 0, 0
DB 69, 21, 77, 23
DB 8
DB 0
DB " IT215", 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
OldITFormatButton DW 2
DW 18, 15, 14, 15
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr D_GetFormatType
DW 2
DW 0, 0
DB 69, 18, 77, 20
DB 8
DB 0
DB " IT2xx", 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
NoText DW 10
DB 0
LoadBox DW 0
DB 1, 12, 78, 48
DB 27
SaveITModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "Saving Impulse 2 Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 23, 129, 0
SaveS3MModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "Saving Scream Tracker 3 Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 30, 129, 0
LoadS3MModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "Scream Tracker III Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 25, 129, 0
LoadXMModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "Fast Tracker II Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 22, 129, 0
LoadMTMModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "MultiTracker Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 19, 129, 0
LoadMODModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "MOD Format Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 17, 129, 0
Load669ModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "Composer 669 Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 19, 129, 0
LoadITModuleText DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 2h
DB "Impulse Tracker Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 22, 129, 0
IdleFunctionGotoEmpty DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
DD 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
LoadMOD DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_LoadMOD
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
Load669 DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_Load669
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
LoadS3M DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_LoadS3M
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
LoadXM DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_LoadXM
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
LoadMTM DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_LoadMTM
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
LoadIT DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_LoadIT
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
SaveIT DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveIT
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
SaveS3M DW 15
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveS3M
DD DWord Ptr F_GotoEmptyList
FileNamePrompt DW 16
DB 13, 46
DW 0 ; Disk segment
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW FileSpecifier
DW 64 ; Length
DD D_NewSpecifier
DW 12, 16, 16, 14
FileNameSavePrompt DW 16
DB 13, 46
DW 0 ; Disk segment
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW FileSpecifier
DW 64 ; Length
DD D_SaveModule
DW 12, 16, 16, 14
SongDirectoryPrompt DW 16
DB 13, 47
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SongDirectory
DW 64
DD D_NewDirectory
DW 15, 12, 12, 15
SongNameModuleLoader Label DWord
DD DWord Ptr D_LoadSongNames
DD DWord Ptr IdleUpdateInfoLine
DD 0
FileWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawFileWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PreFileWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PostFileLoadWindow
FileSaveWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawFileWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PreFileWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PostFileSaveWindow
DirectoryWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawDirectoryWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PreDirectoryWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PostDirectoryWindow
DriveWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PreDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PostDriveWindow
SaveDriveWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PreDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_PostSaveDriveWindow
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
LoadNetworkText DW 10
DB "Load Network Driver", 0
LoadNetworkBox DW 0
DB 1, 12, 78, 49
DB 27
LoadNetworkFunctions DW 15
DD DWord Ptr Network_DrawDriverScreen
DD DWord Ptr Network_PreDriverScreen
DD DWord Ptr Network_PostDriverScreen
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
LoadModuleText DW 10
DB "Load Module (F9)", 0
SaveModuleText DW 10
DB "Save Module (F10)", 0
FileBox DW 0
DB 2, 12, 41, 44
DB 27
DirBox DW 0
DB 43, 12, 56, 34
DB 27
DriveBox DW 0
DB 58, 12, 67, 34
DB 27
SearchBox DW 0
DB 50, 36, 77, 38
DB 27
FileInfoBox DW 0
DB 50, 39, 77, 44
DB 27
FileNameBox DW 0
DB 12, 45, 77, 48
DB 27
SearchText DW 1
DB 44, 37
DB 20h
DB "Search", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB "Format", 13
DB " Size", 13
DB " Date", 13
DB " Time", 0
FileText DW 1
DB 3, 46
DB 20h
DB " Filename", 13
DB "Directory", 0
SampleListHeader DW 10
DB "Sample List (F3)", 0
InstFillInfo DW 8
DD DWord Ptr I_ShowSampleInfo
InstFileName DW 16
DB 64, 13
DW 1
DW 4
DW 13
DD 0
DW 0FFFFh, 30, 28, 7
InstSpeed DW 18
DB 64, 14
DW 0
DW 3Ch
DD DWord Ptr I_PlaySample
DW 29, 31, 28, 7
InstLoopToggle DW 17
DB 64, 15
DW 0
DW 12h
DB 16
DW 30, 32, 28, 7
InstLoopBegin DW 18
DB 64, 16
DW 0
DW 34h
DD DWord Ptr I_CheckLoopValues
DW 31, 33, 28, 7
InstLoopEnd DW 18
DB 64, 17
DW 0
DW 38h
DD DWord Ptr I_CheckLoopValues
DW 32, 34, 28, 7
InstSusLoopToggle DW 17
DB 64, 18
DW 0
DW 12h
DB 32
DW 33, 35, 28, 7
InstSusLoopBegin DW 18
DB 64, 19
DW 0
DW 40h
DD DWord Ptr I_CheckSusLoopValues
DW 34, 36, 28, 7
InstSusLoopEnd DW 18
DB 64, 20
DW 0
DW 44h
DD DWord Ptr I_CheckSusLoopValues
DW 35, 37, 28, 7
SetHelpContext0 DW 11
DW 0
SetHelpContext1 DW 11
DW 1
SetHelpContext2 DW 11
DW 2
SetHelpContext3 DW 11
DW 3
SetHelpContext4 DW 11
DW 4
SetHelpContext5 DW 11
DW 5
SetHelpContext6 DW 11
DW 6
SetHelpContext7 DW 11
DW 7
SetHelpContext8 DW 11
DW 8
SetHelpContext9 DW 11
DW 9
SetHelpContext10 DW 11
DW 10
SetHelpContext11 DW 11
DW 11
SetHelpContext12 DW 11
DW 12
SetHelpContext13 DW 11
DW 13
SampleListBox DW 0
DB 4, 12, 35, 48
DB 27
InstDVBox DW 0
DB 36, 12, 53, 18
DB 9
InstDVTBBox DW 0
DB 37, 15, 47, 17
DB 9
DB 38, 16
DW 0, 64
DW 2, 13h
DW 0FFFFh, 11, 29, 28
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
InstGVTBBox DW 0
DB 37, 22, 47, 24
DB 9
DB 38, 23
DW 0, 64
DW 2, 11h
DW 7, 46, 29, 28
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
InstDPTBBox DW 0
DB 37, 29, 47, 32
DB 25
InstDPToggle DW 17
DB 38, 30
DW 0, 2Fh
DB 80h
DW 11, 47, 29, 28
DB 38, 31
DW 0, 64
DW 2, 2Fh
DW 46, 15, 29, 28
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
InstVSTBBox DW 0
DB 37, 38, 47, 40
DB 9
DB 38, 39
DW 0, 64
DW 2, 4Ch
DW 47, 19, 37, 28
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
InstVDTBBox DW 0
DB 37, 45, 47, 47
DB 9
InstVDTB DW 14
DB 38, 46
DW 0, 32
DW 2, 4Dh
DW 15, 0FFFFh, 23, 28
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
DW 8
InstVRTBBox DW 0
DB 55, 45, 72, 47
DB 9
InstVRTB DW 14
DB 56, 46
DW 0, 255
DW 2, 4Eh
DW 39, 0FFFFh, 28, 19
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
DW 15
InstGVBox DW 0
DB 36, 19, 53, 25
DB 9
InstDPBox DW 0
DB 36, 26, 53, 33
DB 9
InstVSBox DW 0
DB 36, 35, 53, 41
DB 9
InstVDBox DW 0
DB 36, 42, 53, 48
DB 9
InstVRBox DW 0
DB 54, 42, 77, 48
DB 9
InstParamBox DW 0
DB 63, 12, 77, 24
DB 27
InstVWBox DW 0
DB 54, 31, 77, 41
DB 9
InstDVText DW 1
DB 38, 14
DB 20h
DB "Default Volume", 0
InstGVText DW 1
DB 38, 21
DB 20h
DB "Global Volume", 0
InstDPText DW 1
DB 39, 28
DB 20h
DB "Default Pan", 0
InstVSText DW 1
DB 38, 37
DB 20h
DB "Vibrato Speed", 0
InstVDText DW 1
DB 38, 44
DB 20h
DB "Vibrato Depth", 0
InstVRText DW 1
DB 60, 44
DB 20h
DB "Vibrato Rate", 0
InstVWText DW 1
DB 58, 33
DB 20h
DB "Vibrato Waveform", 0
InstParamText DW 1
DB 55, 13
DB 20h
DB "Filename", 13
DB " Speed", 13
DB " Loop", 13
DB " LoopBeg", 13
DB " LoopEnd", 13
DB " SusLoop", 13
DB " SusLBeg", 13
DB " SusLEnd", 13
DB 0FFh, 8, ' ', 0FEh, 21h, 146, 0FEh, 3, 0FFh, 13, 154, 0FEh, 20h, 13
DB " Quality", 13
DB " Length"
DB 0
InstVibSine DW 2
DW 36, 39, 15, 38
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleButtonHandler
DW 0, 4Fh, 0
DB 56, 35, 65, 37
DB 8
DB 0
DB " ", 185, 186, 0
InstVibRamp DW 2
DW 36, 40, 37, 28
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleButtonHandler
DW 1, 4Fh, 0
DB 66, 35, 75, 37
DB 8
DB 0
DB " ", 189, 190, 0
InstVibSquare DW 2
DW 37, 23, 15, 40
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleButtonHandler
DW 2, 4Fh, 0
DB 56, 38, 65, 40
DB 8
DB 0
DB " ", 187, 188, 0
InstVibRandom DW 2
DW 38, 23, 39, 28
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleButtonHandler
DW 3, 4Fh, 0
DB 66, 38, 75, 40
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Random", 0
InstWaveFormBox DW 0
DB 54, 25, 77, 30
DB 9
InstWaveFormText DW 1
DB 55, 26
DB 0Dh
DB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0FFh, 1, 10, 11
DB 12, 0FFh, 1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 13
DB 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
DB 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 13
DB 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
DB 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 13
DB 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77
DB 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88
DB 0
SampleList DW 15
DD DWord Ptr I_DrawSampleList
DD DWord Ptr I_PreSampleList
DD DWord Ptr I_PostSampleList
EMSErrorText DW 1
DB 27, 26
DB 20h
DB "Crash warning: EMS error", 13
DB " Debug: ", 0FDh, "Xh, ", 0FDh, "D, ", 0FDh, "D, ", 0FDh, "X", 13
DB 0FFh, 8, " "
DB 0FDh, "X:"
DB 0FDh, "X:"
DB 0FDh, "X:"
DB 0FDh, "X", 0
EMSErrorValue7 DW 0
EMSErrorValue6 DW 0
EMSErrorValue5 DW 0
EMSErrorValue4 DW 0
EMSErrorValue8 DW 0
EMSErrorValue3 DW 0
EMSErrorValue2 DW 0
EMSErrorValue DW 0
EMSErrorBox DW 0
DB 25, 24, 54, 32
DB 3
TemplateErrorBox DW 0
DB 20, 23, 59, 34
DB 3
TemplateErrorText DW 1
DB 24, 25
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 9, " Template Error", 13, 13
DB "No note in the top left position", 13
DB " of the clipboard on which to", 13
DB 0FFh, 7, " base translations.", 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
NetworkErrorText DW 1
DB 23, 25
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 10, " Network Error", 13, 13
DB "This function is not available in", 13
DB " multi-composer mode. Disconnect", 13
DB " from network mode to enable.", 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
CrashRecoveryBox DW 0
DB 20, 19, 60, 30
DB 3
CrashRecoveryText DW 1
DB 22, 21
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 12, " Crash Recovery", 13, 13
DB " Please save your work under a", 13
DB " different filename, reboot your", 13
DB "computer and rerun Impulse Tracker as", 13
DB " the system is likely to be unstable", 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
PatternLengthText DW 1
DB 27, 27
DB 20h
DB "Pattern is ", 0FDh, 'D', " bytes long", 0
PatternLength DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
C5FrequencyText DW 8
DD DWord Ptr I_PrintC5Frequency
AmpExtraKeyList Label
DB 1
DW 2400h ; Alt-J
DD DWord Ptr F_Return1
DB 0 ; ESC
DW 101h
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DB 0 ; Enter
DW 11Ch
DD DWord Ptr F_Return1
AmpBox DW 0
DB 22, 25, 57, 35
DB 3
SampleAmpBox DW 0
DB 9, 25, 69, 35
DB 3
AmpText DW 1
DB 27, 27
DB " Volume Amplification %", 0
SampleAmpText DW 1
DB 27, 27
DB " Sample Amplification %", 0
AmpTBBox DW 0
DB 25, 29, 52, 31
DB 25
FastAmpTBBox DW 0
DB 32, 29, 44, 31
DB 25
SampleAmpTBBox DW 0
DB 12, 29, 64, 31
DB 25
AmpTB DW 9
DB 26, 30
DW 0, 200
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, Amplification
DW 4, 4, 4, 4
InstrumentAmpTB DW 9
DB 26, 30
DW 0, 200
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 8, InstrumentAmplification
DW 4, 4, 4, 4
FastAmpTB DW 9
DB 33, 30
DW 10, 90
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, FastVolumeAmplification
DW 4, 4, 4, 4
SampleAmpTB DW 9
DB 13, 30
DW 0, 400
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 8, SampleAmplification
DW 4, 4, 4, 4
ConfirmOKButton DW 2
DW 3, 3, 5, 5
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 1 ; Returns 1
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 30, 32, 39, 34
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
ConfirmCancelButton DW 2
DW 3, 3, 4, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 40, 32, 49, 34
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Cancel", 0
PatternTooLongText DW 1
DB 28, 27
DB 20h
DB "Pattern data exceeds 64k", 0
NBDText DW 1
DB 30, 27
DB 20h
DB "No data in clipboard", 0
OOSoundCardMemoryText DW 1
DB 27, 27
DB 20h
DB "Insufficient Soundcard RAM", 0
OOSText DW 1
DB 31, 27
DB 20h
DB "Too many samples!", 0
OOMText DW 1
DB 30, 27
DB 20h
DB "Insufficient memory", 0
PSMText DW 1
DB 27, 26
DB 20h
DB " Crash Warning:", 13
DB " Pattern Size Mismatch", 13
DB "Fix: Remove corrupted data", 0
LongMsgText DW 1
DB 29, 27
DB 20h
DB "Song message too long!", 0
OLBText DW 1
DB 30, 27
DB 20h
DB "Swap blocks overlap", 0
DB 30, 27
DB 20h
DB "Out of pattern range", 0
DB 25, 25, 54, 32
DB 3
NBMText DW 1
DB 31, 27
DB 20h
DB "No block is marked", 0
OKButton DW 2
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 35, 29, 44, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
CrashRecoveryOKButton DW 2
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 35, 27, 44, 29
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
TemplateOKButton DW 2
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 35, 31, 44, 33
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
PECLinkButton DW 2
DW 18, 13, 20, 20
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr PE_SetCommandCursor
DW 1
DW 0
DW 0
DB 39, 37, 50, 39
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Link", 0
PECSplitButton DW 2
DW 18, 13, 19, 19
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr PE_SetCommandCursor
DW 0
DW 0
DW 0
DB 51, 37, 63, 39
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Split", 0
PECBox1 DW 0
DB 39, 22, 42, 24
DB 9
PECBox2 DW 0
DB 39, 25, 43, 27
DB 9
PECBox3 DW 0
DB 39, 28, 45, 30
DB 9
PECBox4 DW 0
DB 39, 31, 57, 33
DB 9
PECBox5 DW 0
DB 39, 34, 62, 36
DB 9
PEConfigBox DW 0
DB 10, 18, 69, 43
DB 3
PEConfigText DW 1
DB 28, 19
DB 20h
DB "Pattern Editor Options", 0
PEConfigBsOctText DW 1
DB 28, 23
DB 20h
DB "Base octave", 0
PEConfigSkipValueText DW 1
DB 28, 26
DB 20h
DB "Cursor step", 0
PEConfigRHLMinorText DW 1
DB 22, 29
DB 20h
DB "Row hilight minor", 0
PEConfigRHLMajorText DW 1
DB 22, 32
DB 20h
DB "Row hilight major", 0
PEConfigMaxRowsText DW 1
DB 14, 35
DB 20h
DB "Number of rows in pattern", 0
PEConfigCommandCursor DW 1
DB 18, 38
DB 20h
DB "Command/Value columns", 0
PEConfigDoneButton DW 2
DW 19, 14, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 34, 40, 45, 42
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Done", 0
PETBBaseOctave DW 9
DB 40, 23
DW 0, 8
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, BaseOctave
DW 13, 15, 15, 13
PETBSkipValue DW 9
DB 40, 26
DW 0, 16
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, SkipValue
DW 14, 16, 16, 14
DB 40, 29
DW 0, 32
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, RowHiLight1
DW 15, 17, 17, 15
DB 40, 32
DW 0, 128
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, RowHiLight2
DW 16, 18, 18, 16
DB 40, 35
DW 32, 200
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, NumberOfRows
DW 17, 19, 19, 17
PatternEdit DW 15
DD DWord Ptr PE_DrawPatternEdit
DD DWord Ptr PE_PrePatternEdit
DD DWord Ptr PE_PostPatternEdit
PatternEditMsg DW 10
DB "Pattern Editor (F2)", 0
HelpKeyList DB 0
DW 1C8h
DD DWord Ptr H_HelpUp
DB 0
DW 1D0h
DD DWord Ptr H_HelpDown
DB 0
DW 1C9h
DD DWord Ptr H_HelpPgUp
DB 0
DW 1D1h
DD DWord Ptr H_HelpPgDn
DB 0
DW 101h
DD DWord Ptr H_HelpESC
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyChain
ShowHelp DW 8
DD DWord Ptr H_DrawHelp
HelpBox DW 0
DB 1, 12, 78, 45
DW 27
HelpMsg DW 10
DB "Help", 0
HelpDoneButton DW 2
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr H_HelpESC
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 34, 46, 45, 48
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Done", 0
SetHelpOrderPanning DW 11
DW 0
OrderBox DW 0
DB 5, 14, 9, 47
DB 27
OrderList DW 12
DB 2, 15
DW 32
DW 11, 43
ShowChannelMsgs DW 8
DD DWord Ptr F_ShowChannels
FillHeader DW 8
DD DWord Ptr PE_FillHeader
PanBox1 DW 0
DB 30, 14, 40, 47
DB 15
PanBox2 DW 0
DB 64, 14, 74, 47
DB 15
PanText1 DW 1
DB 30, 14
DB 23h
DB 146, 0FEh, 30h, "L M R", 0FEh, 23h, 145, 0
PanText2 DW 1
DB 64, 14
DB 23h
DB 146, 0FEh, 30h, "L M R", 0FEh, 23h, 145, 0
VolumeText1 DW 1
DB 30, 14
DB 23h
DB 146, 0FEh, 30h, " Volumes ", 0FEh, 23h, 145, 0
VolumeText2 DW 1
DB 64, 14
DB 23h
DB 146, 0FEh, 30h, " Volumes ", 0FEh, 23h, 145, 0
Channel1 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 15 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 0 ; Pan/Channel 1
DW 11, 12, 43, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 19 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel2 DW 9
DB 31, 16
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 1 ; Pan/Channel 2
DW 11, 13, 44, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 20 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel3 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 17 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 2 ; Pan/Channel 3
DW 12, 14, 45, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 21 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel4 DW 9
DB 31, 18
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 3 ; Pan/Channel 4
DW 13, 15, 46, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 22 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel5 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 19 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 4 ; Pan/Channel 5
DW 14, 16, 47, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 23 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel6 DW 9
DB 31, 20
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 5 ; Pan/Channel 6
DW 15, 17, 48, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 24 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel7 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 21 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 6 ; Pan/Channel 7
DW 16, 18, 49, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 25 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel8 DW 9
DB 31, 22
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 7 ; Pan/Channel 8
DW 17, 19, 50, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 26 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel9 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 23 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 8 ; Pan/Channel 9
DW 18, 20, 51, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 27 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel10 DW 9
DB 31, 24
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 9 ; Pan/Channel 10
DW 19, 21, 52, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 12, 28 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel11 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 25 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 10 ; Pan/Channel 11
DW 20, 22, 53, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 13, 29 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel12 DW 9
DB 31, 26
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 11 ; Pan/Channel 12
DW 21, 23, 54, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 14, 30 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel13 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 27 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 12 ; Pan/Channel 13
DW 22, 24, 55, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 15, 31 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel14 DW 9
DB 31, 28
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 13 ; Pan/Channel 14
DW 23, 25, 56, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 16, 32 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel15 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 29 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 14 ; Pan/Channel 15
DW 24, 26, 57, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 17, 33 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel16 DW 9
DB 31, 30
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 15 ; Pan/Channel 16
DW 25, 27, 58, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 18, 34 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel17 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 31 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 16 ; Pan/Channel 17
DW 26, 28, 59, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 19, 35 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel18 DW 9
DB 31, 32
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 17 ; Pan/Channel 18
DW 27, 29, 60, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 20, 36 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel19 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 33 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 18 ; Pan/Channel 19
DW 28, 30, 61, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 21, 37 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel20 DW 9
DB 31, 34
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 19 ; Pan/Channel 20
DW 29, 31, 62, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 22, 38 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel21 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 35 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 20 ; Pan/Channel 21
DW 30, 32, 63, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 23, 39 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel22 DW 9
DB 31, 36
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 21 ; Pan/Channel 22
DW 31, 33, 64, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 24, 40 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel23 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 37 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 22 ; Pan/Channel 23
DW 32, 34, 65, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 25, 41 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel24 DW 9
DB 31, 38
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 23 ; Pan/Channel 24
DW 33, 35, 66, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 26, 42 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel25 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 39 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 24 ; Pan/Channel 25
DW 34, 36, 67, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 27, 43 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel26 DW 9
DB 31, 40
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 25 ; Pan/Channel 26
DW 35, 37, 68, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 28, 44 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel27 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 41 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 26 ; Pan/Channel 27
DW 36, 38, 69, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 29, 45 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel28 DW 9
DB 31, 42
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 27 ; Pan/Channel 28
DW 37, 39, 70, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 30, 46 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel29 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 43 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 28 ; Pan/Channel 29
DW 38, 40, 71, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 31, 47 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel30 DW 9
DB 31, 44
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 29 ; Pan/Channel 30
DW 39, 41, 72, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 32, 48 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel31 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 45 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 30 ; Pan/Channel 31
DW 40, 42, 73, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 33, 49 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel32 DW 9
DB 31, 46
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 31 ; Pan/Channel 32
DW 41, 43, 74, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 34, 50 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel33 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 15 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 32 ; Pan/Channel 33
DW 42, 44, 10, 11 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 35, 51 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel34 DW 9
DB 65, 16
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 33 ; Pan/Channel 34
DW 43, 45, 10, 12 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 36, 52 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel35 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 17 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 34 ; Pan/Channel 35
DW 44, 46, 10, 13 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 37, 53 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel36 DW 9
DB 65, 18
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 35 ; Pan/Channel 36
DW 45, 47, 10, 14 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 38, 54 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel37 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 19 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 36 ; Pan/Channel 37
DW 46, 48, 10, 15 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 39, 55 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel38 DW 9
DB 65, 20
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 37 ; Pan/Channel 38
DW 47, 49, 10, 16 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 40, 56 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel39 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 21 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 38 ; Pan/Channel 39
DW 48, 50, 10, 17 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 41, 57 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel40 DW 9
DB 65, 22
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 39 ; Pan/Channel 40
DW 49, 51, 10, 18 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 42, 58 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel41 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 23 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 40 ; Pan/Channel 41
DW 50, 52, 10, 19 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 43, 59 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel42 DW 9
DB 65, 24
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 41 ; Pan/Channel 42
DW 51, 53, 10, 20 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 44, 60 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel43 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 25 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 42 ; Pan/Channel 43
DW 52, 54, 10, 21 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 45, 61 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel44 DW 9
DB 65, 26
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 43 ; Pan/Channel 44
DW 53, 55, 10, 22 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 46, 62 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel45 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 27 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 44 ; Pan/Channel 45
DW 54, 56, 10, 23 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 47, 63 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel46 DW 9
DB 65, 28
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 45 ; Pan/Channel 46
DW 55, 57, 10, 24 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 48, 64 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel47 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 29 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 46 ; Pan/Channel 47
DW 56, 58, 10, 25 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 49, 65 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel48 DW 9
DB 65, 30
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 47 ; Pan/Channel 48
DW 57, 59, 10, 26 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 50, 66 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel49 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 31 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 48 ; Pan/Channel 49
DW 58, 60, 10, 27 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 51, 67 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel50 DW 9
DB 65, 32
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 49 ; Pan/Channel 50
DW 59, 61, 10, 28 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 52, 68 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel51 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 33 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 50 ; Pan/Channel 51
DW 60, 62, 10, 29 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 53, 69 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel52 DW 9
DB 65, 34
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 51 ; Pan/Channel 52
DW 61, 63, 10, 30 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 54, 70 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel53 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 35 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 52 ; Pan/Channel 53
DW 62, 64, 10, 31 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 55, 71 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel54 DW 9
DB 65, 36
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 53 ; Pan/Channel 54
DW 63, 65, 10, 32 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 56, 72 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel55 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 37 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 54 ; Pan/Channel 55
DW 64, 66, 10, 33 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 57, 73 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel56 DW 9
DB 65, 38
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 55 ; Pan/Channel 56
DW 65, 67, 10, 34 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 58, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel57 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 39 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 56 ; Pan/Channel 57
DW 66, 68, 10, 35 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 59, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel58 DW 9
DB 65, 40
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 57 ; Pan/Channel 58
DW 67, 69, 10, 36 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 60, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel59 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 41 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 58 ; Pan/Channel 59
DW 68, 70, 10, 37 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 61, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel60 DW 9
DB 65, 42
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 59 ; Pan/Channel 60
DW 69, 71, 10, 38 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 62, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel61 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 43 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 60 ; Pan/Channel 61
DW 70, 72, 10, 39 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 63, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel62 DW 9
DB 65, 44
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 61 ; Pan/Channel 62
DW 71, 73, 10, 40 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 64, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel63 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 45 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 0, 62 ; Pan/Channel 63
DW 72, 74, 10, 41 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 65, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
Channel64 DW 9
DB 65, 46
DW 0, 64
DW 0, 63 ; Pan/Channel 64
DW 73, 74, 10, 42 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 66, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
OrderAndPanningMsg DW 10
DB "Order List and Panning (F11)", 0
OrderAndVolumeMsg DW 10
DB "Order List and Channel Volume (F11)", 0
FullScreenBox DW 0
DB 0, 0, 79, 49
DB 4
ScreenHeader DW 8
DD DWord Ptr F_DrawHeader
CallAutoDetect DW 8
DD DWord Ptr Music_ShowAutoDetectSoundCard
AutoMiniBox DW 0
DB 25, 25, 55, 30
DB 0
AutoDetectText DW 1
DB 32, 26
DB 20h
DB "Sound Card Setup", 0
LoadSampleKeyList DB 0
DW 101h ; ESC
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F3
ViewSampleKeyList Label
DB 0
DW 1C9h ; PgUp
DD DWord Ptr LSWindow_Up
DB 0
DW 1D1h ; PgDn
DD DWord Ptr LSWindow_Down
DB 1 ; Alt
DW 1F00h ; 'S'
DD DWord Ptr D_SlowSampleSort
DB 5 ; Chain to...
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyList
LoadInstrumentKeyList DB 0
DW 101h ; ESC
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F4
DB 1 ; Alt
DW 1F00h ; 'S'
DD DWord Ptr D_SlowInstrumentSort
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyList
GlobalKeyList DB 0 ; F1
HelpKeyValue DW 13Bh
DD DWord Ptr H_Help
DB 3 ; Ctrl...
DW 13Bh ; F1
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Ctrl_F1
DB 0 ; F2
DW 13Ch
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F2
DB 0 ; F3
DW 13Dh
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F3
DB 3 ; Ctrl...
DW 13Dh ; F3
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Ctrl_F3
DB 0 ; F4
DW 13Eh
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F4
DB 3 ; Ctrl...
DW 13Eh ; F4
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Ctrl_F4
DB 0 ; F5
DW 13Fh
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F5
DB 1
DW 12h ; Ctrl 'R'
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F9
DB 1
DW 0Ch ; Ctrl 'L'
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F9
DB 0 ; F9
DW 142h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F8
DB 0 ; F9
DW 143h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F9
DB 6 ; F9
DW 143h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Shift_F9
DB 1
DW 17h ; Ctrl 'W'
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F10
DB 0 ; F10
DW 144h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F10
DB 0 ; F11
OrderKeyValue DW 157h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F11
DB 0 ; F12
DW 158h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F12
DB 3 ; Ctrl..
DW 158h ; F1
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Ctrl_F12
DB 0 ; ESC
DW 101h
DD DWord Ptr F_MainMenu
DB 1
DW 04h ; Ctrl 'D'
DD DWord Ptr DOSShell
DB 1
DW 05h ; Ctrl 'E'
DD DWord Ptr Refresh
DB 1
DW 13h ; Ctrl 'S'
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveSong
DB 1
DW 11h ; Ctrl 'Q'
DD DWord Ptr Quit
DB 1
DW 0Dh ; Ctrl 'M'
DD DWord Ptr MouseToggle
DB 1
DW 0Eh ; Ctrl 'N'
DD DWord Ptr F_NewSong
DB 1
DW 7h ; Ctrl 'G'
DD DWord Ptr Music_SoundCardLoadAllSamples
DB 1
DW 9 ; Ctrl 'I'
DD DWord Ptr Music_ReinitSoundCard
DB 1
DW 16 ; Ctrl 'P'
DD DWord Ptr Music_TimeSong
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 0
DW 15B7h ; Right shift+Ctrl+Printscreen
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Debug
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 13Bh ; F1
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F1
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 13Ch ; F2
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F2
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 13Dh ; F3
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F3
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 13Eh ; F4
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F4
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 13Fh ; F5
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F5
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 140h ; F6
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F6
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 141h ; F7
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F7
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 142h ; F8
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Alt_F8
DB 2 ; Alt..
DW 157h ; F11
DD DWord Ptr Music_ToggleOrderUpdate
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 6 ; Shift
DW 101h ; ESC
DD DWord Ptr Network_DriverScreen
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 6 ; Shift F1
DW 13Bh
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Shift_F1
DB 6 ; Shift F5
DW 13Fh
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_DriverScreen
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 0 ; Left shift, left+right alt
DW 73C6h ; Right ctrl + Pause
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_TimerScreen
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 0 ; Left shift, Left alt, right alt
DW 6329h ; + ~
DD DWord Ptr E_DumpEMSMemory
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 3 ; Ctrl...
DW 13Fh ; F5
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Ctrl_F5
DB 0 ; F6
DW 140h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F6
DB 6 ; F6
DW 140h
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Shift_F6
DB 0
DW 141h ; F7
DD DWord Ptr PE_F7
DB 3 ; Ctrl
DW 1CBh ; Left
DD DWord Ptr DisplayMinus
DB 3 ; Ctrl
DW 1CDh ; Right
DD DWord Ptr DisplayPlus
DB 0
DW 1B5h
DD DWord Ptr PEFunction_DecreaseOctave
DB 0
DW 137h
DD DWord Ptr PEFunction_IncreaseOctave
DB 6
DW 1B5h
DD DWord Ptr PEFunction_DecreaseOctave
DB 6
DW 137h
DD DWord Ptr PEFunction_IncreaseOctave
DB 1
DW '{'
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_LeftBrace
DB 1
DW '}'
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_RightBrace
DB 1
DW '['
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_LeftSquareBracket
DB 1
DW ']'
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_RightSquareBracket
DB 9 ; MIDI Message
DW 08000h
DD DWord Ptr MIDI_NoteOff
DB 9 ; MIDI Message
DW 09000h
DD DWord Ptr MIDI_PlayNote
DB 9 ; MIDI Message
DW 0C000h
DD DWord Ptr MIDI_SetInstrument
DB 0FFh ; End of list
ESCExitList DB 0 ; ESC
DW 101h
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ChainMIDICommands
SampleGlobalKeyList Label
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 1
DW '`'
DD DWord Ptr Music_ToggleSoloSample
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 0
DW 1C9h
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleUp
DB 0
DW 1D1h
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleDown
DB 1
DW '<'
DD DWord Ptr I_DecreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW '>'
DD DWord Ptr I_IncreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW ','
DD DWord Ptr I_DecreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW '.'
DD DWord Ptr I_IncreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW 1E00h ; Alt 'A'
DD DWord Ptr I_ConvertSample
DB 1
DW 3000h ; Alt 'B'
DD DWord Ptr I_CutSampleBeforeLoop
DB 1
DW 2000h ; Alt 'D'
DD DWord Ptr I_DeleteSample
DB 1
DW 1200h ; Alt 'E'
DD DWord Ptr I_ResizeSample
DB 1
DW 2100h ; Alt 'F'
DD DWord Ptr I_ResizeSampleNoInt
DB 1
DW 2200h ; Alt 'G'
DD DWord Ptr I_ReverseSample
DB 1
DW 2300h ; Alt 'H'
DD DWord Ptr I_CenterSample
DB 1
DW 1700h ; Alt 'I'
DD DWord Ptr I_InvertSample
DB 1 ; Alt 'J'
DW 2400h
DD DWord Ptr I_ScaleSampleVolumes
DB 1
DW 2600h ; Alt 'L'
DD DWord Ptr I_CutSample
DB 1
DW 3200h ; Alt 'M'
DD DWord Ptr I_AmplifySample
DB 1
DW 3100h ; Alt 'N'
DD DWord Ptr I_ToggleMultiChannel
DB 1
DW 1800h ; Alt 'O'
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveSample
DB 1
DW 1000h ; Alt 'Q'
DD DWord Ptr I_ToggleSampleQuality
DB 1
DW 1300h ; Alt 'R'
DD DWord Ptr I_ReplaceSample
DB 1
DW 1F00h ; Alt 'S'
DD DWord Ptr I_SwapSamples
DB 1
DW 1400h ; Alt 'T'
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveST3Sample
DB 1
DW 1100h ; Alt 'W'
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveRawSample
DB 1
DW 2D00h ; Alt 'X'
DD DWord Ptr I_ExchangeSamples
DB 1 ; Alt 'Y'
DW 1500h
DD DWord Ptr I_CalculateC5Speed
DB 2 ; Alt...
DW 14Eh ; Grey plus
DD DWord Ptr I_DoubleSampleSpeed
DB 2 ; Alt...
DW 14Ah ; Grey minus
DD DWord Ptr I_HalveSampleSpeed
DB 3
DW 14Eh
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleSpeedSemiUp
DB 3
DW 14Ah
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleSpeedSemiDown
DB 9
DW 9000h
DD DWord Ptr MIDI_PlaySample
DB 0 ; Enter... to load sample!
DW 11Ch
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_LoadSample
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyList
ScreenBox DW 0 ; Object type 0
DB 0, 0, 79, 49 ; Coordinates
DB 7 ; Box style
AboutBox DW 0 ; Object type 0
DB 11, 16, 68, 34 ; Coordinates
DB 0 ; Box style
AboutText DW 1 ; Object type 1
DB 24, 19
DB 02Bh
DB 0FFh, 1, 0, 4, 8, 0FFh, 8, 55, 37, 41, 0FFh, 5, 55, 56, 58, 62, 66, 0FFh, 6, 55, 88, 92, 13
DB 1, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 38, 42, 45, 48, 51, 55, 55, 57, 59, 63, 67, 70, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 89, 93, 96, 99, 102, 105, 13
DB 2, 6, 0FFh, 1, 10, 0FFh, 1, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 39, 43, 46, 49, 52, 54, 55, 55, 60, 64, 68, 71, 74, 77, 80, 83, 86, 90, 94, 97, 100, 103, 106, 13
DB 3, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 40, 44, 47, 50, 53, 55, 55, 55, 61, 65, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 91, 95, 98, 101, 104, 107, 13
DB 0FFh, 5, 55, 21, 0
; DB 0FEh, 20h
; DB "", 0
AutoContinueButton DW 2 ; Object type 2
DW 0 ; Button usage type
DW 0, 0 ; ????
DW 4 ; New List
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_F9
DW 0, 0, 0 ; ????
DB 32, 31, 47, 33 ; Left/Top/Right/Bottom
DB 8 ; Box initial style
DB 0 ; Button Up
DB " Continue", 0
UpdateScreen DW 8
DD DWord Ptr S_UpdateScreen
Exit DW 4 ; Object type 4
DW 0 ; Return value
DirectScreen DW 5 ; Object type 5
DB 1
InDirectScreen DW 5 ; Object type 5
DB 0
ImpulseLogo DW 6 ; Object type 6
LogoCharacter DW 256 ; First char to define
DW 108
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 7, 15, 31 ; 0
DB 63, 127, 127, 254, 252, 255, 255, 126 ; 1
DB 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 2
DB 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0 ; 3
DB 7, 31, 63, 255, 255, 254, 248, 240 ; 4
DB 192, 128, 0, 1, 1, 131, 3, 7 ; 5
DB 7, 15, 14, 30, 60, 60, 120, 240 ; 6
DB 240, 224, 224, 224, 224, 192, 0, 0 ; 7
DB 240, 240, 248, 248, 248, 120, 56, 120 ; 8
DB 112, 240, 240, 224, 224, 192, 192, 131 ; 9
DB 7, 15, 31, 31, 62, 60, 61, 63 ; 10
DB 63, 63, 62, 28, 8, 0, 0, 0 ; 11
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 193, 227 ; 12
DB 199, 223, 191, 127, 247, 239, 207, 159 ; 13
DB 31, 31, 63, 60, 24, 0, 0, 0 ; 14
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240, 240, 240 ; 15
DB 241, 227, 239, 223, 191, 251, 247, 231 ; 16
DB 159, 159, 31, 31, 14, 0, 0, 0 ; 17
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48, 112, 248 ; 18
DB 248, 240, 224, 192, 193, 131, 7, 30 ; 19
DB 252, 240, 225, 131, 3, 7, 7, 15 ; 20
DB 15, 30, 30, 28, 8, 0, 0, 0 ; 21
DB 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 7, 15 ; 22
DB 31, 63, 127, 255, 191, 190, 124, 126 ; 23
DB 255, 255, 255, 255, 199, 128, 128, 0 ; 24
DB 60, 124, 248, 240, 224, 192, 135, 159 ; 25
DB 127, 255, 223, 143, 30, 60, 56, 113 ; 26
DB 255, 255, 252, 240, 192, 0, 0, 0 ; 27
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 129 ; 28
DB 131, 135, 15, 15, 30, 60, 124, 253 ; 29
DB 191, 31, 31, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 30
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 248, 240 ; 31
DB 225, 195, 135, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255 ; 32
DB 239, 223, 159, 15, 14, 0, 0, 0 ; 33
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 56, 124, 248 ; 34
DB 248, 241, 225, 193, 129, 131, 15, 31 ; 35
DB 249, 241, 225, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 36
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3 ; 37
DB 7, 15, 30, 61, 57, 123, 119, 254 ; 38
DB 252, 248, 240, 224, 192, 192, 192, 225 ; 39
DB 247, 255, 254, 252, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 40
DB 0, 0, 24, 56, 120, 248, 248, 240 ; 41
DB 112, 96, 224, 192, 192, 128, 0, 1 ; 42
DB 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 248, 252 ; 43
DB 255, 127, 63, 31, 7, 0, 0, 0 ; 44
DB 0, 0, 0, 48, 120, 120, 248, 248 ; 45
DB 252, 124, 124, 120, 120, 112, 241, 231 ; 46
DB 142, 252, 248, 224, 128, 0, 0, 0 ; 47
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 7 ; 48
DB 15, 30, 60, 63, 127, 254, 252, 60 ; 49
DB 126, 63, 63, 31, 6, 0, 0, 0 ; 50
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 254, 254, 222 ; 51
DB 30, 60, 248, 224, 128, 1, 7, 14 ; 52
DB 124, 248, 224, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 53
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0 ; 54
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 55
DB 0, 0, 7, 31, 63, 127, 127, 255 ; 56
DB 255, 252, 127, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 57
DB 3, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 252 ; 58
DB 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 59
DB 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 7 ; 60
DB 7, 15, 31, 31, 31, 30, 0, 0 ; 61
DB 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0 ; 62
DB 0, 1, 3, 7, 7, 15, 31, 62 ; 63
DB 60, 124, 248, 248, 240, 240, 224, 224 ; 64
DB 192, 192, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 65
DB 128, 224, 240, 240, 248, 248, 248, 112 ; 66
DB 240, 224, 192, 192, 128, 6, 15, 31 ; 67
DB 63, 127, 127, 112, 33, 97, 195, 131 ; 68
DB 7, 7, 7, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0 ; 69
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 252, 254 ; 70
DB 254, 252, 248, 240, 224, 193, 195, 199 ; 71
DB 223, 253, 240, 224, 128, 0, 0, 0 ; 72
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 ; 73
DB 15, 31, 63, 124, 248, 240, 225, 195 ; 74
DB 199, 254, 252, 120, 48, 0, 0, 0 ; 75
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 255, 255 ; 76
DB 255, 255, 191, 63, 126, 252, 248, 184 ; 77
DB 63, 127, 127, 126, 124, 48, 0, 0 ; 78
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128 ; 79
DB 129, 3, 7, 15, 15, 31, 62, 126 ; 80
DB 239, 207, 143, 7, 3, 0, 0, 0 ; 81
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 63, 255 ; 82
DB 255, 255, 238, 204, 0, 0, 0, 3 ; 83
DB 15, 255, 254, 248, 224, 0, 0, 0 ; 84
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 193, 195, 131 ; 85
DB 135, 15, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 255 ; 86
DB 190, 60, 28, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 87
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 7 ; 88
DB 15, 31, 63, 126, 252, 248, 240, 227 ; 89
DB 199, 223, 188, 112, 225, 199, 254, 252 ; 90
DB 252, 126, 127, 63, 31, 0, 0, 0 ; 91
DB 0, 12, 60, 124, 248, 248, 240, 224 ; 92
DB 192, 128, 0, 0, 0, 48, 248, 248 ; 93
DB 248, 120, 241, 225, 195, 3, 15, 31 ; 94
DB 59, 243, 227, 129, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 95
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 15, 31, 62 ; 96
DB 120, 241, 231, 239, 252, 240, 192, 192 ; 97
DB 227, 255, 255, 252, 112, 0, 0, 0 ; 98
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 240, 241, 243 ; 99
DB 231, 207, 143, 14, 12, 28, 56, 112 ; 100
DB 225, 193, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 101
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 255, 255 ; 102
DB 255, 255, 254, 60, 120, 112, 240, 241 ; 103
DB 247, 255, 252, 248, 96, 0, 0, 0 ; 104
DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128 ; 105
DB 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192 ; 106
DB 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 107
O1_ConfirmConvertList DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmConvertSampleText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmConvert2List DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmConvertSampleText
DW ConfirmConvertYesButton
DW ConfirmConvertNoButton
DW 0
O1_SampleCenterList DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmCenterSampleText
DW ConfirmConvertYesButton
DW ConfirmConvertNoButton
DW 0
O1_EnableInstrumentMode DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW EnableInstrumentModeText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_InitInstrument DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW InitInstrumentText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmInitialiseNoButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmOverWriteList DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmOverWriteText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_InitialiseInstrumentList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmInitialiseText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmInitialiseNoButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmDelete DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SongNameModuleLoader
DW OKCancelList
DW DrawFileNameWindow
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmDeleteText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmDelete2 DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SampleNameLoader
DW OKCancelList
DW DrawLoadSampleWindow
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmDeleteText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmDelete3 DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW InstrumentNameLoader
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmDeleteText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmSaveRenameList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SampleNameLoader
DW OKCancelList
DW DrawLoadSampleWindow
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmSaveRenameText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmResaveList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SampleNameLoader
DW OKCancelList
DW DrawLoadSampleWindow
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmResaveText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmDiscardList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SampleNameLoader
DW OKCancelList
DW DrawLoadSampleWindow
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmDiscardText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmCutSample DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmCutSampleText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmDeleteSample DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmDeleteSampleText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmDeleteInstrument DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmDeleteInstrumentText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmClearMessage DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmClearMessageText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_ConfirmNoSave DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmNoSaveBox
DW ConfirmNoSaveMessage
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
EmptyObject DW 8
DD DWord Ptr F_Nothing
DrawFileNameWindow DW 8
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawFileWindow
DrawLoadSampleWindow DW 8
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawLoadSampleWindow
DrawLoadInstrumentWindow DW 8
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawLoadInstrument
ConfirmOverWriteBox DW 0 ; Box Object
DB 26, 25, 54, 32
DB 3
ConfirmNosaveBox DW 0 ; Box Object
DB 20, 25, 60, 32
DB 3
EnableInstrumentModeText DW 1
DB 29, 27
DB 20h
DB "Enable Instrument mode?", 0
ConfirmCenterSampleText DW 1
DB 31, 27
DB 20h
DB "Centralise sample?", 0
ConfirmOverWriteText DW 1
DB 33, 27
DB 20h
DB "Overwrite file?", 0
ConfirmDeleteText DW 1
DB 35, 27
DB 20h
DB "Delete file?", 0
ConfirmDeleteSampleText DW 1
DB 34, 27
DB 20h
DB "Delete sample?", 0
ConfirmDeleteInstrumentText DW 1
DB 32, 27
DB 20h
DB "Delete instrument?", 0
ConfirmClearMessageText DW 1
DB 31, 27
DB 20h
DB "Clear song message?", 0
ConfirmNoSaveMessage DW 1
DB 23, 27
DB 20h
DB "Current module not saved. Proceed?", 0
ConfirmSaveRenameText DW 1
DB 31, 27
DB 20h
DB "Save/Rename sample?", 0
ConfirmDiscardText DW 1
DB 33, 27
DB 20h
DB "Discard changes?", 0
ConfirmResaveText DW 1
DB 35, 27
DB 20h
DB "Save sample?", 0
InitInstrumentText DW 1
DB 29, 27
DB 20h
DB "Create host instrument?", 0
ConfirmConvertSampleText DW 1
DB 33, 27
DB 20h
DB "Convert sample?", 0
ConfirmInitialiseText DW 1
DB 29, 27
DB 20h
DB "Initialise instruments?", 0
ConfirmCutSampleText DW 1
DB 35, 27
DB 20h
DB "Cut sample?", 0
ConfirmQuitText DW 1
DB 30, 27
DB 20h
DB "Exit Impulse Tracker?", 0
ConfirmOverWriteOKButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 4, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 1 ; Return OK to overwrite
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 30, 29, 39, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 3, 3
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 41, 29, 50, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Cancel", 0
ConfirmConvertYesButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 4, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 1 ; Return 1
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 29, 29, 39, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Yes", 0
ConfirmConvertNoButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 3, 3
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 2 ; Returns 2
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 41, 29, 50, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " No", 0
ConfirmInitialiseNoButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 3, 3
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 41, 29, 50, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " No", 0
O1_UnableToSaveList DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW UnableToSaveText
DW NoSaveOKButton
DW 0
UnableToSaveText DW 1
DB 31, 27
DB 20h
DB "Unable to save file", 0
NoSaveOKButton DW 2
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 1
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 36, 29, 45, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
O1_ConfirmQuit DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW EmptyObject
DW ConfirmOverWriteBox
DW ConfirmQuitText
DW ConfirmOverWriteOKButton
DW ConfirmOverWriteCancelButton
DW 0
O1_SelectMultiChannel DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW SMCBox ; 0
DW SMCText ; 1
DW SMCInBox1 ; 2
DW SMCInBox2 ; 3
DW SMCInBox3 ; 4
DW SMCInBox4 ; 5
DW SMCDrawChannel ; 6
DW SMCChannel00Toggle ; 7
DW SMCChannel01Toggle
DW SMCChannel02Toggle
DW SMCChannel03Toggle
DW SMCChannel04Toggle
DW SMCChannel05Toggle
DW SMCChannel06Toggle
DW SMCChannel07Toggle
DW SMCChannel08Toggle
DW SMCChannel09Toggle
DW SMCChannel10Toggle
DW SMCChannel11Toggle
DW SMCChannel12Toggle
DW SMCChannel13Toggle
DW SMCChannel14Toggle
DW SMCChannel15Toggle
DW SMCChannel16Toggle
DW SMCChannel17Toggle
DW SMCChannel18Toggle
DW SMCChannel19Toggle
DW SMCChannel20Toggle
DW SMCChannel21Toggle
DW SMCChannel22Toggle
DW SMCChannel23Toggle
DW SMCChannel24Toggle
DW SMCChannel25Toggle
DW SMCChannel26Toggle
DW SMCChannel27Toggle
DW SMCChannel28Toggle
DW SMCChannel29Toggle
DW SMCChannel30Toggle
DW SMCChannel31Toggle
DW SMCChannel32Toggle
DW SMCChannel33Toggle
DW SMCChannel34Toggle
DW SMCChannel35Toggle
DW SMCChannel36Toggle
DW SMCChannel37Toggle
DW SMCChannel38Toggle
DW SMCChannel39Toggle
DW SMCChannel40Toggle
DW SMCChannel41Toggle
DW SMCChannel42Toggle
DW SMCChannel43Toggle
DW SMCChannel44Toggle
DW SMCChannel45Toggle
DW SMCChannel46Toggle
DW SMCChannel47Toggle
DW SMCChannel48Toggle
DW SMCChannel49Toggle
DW SMCChannel50Toggle
DW SMCChannel51Toggle
DW SMCChannel52Toggle
DW SMCChannel53Toggle
DW SMCChannel54Toggle
DW SMCChannel55Toggle
DW SMCChannel56Toggle
DW SMCChannel57Toggle
DW SMCChannel58Toggle
DW SMCChannel59Toggle
DW SMCChannel60Toggle
DW SMCChannel61Toggle
DW SMCChannel62Toggle
DW SMCChannel63Toggle ; 70
DW SMCOKButton ; 71
DW 0
DB 7, 18, 72, 42
DB 3
SMCInBox1 DW 0
DB 19, 21, 23, 38
DB 27
SMCInBox2 DW 0
DB 35, 21, 39, 38
DB 27
SMCInBox3 DW 0
DB 51, 21, 55, 38
DB 27
SMCInBox4 DW 0
DB 67, 21, 71, 38
DB 27
SMCText DW 1
DB 29, 19
DB 23h
DB "Multichannel Selection", 0
SMCDrawChannel DW 8
DD DWord Ptr F_DrawSMCChannels
SMCChannel00Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 22
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+00
DB 1
DW 71, 8, 23, 55
SMCChannel01Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 23
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+01
DB 1
DW 7, 9, 24, 56
SMCChannel02Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 24
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+02
DB 1
DW 8, 10, 25, 57
SMCChannel03Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 25
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+03
DB 1
DW 9, 11, 26, 58
SMCChannel04Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 26
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+04
DB 1
DW 10, 12, 27, 59
SMCChannel05Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 27
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+05
DB 1
DW 11, 13, 28, 60
SMCChannel06Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 28
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+06
DB 1
DW 12, 14, 29, 61
SMCChannel07Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 29
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+07
DB 1
DW 13, 15, 30, 62
SMCChannel08Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 30
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+08
DB 1
DW 14, 16, 31, 63
SMCChannel09Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 31
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+09
DB 1
DW 15, 17, 32, 64
SMCChannel10Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 32
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+10
DB 1
DW 16, 18, 33, 65
SMCChannel11Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 33
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+11
DB 1
DW 17, 19, 34, 66
SMCChannel12Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 34
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+12
DB 1
DW 18, 20, 35, 67
SMCChannel13Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 35
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+13
DB 1
DW 19, 21, 36, 68
SMCChannel14Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 36
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+14
DB 1
DW 20, 22, 37, 69
SMCChannel15Toggle DW 17
DB 20, 37
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+15
DB 1
DW 21, 71, 38, 70
SMCChannel16Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 22
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+16
DB 1
DW 71, 24, 39, 7
SMCChannel17Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 23
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+17
DB 1
DW 23, 25, 40, 8
SMCChannel18Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 24
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+18
DB 1
DW 24, 26, 41, 9
SMCChannel19Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 25
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+19
DB 1
DW 25, 27, 42, 10
SMCChannel20Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 26
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+20
DB 1
DW 26, 28, 43, 11
SMCChannel21Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 27
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+21
DB 1
DW 27, 29, 44, 12
SMCChannel22Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 28
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+22
DB 1
DW 28, 30, 45, 13
SMCChannel23Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 29
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+23
DB 1
DW 29, 31, 46, 14
SMCChannel24Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 30
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+24
DB 1
DW 30, 32, 47, 15
SMCChannel25Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 31
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+25
DB 1
DW 31, 33, 48, 16
SMCChannel26Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 32
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+26
DB 1
DW 32, 34, 49, 17
SMCChannel27Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 33
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+27
DB 1
DW 33, 35, 50, 18
SMCChannel28Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 34
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+28
DB 1
DW 34, 36, 51, 19
SMCChannel29Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 35
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+29
DB 1
DW 35, 37, 52, 20
SMCChannel30Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 36
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+30
DB 1
DW 36, 38, 53, 21
SMCChannel31Toggle DW 17
DB 36, 37
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+31
DB 1
DW 37, 71, 54, 22
SMCChannel32Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 22
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+32
DB 1
DW 71, 40, 55, 23
SMCChannel33Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 23
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+33
DB 1
DW 39, 41, 56, 24
SMCChannel34Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 24
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+34
DB 1
DW 40, 42, 57, 25
SMCChannel35Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 25
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+35
DB 1
DW 41, 43, 58, 26
SMCChannel36Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 26
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+36
DB 1
DW 42, 44, 59, 27
SMCChannel37Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 27
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+37
DB 1
DW 43, 45, 60, 28
SMCChannel38Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 28
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+38
DB 1
DW 44, 46, 61, 29
SMCChannel39Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 29
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+39
DB 1
DW 45, 47, 62, 30
SMCChannel40Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 30
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+40
DB 1
DW 46, 48, 63, 31
SMCChannel41Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 31
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+41
DB 1
DW 47, 49, 64, 32
SMCChannel42Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 32
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+42
DB 1
DW 48, 50, 65, 33
SMCChannel43Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 33
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+43
DB 1
DW 49, 51, 66, 34
SMCChannel44Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 34
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+44
DB 1
DW 50, 52, 67, 35
SMCChannel45Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 35
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+45
DB 1
DW 51, 53, 68, 36
SMCChannel46Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 36
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+46
DB 1
DW 52, 54, 69, 37
SMCChannel47Toggle DW 17
DB 52, 37
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+47
DB 1
DW 53, 71, 70, 38
SMCChannel48Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 22
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+48
DB 1
DW 71, 56, 7, 39
SMCChannel49Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 23
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+49
DB 1
DW 55, 57, 8, 40
SMCChannel50Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 24
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+50
DB 1
DW 56, 58, 9, 41
SMCChannel51Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 25
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+51
DB 1
DW 57, 59, 10, 42
SMCChannel52Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 26
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+52
DB 1
DW 58, 60, 11, 43
SMCChannel53Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 27
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+53
DB 1
DW 59, 61, 12, 44
SMCChannel54Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 28
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+54
DB 1
DW 60, 62, 13, 45
SMCChannel55Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 29
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+55
DB 1
DW 61, 63, 14, 46
SMCChannel56Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 30
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+56
DB 1
DW 62, 64, 15, 47
SMCChannel57Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 31
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+57
DB 1
DW 63, 65, 16, 48
SMCChannel58Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 32
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+58
DB 1
DW 64, 66, 17, 49
SMCChannel59Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 33
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+59
DB 1
DW 65, 67, 18, 50
SMCChannel60Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 34
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+60
DB 1
DW 66, 68, 19, 51
SMCChannel61Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 35
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+61
DB 1
DW 67, 69, 20, 52
SMCChannel62Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 36
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+62
DB 1
DW 68, 70, 21, 53
SMCChannel63Toggle DW 17
DB 68, 37
DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW MultiChannelInfo+63
DB 1
DW 69, 71, 22, 54
SMCOKButton DW 2
DW 22, 7, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 35, 39, 44, 41
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK ", 0
O1_ExchangeSampleList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW ExchangeSampleBox
DW ExchangeSampleText
DW ExchangeSampleInputBox
DW ExchangeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton ; 4
DW 0
O1_ReplaceSampleList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW ExchangeSampleBox
DW ReplaceSampleText
DW ExchangeSampleInputBox
DW ExchangeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton ; 4
DW 0
O1_ReplaceInstrumentList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW ExchangeSampleBox
DW ReplaceInstrumentText
DW ExchangeSampleInputBox
DW ExchangeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton ; 4
DW 0
O1_SwapSampleList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW ExchangeSampleBox
DW SwapSampleText
DW ExchangeSampleInputBox
DW ExchangeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton ; 4
DW 0
O1_SwapInstrumentList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW ExchangeSampleBox
DW SwapInstrumentText
DW ExchangeSampleInputBox
DW ExchangeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton ; 4
DW 0
O1_CopyInstrumentList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW ExchangeSampleBox
DW CopyInstrumentText
DW ExchangeSampleInputBox
DW ExchangeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton ; 4
DW 0
O1_ExchangeInstrumentList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW OKCancelList
DW ExchangeSampleBox
DW ExchangeInstrumentText
DW ExchangeSampleInputBox
DW ExchangeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton ; 4
DW 0
O1_ResizeSampleList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESC&ReturnList
DW ResizeSampleBox ; 0
DW ResizeSampleText ; 1
DW ResizeSampleInputBox ; 2
DW ResizeSampleInput ; 3
DW CancelExchangeButton
DW 0
ESCF2&ReturnList DB 0
DW 13Ch
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
ESC&ReturnList DB 0
DW 101h
DD DWord Ptr F_Return0
DB 0
DW 11Ch
DD DWord Ptr F_Return1
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ChainMIDICommands
ExchangeSampleBox DW 0
DB 26, 23, 54, 32
DB 3
ExchangeSampleText DW 1
DB 30, 25
DB 20h
DB "Exchange sample with:", 13
DB 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " Sample", 0
ResizeSampleBox DW 0
DB 26, 22, 54, 32
DB 3
ResizeSampleText DW 1
DB 31, 24
DB 23h
DB " Resize Sample", 13, 13
DB 13, 0FEh, 20h
DB "New Length", 0
ResizeSampleInputBox DW 0
DB 41, 26, 49, 28
DB 27
ResizeSampleInput DW 18
DB 42, 27
DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW NewSampleSize
DD 0
DW 0FFFFh, 4, 4, 0FFFFh
SwapSampleText DW 1
DB 32, 25
DB 20h
DB "Swap sample with:", 13
DB 13
DB " Sample", 0
SwapInstrumentText DW 1
DB 29, 25
DB 20h
DB "Swap instrument with:", 13
DB 13
DB " Instrument", 0
CopyInstrumentText DW 1
DB 31, 25
DB 20h
DB " Copy instrument:", 13
DB 13
DB "Instrument", 0
ReplaceSampleText DW 1
DB 30, 25
DB 20h
DB "Replace sample with:", 13
DB 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " Sample", 0
ReplaceInstrumentText DW 1
DB 28, 25
DB 20h
DB "Replace instrument with:", 13
DB 13
DB " Instrument", 0
ExchangeInstrumentText DW 1
DB 28, 25
DB 20h
DB "Exchange instrument with:", 13
DB 13
DB " Instrument", 0
ExchangeSampleInputBox DW 0
DB 41, 26, 45, 28
DB 27
ExchangeSampleInput DW 16
DB 42, 27
DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW SampleNumberInput
DW 3
DD DWord Ptr F_Return1
DW 0FFFFh, 4, 4, 0FFFFh
CancelExchangeButton DW 2
DW 3, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0 ; Returns 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 35, 29, 44, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Cancel", 0
O1_OrderVolumeList DW 10
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW OrderandVolumeMsg ; 3
DW OrderBox ; 4
DW PanBox1 ; 5
DW PanBox2 ; 6
DW ShowChannelMsgs ; 7
DW VolumeText1 ; 8
DW VolumeText2 ; 9
DW OrderList ; 10
DW ChannelVol1 ; 11
DW ChannelVol2 ; 12
DW ChannelVol3 ; 13
DW ChannelVol4 ; 14
DW ChannelVol5 ; 15
DW ChannelVol6 ; 16
DW ChannelVol7 ; 17
DW ChannelVol8 ; 18
DW ChannelVol9 ; 19
DW ChannelVol10 ; 20
DW ChannelVol11 ; 21
DW ChannelVol12 ; 22
DW ChannelVol13 ; 23
DW ChannelVol14 ; 24
DW ChannelVol15 ; 25
DW ChannelVol16 ; 26
DW ChannelVol17
DW ChannelVol18
DW ChannelVol19
DW ChannelVol20
DW ChannelVol21
DW ChannelVol22
DW ChannelVol23
DW ChannelVol24
DW ChannelVol25
DW ChannelVol26
DW ChannelVol27
DW ChannelVol28
DW ChannelVol29
DW ChannelVol30
DW ChannelVol31
DW ChannelVol32
DW ChannelVol33
DW ChannelVol34
DW ChannelVol35
DW ChannelVol36
DW ChannelVol37
DW ChannelVol38
DW ChannelVol39
DW ChannelVol40
DW ChannelVol41
DW ChannelVol42
DW ChannelVol43
DW ChannelVol44
DW ChannelVol45
DW ChannelVol46
DW ChannelVol47
DW ChannelVol48
DW ChannelVol49
DW ChannelVol50
DW ChannelVol51
DW ChannelVol52
DW ChannelVol53
DW ChannelVol54
DW ChannelVol55
DW ChannelVol56
DW ChannelVol57
DW ChannelVol58
DW ChannelVol59
DW ChannelVol60
DW ChannelVol61
DW ChannelVol62
DW ChannelVol63
DW ChannelVol64 ; 74
DW SetHelpContext4
DW 0
ChannelVol1 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 15 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 0+64 ; Volume/Channel 1
DW 11, 12, 43, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 19 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol2 DW 9
DB 31, 16
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 1+64 ; Volume/Channel 2
DW 11, 13, 44, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 20 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol3 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 17 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 2+64 ; Volume/Channel 3
DW 12, 14, 45, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 21 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol4 DW 9
DB 31, 18
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 3+64 ; Volume/Channel 4
DW 13, 15, 46, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 22 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol5 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 19 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 4+64 ; Volume/Channel 5
DW 14, 16, 47, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 23 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol6 DW 9
DB 31, 20
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 5+64 ; Volume/Channel 6
DW 15, 17, 48, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 24 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol7 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 21 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 6+64 ; Volume/Channel 7
DW 16, 18, 49, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 25 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol8 DW 9
DB 31, 22
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 7+64 ; Volume/Channel 8
DW 17, 19, 50, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 26 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol9 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 23 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 8+64 ; Volume/Channel 9
DW 18, 20, 51, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 11, 27 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol10 DW 9
DB 31, 24
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 9+64 ; Volume/Channel 10
DW 19, 21, 52, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 12, 28 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol11 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 25 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 10+64 ; Volume/Channel 11
DW 20, 22, 53, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 13, 29 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol12 DW 9
DB 31, 26
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 11+64 ; Volume/Channel 12
DW 21, 23, 54, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 14, 30 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol13 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 27 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 12+64 ; Volume/Channel 13
DW 22, 24, 55, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 15, 31 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol14 DW 9
DB 31, 28
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 13+64 ; Volume/Channel 14
DW 23, 25, 56, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 16, 32 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol15 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 29 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 14+64 ; Volume/Channel 15
DW 24, 26, 57, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 17, 33 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol16 DW 9
DB 31, 30
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 15+64 ; Volume/Channel 16
DW 25, 27, 58, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 18, 34 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol17 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 31 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 16+64 ; Volume/Channel 17
DW 26, 28, 59, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 19, 35 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol18 DW 9
DB 31, 32
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 17+64 ; Volume/Channel 18
DW 27, 29, 60, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 20, 36 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol19 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 33 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 18+64 ; Volume/Channel 19
DW 28, 30, 61, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 21, 37 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol20 DW 9
DB 31, 34
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 19+64 ; Volume/Channel 20
DW 29, 31, 62, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 22, 38 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol21 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 35 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 20+64 ; Volume/Channel 21
DW 30, 32, 63, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 23, 39 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol22 DW 9
DB 31, 36
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 21+64 ; Volume/Channel 22
DW 31, 33, 64, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 24, 40 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol23 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 37 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 22+64 ; Volume/Channel 23
DW 32, 34, 65, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 25, 41 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol24 DW 9
DB 31, 38
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 23+64 ; Volume/Channel 24
DW 33, 35, 66, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 26, 42 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol25 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 39 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 24+64 ; Volume/Channel 25
DW 34, 36, 67, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 27, 43 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol26 DW 9
DB 31, 40
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 25+64 ; Volume/Channel 26
DW 35, 37, 68, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 28, 44 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol27 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 41 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 26+64 ; Volume/Channel 27
DW 36, 38, 69, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 29, 45 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol28 DW 9
DB 31, 42
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 27+64 ; Volume/Channel 28
DW 37, 39, 70, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 30, 46 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol29 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 43 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 28+64 ; Volume/Channel 29
DW 38, 40, 71, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 31, 47 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol30 DW 9
DB 31, 44
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 29+64 ; Volume/Channel 30
DW 39, 41, 72, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 32, 48 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol31 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 31, 45 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 30+64 ; Volume/Channel 31
DW 40, 42, 73, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 33, 49 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol32 DW 9
DB 31, 46
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 31+64 ; Volume/Channel 32
DW 41, 43, 74, 10 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 34, 50 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol33 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 15 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 32+64 ; Volume/Channel 33
DW 42, 44, 10, 11 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 35, 51 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol34 DW 9
DB 65, 16
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 33+64 ; Volume/Channel 34
DW 43, 45, 10, 12 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 36, 52 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol35 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 17 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 34+64 ; Volume/Channel 35
DW 44, 46, 10, 13 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 37, 53 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol36 DW 9
DB 65, 18
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 35+64 ; Volume/Channel 36
DW 45, 47, 10, 14 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 38, 54 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol37 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 19 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 36+64 ; Volume/Channel 37
DW 46, 48, 10, 15 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 39, 55 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol38 DW 9
DB 65, 20
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 37+64 ; Volume/Channel 38
DW 47, 49, 10, 16 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 40, 56 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol39 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 21 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 38+64 ; Volume/Channel 39
DW 48, 50, 10, 17 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 41, 57 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol40 DW 9
DB 65, 22
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 39+64 ; Volume/Channel 40
DW 49, 51, 10, 18 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 42, 58 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol41 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 23 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 40+64 ; Volume/Channel 41
DW 50, 52, 10, 19 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 43, 59 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol42 DW 9
DB 65, 24
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 41+64 ; Volume/Channel 42
DW 51, 53, 10, 20 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 44, 60 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol43 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 25 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 42+64 ; Volume/Channel 43
DW 52, 54, 10, 21 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 45, 61 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol44 DW 9
DB 65, 26
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 43+64 ; Volume/Channel 44
DW 53, 55, 10, 22 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 46, 62 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol45 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 27 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 44+64 ; Volume/Channel 45
DW 54, 56, 10, 23 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 47, 63 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol46 DW 9
DB 65, 28
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 45+64 ; Volume/Channel 46
DW 55, 57, 10, 24 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 48, 64 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol47 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 29 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 46+64 ; Volume/Channel 47
DW 56, 58, 10, 25 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 49, 65 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol48 DW 9
DB 65, 30
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 47+64 ; Volume/Channel 48
DW 57, 59, 10, 26 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 50, 66 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol49 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 31 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 48+64 ; Volume/Channel 49
DW 58, 60, 10, 27 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 51, 67 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol50 DW 9
DB 65, 32
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 49+64 ; Volume/Channel 50
DW 59, 61, 10, 28 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 52, 68 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol51 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 33 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 50+64 ; Volume/Channel 51
DW 60, 62, 10, 29 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 53, 69 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol52 DW 9
DB 65, 34
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 51+64 ; Volume/Channel 52
DW 61, 63, 10, 30 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 54, 70 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol53 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 35 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 52+64 ; Volume/Channel 53
DW 62, 64, 10, 31 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 55, 71 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol54 DW 9
DB 65, 36
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 53+64 ; Volume/Channel 54
DW 63, 65, 10, 32 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 56, 72 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol55 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 37 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 54+64 ; Volume/Channel 55
DW 64, 66, 10, 33 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 57, 73 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol56 DW 9
DB 65, 38
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 55+64 ; Volume/Channel 56
DW 65, 67, 10, 34 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 58, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol57 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 39 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 56+64 ; Volume/Channel 57
DW 66, 68, 10, 35 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 59, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol58 DW 9
DB 65, 40
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 57+64 ; Volume/Channel 58
DW 67, 69, 10, 36 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 60, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol59 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 41 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 58+64 ; Volume/Channel 59
DW 68, 70, 10, 37 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 61, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol60 DW 9
DB 65, 42
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 59+64 ; Volume/Channel 60
DW 69, 71, 10, 38 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 62, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol61 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 43 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 60+64 ; Volume/Channel 61
DW 70, 72, 10, 39 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 63, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol62 DW 9
DB 65, 44
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 61+64 ; Volume/Channel 62
DW 71, 73, 10, 40 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 64, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol63 DW 9 ; Object 9
DB 65, 45 ; x,y
DW 0, 64 ; Ranges
DW 4, 62+64 ; Volume/Channel 63
DW 72, 74, 10, 41 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 65, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
ChannelVol64 DW 9
DB 65, 46
DW 0, 64
DW 4, 63+64 ; Volume/Channel 64
DW 73, 74, 10, 42 ; Up/Down/Tab/Shift-Tab
DW 66, 74 ; PgUp/PgDn
O1_ConfigureITList DW 14 ; Song name input
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW ConfigureListHeader
DW DivisionLine
DW SongVarText1
DW SongNameBox
DW InitialSpeedBox
DW VolumeBox
DW SongVarText2
DW LinkCommandGToggle ; 10
DW DirectoryText1
DW DirectoryText2
DW DirectoryInputBox
DW SongNameInput ; 14
DW InitialTempoInput ; 15
DW InitialSpeedInput ; 16
DW GlobalVolumeInput ; 17
DW MixingVolumeInput ; 18
DW SeparationInput ; 19
DW OldEffectsModeToggle ; 20
DW ConfigSetupButtons ; 21
DW ControlInstrumentButton ; 22
DW ControlSampleButton ; 23
DW PlayBackStereoButton ; 24
DW PlayBackMonoButton ; 25
DW SlideLinearButton ; 26
DW SlideAmigaButton ; 27
DW SongDirectoryInput ; 28
DW SampleDirectoryInput ; 29
DW InstrumentDirectoryInput ; 30
DW SaveDirectoryConfigButton ; 31
DW LinkCommandGToggle ; 32
DW SetHelpContext5
DW 0
ConfigureListHeader DW 10
DB "Song Variables & Directory Configuration (F12)", 0
DivisionLine DW 1
DB 1, 39
DB 21h
DB 0FFh, 78, 129, 0
SongVarText1 DW 1
DB 33, 13
DB 23h
DB "Song Variables", 0
SongNameBox DW 0
DB 16, 15, 43, 17
DB 25
InitialSpeedBox DW 0
DB 16, 18, 50, 21
DB 9
VolumeBox DW 0
DB 16, 22, 34, 28
DB 25
SongVarText2 DW 1
DB 2, 16
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 5, " Song Name", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Initial Tempo", 13
DB " Initial Speed", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Global Volume", 13
DB " Mixing Volume", 13
DB 0FFh, 4, " Separation", 13
DB " Old Effects", 13
DB "Compatible Gxx", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB 0FFh, 7, " Control", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB 0FFh, 6, " Playback", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Pitch Slides"
DB 0
DirectoryText1 DW 1
DB 34, 40
DB 23h
DB "Directories", 0
DirectoryText2 DW 1
DB 2, 42
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 4, " Module", 13
DB 0FFh, 4, " Sample", 13
DB "Instrument", 13
DB 0
DirectoryInputBox DW 0
DB 12, 41, 78, 45
DB 27
SongNameInput DW 16
DB 17, 16
DW 4, 4 ; Song seg, Song name
DW 26
DD 0
DW 0FFFFh, 15, 15, 0FFFFh
InitialTempoInput DW 14
DB 17, 19
DW 31, 255
DW 3, 33h ; Init. Tempo=Music:33h
DW 14, 16, 16, 14
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
DW 32
InitialSpeedInput DW 14
DB 17, 20
DW 1, 255
DW 3, 32h ; Init. Tempo=Music:33h
DW 15, 17, 17, 15
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
DW 32
GlobalVolumeInput DW 9
DB 17, 23
DW 0, 128
DW 3, 30h
DW 16, 18, 18, 16
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
MixingVolumeInput DW 9
DB 17, 24
DW 0, 128
DW 3, 31h
DW 17, 19, 19, 17
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
SeparationInput DW 9
DB 17, 25
DW 0, 128
DW 3, 34h
DW 18, 20, 20, 18
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
OldEffectsModeToggle DW 17
DB 17, 26
DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 2Ch ; of 'Flags'
DB 16
DW 19, 10, 10, 19
LinkCommandGToggle DW 17
DB 17, 27
DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 2Ch ; of 'Flags'
DB 32
DW 20, 22, 22, 20
ConfigSetupButtons DW 8
DD DWord Ptr F_ConfigButtonSetup
ControlInstrumentButton DW 2
DW 10, 24, 23, 23
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Empty Data...
DW 2 ; Call Function
DD DWord Ptr F_SetControlInstrument
DW 0, 0, 0 ; Empty data...
DB 16, 29, 30, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Instruments", 0
ControlSampleButton DW 2
DW 10, 25, 22, 22
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Empty Data...
DW 2 ; Call Function
DD DWord Ptr F_SetControlSample
DW 0, 0, 0 ; Empty data...
DB 31, 29, 45, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Samples", 0
PlayBackStereoButton DW 2
DW 22, 26, 25, 25
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Empty Data...
DW 2 ; Call Function
DD DWord Ptr F_SetStereo
DW 0, 0, 0 ; Empty data...
DB 16, 32, 30, 34
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Stereo", 0
PlayBackMonoButton DW 2
DW 23, 27, 24, 24
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Empty Data...
DW 2 ; Call Function
DD DWord Ptr F_SetMono
DW 0, 0, 0 ; Empty data...
DB 31, 32, 45, 34
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Mono", 0
SlideLinearButton DW 2
DW 24, 28, 27, 27
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Empty Data...
DW 2 ; Call Function
DD DWord Ptr F_SetLinear
DW 0, 0, 0 ; Empty data...
DB 16, 35, 30, 37
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Linear", 0
SlideAmigaButton DW 2
DW 25, 28, 26, 26
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Empty Data...
DW 2 ; Call Function
DD DWord Ptr F_SetAmiga
DW 0, 0, 0 ; Empty data...
DB 31, 35, 45, 37
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Amiga", 0
SongDirectoryInput DW 16
DB 13, 42
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 0, SongDirectory
DW 65
DD 0
DW 26, 29, 29, 26
SampleDirectoryInput DW 16
DB 013, 43
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 0, SampleDirectory
DW 65
DD 0
DW 28, 30, 30, 28
InstrumentDirectoryInput DW 16
DB 13, 44
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 0, InstrumentDirectory
DW 65
DD 0
DW 29, 31, 31, 29
SaveDirectoryConfigButton DW 2
DW 30, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Press... no data reqd
DW 2
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveDirectoryConfiguration
DW 0, 0, 0 ; Unused data..
DB 27, 46, 52, 48
DB 8 ; Thin box up
DB 0 ; Button up
DB " Save all Preferences", 0
O1_KeyboardList DW 8
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleKeyboardFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW KeyboardHeader ; 3
DW KeyboardBox1 ; 4
DW KeyboardBox2 ; 5
DW KeyboardText1 ; 6
DW KeyboardText2 ; 7
DW KBClearTableButton ; 8
DW KBDrawTables
DW SetHelpContext8
DW 0
IdleKeyboardFunctionList DD DWord Ptr IdleUpdateInfoLine
DD DWord Ptr K_DrawTables
DD 0
KBDrawTables DW 8
DD DWord Ptr K_DrawTables
KeyboardHeader DW 10
DB "Keyboard Information (Ctrl-F1)", 0
KeyboardBox1 DW 0
DB 1, 14, 25, 47
DB 27
KeyboardBox2 DW 0
DB 28, 14, 52, 47
DB 27
KeyboardText1 DW 1
DB 2, 13
DB 20h
DB "Keyboard Queue", 0
KeyboardText2 DW 1
DB 29, 13
DB 20h
DB "Keypress Table", 0
KBClearTableButton DW 2
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 2
DD DWord Ptr K_ResetKeyboardTables
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 53, 14, 77, 16
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Clear Keyboard Tables", 0
O1_InstrumentListGeneral DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW InstrumentGlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW InstrumentListHeader ; 2
DW InstrumentNameBox ; 3
DW InstrumentWindow ; 4
DW GInstrumentGeneralButton ; 5
DW GInstrumentVolumeButton ; 6
DW GInstrumentPanningButton ; 7
DW GInstrumentPitchButton ; 8
DW InstrumentTranslateBox ; 9
DW InstrumentNoteWindow ; 10
DW InstrumentFileDivision
DW InstrumentDCTDivision
DW InstrumentGeneralNNAText
DW InstrumentGeneralDCTText
DW InstrumentGeneralFileNameText ; 15
DW NNAButtonCut ; 16
DW NNAButtonContinue ; 17
DW NNAButtonOff ;18
DW NNAButtonFade ; 19
DW DCTButtonOff ; 20
DW DCTButtonNote ; 21
DW DCTButtonSample ; 22
DW DCTButtonInstrument ; 23
DW DCAButtonCut ; 24
DW DCAButtonOff ; 25
DW DCAButtonFade ; 26
DW InstrumentFilenameBox ; 27
DW InstrumentFilename ; 28
DW InstrumentNNADivision
DW FillHeader
DW SetHelpContext7
DW 0
InstrumentDCTDivision DW 1
DB 44, 30
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 35, 134, 0
InstrumentFileDivision DW 1
DB 44, 45
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 35, 154, 0
InstrumentNNADivision DW 1
DB 44, 15
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 35, 134, 0
NNAButtonCut DW 2
DW 6, 17, 10, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 0 ; Set to 0
DW 11h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 18, 77, 20, 8
DB 0
DB " Note Cut", 0
NNAButtonContinue DW 2
DW 16, 18, 10, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 1 ; Set to 1
DW 11h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 21, 77, 23, 8
DB 0
DB " Continue", 0
NNAButtonOff DW 2
DW 17, 19, 10, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 2
DW 11h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 24, 77, 26, 8
DB 0
DB " Note Off", 0
NNAButtonFade DW 2
DW 18, 20, 10, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 3
DW 11h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 27, 77, 29, 8
DB 0
DB " Note Fade", 0
DCTButtonOff DW 2
DW 19, 21, 10, 24
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 0 ; Set to 0
DW 12h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 33, 60, 35, 8
DB 0
DB " Disabled", 0
DCTButtonNote DW 2
DW 20, 22, 10, 25
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 1
DW 12h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 36, 60, 38, 8
DB 0
DB " Note", 0
DCTButtonSample DW 2
DW 21, 23, 10, 26
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 2
DW 12h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 39, 60, 41, 8
DB 0
DB " Sample", 0
DCTButtonInstrument DW 2
DW 22, 28, 10, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 3
DW 12h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 45, 42, 60, 44, 8
DB 0
DB " Instrument", 0
DCAButtonCut DW 2
DW 19, 25, 20, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 0 ; Set to 0
DW 13h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 61, 33, 77, 35, 8
DB 0
DB " Note Cut", 0
DCAButtonOff DW 2
DW 24, 26, 21, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 1 ; Set to 0
DW 13h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 61, 36, 77, 38, 8
DB 0
DB " Note Off", 0
DCAButtonFade DW 2
DW 25, 28, 22, 4
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 5
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentButtonHandler
DW 2 ; Set to 0
DW 13h
DW 0 ; Unused
DB 61, 39, 77, 41, 8
DB 0
DB " Note Fade", 0
InstrumentGeneralNNAText DW 1
DB 54, 17
DB 20h
DB "New Note Action", 0
InstrumentGeneralDCTText DW 1
DB 47, 32
DB 20h
DB "Duplicate Check Type & Action", 0
InstrumentGeneralFileNameText DW 1
DB 47, 47
DB 20h
DB "Filename", 0
InstrumentFilenameBox DW 0
DB 55, 46, 73, 48
DB 27
InstrumentFileName DW 16
DB 56, 47
DW 6, 4
DW 13
DD 0
DW 22, 0FFFFh, 4, 10
GInstrumentGeneralButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 10, 4, 6
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 0
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 31, 12, 41, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " General", 0
GInstrumentVolumeButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 16, 5, 7
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 1
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 43, 12, 53, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " Volume", 0
GInstrumentPanningButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 16, 6, 8
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 2
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 55, 12, 65, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " Panning", 0
GInstrumentPitchButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 16, 7, 4
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 3
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 67, 12, 77, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " Pitch", 0
O1_InstrumentListVolume DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleInstrumentList
DW InstrumentGlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW InstrumentListHeader ; 2
DW InstrumentNameBox ; 3
DW InstrumentWindow ; 4
DW VInstrumentGeneralButton ; 5
DW VInstrumentVolumeButton ; 6
DW VInstrumentPanningButton ; 7
DW VInstrumentPitchButton ; 8
DW InstrumentEnvelopeBox ; 9
DW InstrumentEnvelope ; 10
DW InstrumentVEBox ; 11
DW InstrumentVELBox ; 12
DW InstrumentVESLBox ; 13
DW InstrumentVEText ; 14
DW InstrumentVELText ; 15
DW InstrumentVESLText ; 16
DW InstrumentVEToggle ; 17
DW InstrumentVELToggle ; 18
DW InstrumentVELBeg ; 19
DW InstrumentVELEnd ; 20
DW InstrumentVESLToggle ; 21
DW InstrumentVESLBeg ; 22
DW InstrumentVESLEnd ; 23
DW InstrumentGlobalVolumeBox ; 24
DW InstrumentGlobalVolumeText ; 25
DW InstrumentVolume2 ; 26
DW InstrumentFadeOut2 ; 27
DW InstrumentRandomVolBox ; 28
DW InstrumentRandomVolBar ; 29
DW InstrumentVECToggle ; 30
DW FillHeader
DW SetHelpContext7
DW 0
InstrumentVEBox DW 0
DB 53, 27, 63, 30
DB 27
InstrumentVEText DW 1
DB 38, 28
DB 20h
DB "Volume Envelope", 13
DB " Carry", 0
InstrumentVEToggle DW 17
DB 54, 28
DW 4, 130h
DB 1
DW 10, 30, 4, 4
InstrumentVECToggle DW 17
DB 54, 29
DW 4, 130h
DB 8
DW 17, 18, 4, 4
InstrumentVELBox DW 0
DB 53, 31, 63, 35
DB 27
InstrumentVELToggle DW 17
DB 54, 32
DW 4, 130h
DB 2
DW 30, 19, 4, 4
InstrumentVELBeg DW 13
DB 54, 33
DW 0, 132h
DD 0
DW 18, 20, 4, 4
InstrumentVELEnd DW 13
DB 54, 34
DW 0, 133h
DD 0
DW 19, 21, 4, 4
InstrumentVELText DW 1
DB 40, 32
DB 20h
DB "Envelope Loop", 13
DB " Loop Begin", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " Loop End", 0
InstrumentVESLBox DW 0
DB 53, 36, 63, 40
DB 27
InstrumentVESLText DW 1
DB 40, 37
DB 20h
DB " Sustain Loop", 13
DB "SusLoop Begin", 13
DB " SusLoop End", 0
InstrumentVESLToggle DW 17
DB 54, 37
DW 4, 130h
DB 4
DW 20, 22, 4, 4
InstrumentVESLBeg DW 13
DB 54, 38
DW 0, 134h
DD 0
DW 21, 23, 4, 4
InstrumentVESLEnd DW 13
DB 54, 39
DW 0, 135h
DD 0
DW 22, 26, 4, 4
InstrumentEnvelopeBox DW 0
DB 31, 17, 77, 26
DB 27
InstrumentGlobalVolumeBox DW 0
DB 53, 41, 71, 44
DB 27
InstrumentGlobalVolumeText DW 1
DB 39, 42
DB 20h
DB " Global Volume", 13
DB 0FFh, 7, " Fadeout", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB "Volume Swing %", 0
InstrumentRandomVolBox DW 0
DB 53, 45, 71, 47
DB 27
InstrumentRandomVolBar DW 14
DB 54, 46
DW 0, 100
DW 6, 1Ah
DW 27, 0FFFFh, 4, 4
DW 16
InstrumentVolume2 DW 9
DB 54, 42
DW 0, 128
DW 6, 18h
DW 23, 27, 4, 4
InstrumentFadeOut2 DW 14
DB 54, 43
DW 0, 256
DW 6, 14h
DW 26, 29, 4, 4
DW 16
InstrumentEnvelope DW 15
DD DWord Ptr I_DrawEnvelope
DD DWord Ptr I_PreEnvelope
DD DWord Ptr I_PostEnvelope
VInstrumentGeneralButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 10, 4, 6
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 0
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 31, 12, 41, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " General", 0
VInstrumentVolumeButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 10, 5, 7
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 1
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 43, 12, 53, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " Volume", 0
VInstrumentPanningButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 10, 6, 8
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 2
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 55, 12, 65, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " Panning", 0
VInstrumentPitchButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 10, 7, 4
DW 0, 0, 0
DW 6
DD I_GetInstrumentScreen
DW 3
DD I_SelectScreen
DB 67, 12, 77, 14
DB 8, 0
DB " Pitch", 0
O1_InstrumentListPanning DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleInstrumentList
DW InstrumentGlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW InstrumentListHeader ; 2
DW InstrumentNameBox ; 3
DW InstrumentWindow ; 4
DW VInstrumentGeneralButton ; 5
DW VInstrumentVolumeButton ; 6
DW VInstrumentPanningButton ; 7
DW VInstrumentPitchButton ; 8
DW InstrumentEnvelopeBox ; 9
DW InstrumentEnvelope ; 10
DW InstrumentVEBox ; 11
DW InstrumentVELBox ; 12
DW InstrumentVESLBox ; 13
DW InstrumentPanText ; 14
DW InstrumentVELText ; 15
DW InstrumentVESLText ; 16
DW InstrumentPanToggle ; 17
DW InstrumentPanLToggle ; 18
DW InstrumentPanLBeg ; 19
DW InstrumentPanLEnd ; 20
DW InstrumentPanSLToggle ; 21
DW InstrumentPanSLBeg ; 22
DW InstrumentPanSLEnd ; 23
DW InstrumentDefaultPanBox ; 24
DW InstrumentDefaultPanText ; 25
DW InstrumentDefaultPanToggle ; 26
DW InstrumentDefaultPanValue ; 27
DW InstrumentPitchPanCenter ; 28
DW InstrumentPitchPanSeparation ; 29
DW InstrumentPanSwing ; 30
DW InstrumentPanBoxFiller
DW InstrumentPanCToggle ; 32
DW FillHeader
DW SetHelpContext7
DW 0
InstrumentPanBoxFiller DW 1
DB 54, 44
DB 2
DB 0FFh, 9, 09Ah, 0
InstrumentPanText DW 1
DB 37, 28
DB 20h
DB "Panning Envelope", 13
DB " Carry", 0
InstrumentPanToggle DW 17
DB 54, 28
DW 4, 182h
DB 1
DW 10, 32, 4, 4
InstrumentPanCToggle DW 17
DB 54, 29
DW 4, 182h
DB 8
DW 17, 18, 4, 4
InstrumentPanLToggle DW 17
DB 54, 32
DW 4, 182h
DB 2
DW 32, 19, 4, 4
InstrumentPanLBeg DW 13
DB 54, 33
DW 0, 184h
DD 0
DW 18, 20, 4, 4
InstrumentPanLEnd DW 13
DB 54, 34
DW 0, 185h
DD 0
DW 19, 21, 4, 4
InstrumentPanSLToggle DW 17
DB 54, 37
DW 4, 182h
DB 4
DW 20, 22, 4, 4
InstrumentPanSLBeg DW 13
DB 54, 38
DW 0, 186h
DD 0
DW 21, 23, 4, 4
InstrumentPanSLEnd DW 13
DB 54, 39
DW 0, 187h
DD 0
DW 22, 26, 4, 4
InstrumentDefaultPanBox DW 0
DB 53, 41, 63, 48
DB 27
InstrumentDefaultPanText DW 1
DB 33, 42
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 9, " Default Pan", 13
DB 0FFh, 11, " Pan Value", 13, 13
DB 0FFh, 4, " Pitch-Pan Center", 13
DB "Pitch-Pan Separation", 13
DB 0FFh, 11, " Pan swing", 0
InstrumentDefaultPanToggle DW 17
DB 54, 42
DW 4, 19h
DB 80h
DW 23, 27, 4, 4
InstrumentDefaultPanValue DW 9
DB 54, 43
DW 0, 64
DW 6, 19h
DW 26, 28, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchPanCenter DW 15
DD DWord Ptr I_DrawPitchPanCenter
DD DWord Ptr I_PrePitchPanCenter
DD DWord Ptr I_PostPitchPanCenter
InstrumentPitchPanSeparation DW 9
DB 54, 46
DW -32, 32
DW 6, 16h
DW 28, 30, 4, 4
InstrumentPanSwing DW 9
DB 54, 47
DW 0, 64
DW 6, 1Bh
DW 29, 0FFFFh, 4, 4
O1_InstrumentListPitch DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleInstrumentList
DW InstrumentGlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW InstrumentListHeader ; 2
DW InstrumentNameBox ; 3
DW InstrumentWindow ; 4
DW VInstrumentGeneralButton ; 5
DW VInstrumentVolumeButton ; 6
DW VInstrumentPanningButton ; 7
DW VInstrumentPitchButton ; 8
DW InstrumentEnvelopeBox ; 9
DW InstrumentEnvelope ; 10
DW InstrumentVEBox ; 11
DW InstrumentVELBox ; 12
DW InstrumentVESLBox ; 13
DW InstrumentPitchText ; 14
DW InstrumentVELText ; 15
DW InstrumentVESLText ; 16
DW InstrumentPitchToggle ; 17
DW InstrumentPitchLToggle ; 18
DW InstrumentPitchLBeg ; 19
DW InstrumentPitchLEnd ; 20
DW InstrumentPitchSLToggle ; 21
DW InstrumentPitchSLBeg ; 22
DW InstrumentPitchSLEnd ; 23
DW InstrumentMIDIBox1 ; 24
DW InstrumentMIDIChannel ; 25
DW InstrumentMIDIProgram ; 26
DW InstrumentMIDIBank1 ; 27
DW InstrumentMIDIBank2 ; 28
DW InstrumentPitchCToggle ; 29
DW InstrumentFilterCutoff ; 30
DW InstrumentFilterResonance ; 31
DW InstrumentMIDIText
DW FillHeader
DW SetHelpContext7
DW 0
InstrumentMIDIText DW 1
DB 36, 42
DB 20h
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB "Default Cutoff", 13
DB "Default Resonance", 13
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB "MIDI Channel", 13
DB "MIDI Program", 13
DB "MIDI Bank Low", 13
DB "MIDI Bank High", 0
InstrumentPitchText DW 1
DB 35, 28
DB 20h
DB "Frequency Envelope", 13
DB " Carry", 0
InstrumentPitchToggle DW 17
DB 54, 28
DW 4, 1D4h
DB 1
DW 10, 29, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchCToggle DW 17
DB 54, 29
DW 4, 1D4h
DB 8
DW 17, 18, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchLToggle DW 17
DB 54, 32
DW 4, 1D4h
DB 2
DW 29, 19, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchLBeg DW 13
DB 54, 33
DW 0, 1D6h
DD 0
DW 18, 20, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchLEnd DW 13
DB 54, 34
DW 0, 1D7h
DD 0
DW 19, 21, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchSLToggle DW 17
DB 54, 37
DW 4, 1D4h
DB 4
DW 20, 22, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchSLBeg DW 13
DB 54, 38
DW 0, 1D8h
DD 0
DW 21, 23, 4, 4
InstrumentPitchSLEnd DW 13
DB 54, 39
DW 0, 1D9h
DD 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 22, 30, 4, 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 22, 25, 4, 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
InstrumentMIDIChannel DW 14
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 44
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 42
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 0, 17
DW 6, 3Ch
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 30, 26, 4, 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 23, 26, 4, 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 16
InstrumentFilterCutoff DW 14
DB 54, 42
DW 0, 127
DW 6, 3Ah
DW 23, 31, 4, 4
DW 16
InstrumentFilterResonance DW 14
DB 54, 43
DW 0, 127
DW 6, 3Bh
DW 30, 25, 4, 4
DW 16
InstrumentMIDIProgram DW 14
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 45
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 43
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW -1, 127
DW 6, 3Dh
DW 25, 27, 4, 4
DW 16
InstrumentMIDIBank1 DW 14
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 46
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 44
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW -1, 127
DW 6, 3Eh
DW 26, 28, 4, 4
DW 16
InstrumentMIDIBank2 DW 14
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 47
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 54, 45
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW -1, 127
DW 6, 3Fh
DW 27, 0FFFFh, 4, 4
DW 16
InstrumentListHeader DW 10
DB "Instrument List (F4)", 0
InstrumentNameBox DW 0
DB 4, 12, 30, 48
DB 27
InstrumentTranslateBox DW 0
DB 31, 15, 42, 48
DB 27
InstrumentMIDIBox1 DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 53, 41, 71, 48
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 53, 41, 71, 46
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 27
InstrumentWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr I_DrawInstrumentWindow
DD DWord Ptr I_PreInstrumentWindow
DD DWord Ptr I_PostInstrumentWindow
InstrumentNoteWindow DW 15
DD DWord Ptr I_DrawNoteWindow
DD DWord Ptr I_PreNoteWindow
DD DWord Ptr I_PostNoteWindow
InstrumentGlobalKeyList Label
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 1
DW '`'
DD DWord Ptr Music_ToggleSoloInstrument
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DB 3 ; Ctrl
DW 1C9h
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleUp
DB 3 ; Ctrl.
DW 1D1h
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleDown
DB 0
DW 1C9h
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleUp
DB 0
DW 1D1h
DD DWord Ptr I_SampleDown
DB 1
DW '<'
DD DWord Ptr I_DecreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW '>'
DD DWord Ptr I_IncreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW ','
DD DWord Ptr I_DecreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW '.'
DD DWord Ptr I_IncreasePlayChannel
DB 1
DW 2000h ; Alt 'D'
DD DWord Ptr I_DeleteInstrument
DB 1
DW 1300h ; Alt 'R'
DD DWord Ptr I_ReplaceInstrument
DB 1
DW 1F00h ; Alt 'S'
DD DWord Ptr I_SwapInstruments
DB 1
DW 1800h ; Alt 'O'
DD DWord Ptr D_SaveInstrument
DB 1
DW 1900h ; Alt 'P'
DD DWord Ptr I_CopyInstrument
DB 1
DW 1600h ; Alt 'U'
DD DWord Ptr I_UpdateInstrument
DB 1 ; Alt 'J'
DW 2400h
DD DWord Ptr I_ScaleInstrumentVolumes
DB 1
DW 2D00h ; Alt 'X'
DD DWord Ptr I_ExchangeInstruments
DB 1
DW 3100h ; Alt 'N'
DD DWord Ptr I_ToggleMultiChannel
DB 0
DW 139h
DD DWord Ptr I_InstrumentListSpace
DB 0
DW 039h
DD DWord Ptr I_InstrumentListNoteOff
DB 0 ; Enter... to load sample!
DW 11Ch
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_LoadInstrument
DB 4 ; Always call function
DW 0
DD DWord Ptr I_PlayNote
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyList
O1_DisplayList DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW InfoPageIdleList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW DisplayHeader ; 3
DW DisplayObject ; 4
DW SetHelpContext9
DW 0
O1_FullDisplayList DW 1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW InfoPageIdleList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW DisplayObject ; 1
DW SetHelpContext9
DW 0
InfoPageIdleList Label DWord
DD DWord Ptr DisplayUpdateScreen
DD 0
DisplayHeader DW 10
DB "Info Page (F5)", 0
DisplayObject DW 15
DD DWord Ptr DrawDisplayData
DD DWord Ptr F_Nothing
DD DWord Ptr PostDisplayData
O1_ThumbStringList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESC&ReturnList
DW ThumbBox
DW ThumbInputText
DW ThumbInputBox
DW ThumbInput
DW 0
ThumbBox DW 0
DB 29, 24, 50, 28
DB 3
ThumbInputText DW 1
DB 32, 26
DB 23h
DB "Enter Value", 0
ThumbInputBox DW 0
DB 43, 25, 48, 27
DB 27
ThumbInput DW 16
DB 44, 26
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 5, ThumbStringEnter
DW 4
DD 0 ; No function
O1_NewSongList DW 11
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW NewSongBox ; 0
DW NewSongText ; 1
DW NewSongText2 ; 2
DW KeepPatternButton ; 3
DW ClearPatternButton ; 4
DW KeepSampleButton ; 5
DW ClearSampleButton ; 6
DW KeepInstrumentButton ; 7
DW ClearInstrumentButton ; 8
DW KeepOrderListButton ; 9
DW ClearOrderListButton ; 10
DW NewSongOKButton ; 11
DW NewSongCancelButton ; 12
DW 0
NewSongBox DW 0
DB 21, 20, 58, 38
DB 3
NewSongText DW 1
DB 36, 21
DB 23h
DB "New Song", 0
NewSongText2 DW 1
DB 23, 24
DB 20h
DB " Patterns", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB 0FFh, 4, " Samples", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB "Instruments", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Order List", 0
KeepPatternButton DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 5, 4, 4
DW 2
DW 3, 4
DW 3 ; Set var!
DW 3, 0
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 34, 23, 43, 25
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Keep", 0
ClearPatternButton DW 2
DW 4, 6, 3, 3
DW 2
DW 3, 4
DW 3
DW 3, 1 ; Clear pattern flag
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 44, 23, 54, 25
DB 8
DB 3 ; Default to down
DB " Clear", 0
KeepSampleButton DW 2
DW 3, 7, 6, 6
DW 2
DW 5, 6
DW 3 ; Set var!
DW 4, 0
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 34, 26, 43, 28
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Keep", 0
ClearSampleButton DW 2
DW 4, 8, 5, 5
DW 2
DW 5, 6
DW 3
DW 4, 1 ; Clear pattern flag
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 44, 26, 54, 28
DB 8
DB 3 ; Default to down
DB " Clear", 0
KeepInstrumentButton DW 2
DW 5, 9, 8, 8
DW 2
DW 7, 8
DW 3 ; Set var!
DW 5, 0
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 34, 29, 43, 31
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Keep", 0
ClearInstrumentButton DW 2
DW 6, 10, 7, 7
DW 2
DW 7, 8
DW 3
DW 5, 1 ; Clear pattern flag
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 44, 29, 54, 31
DB 8
DB 3 ; Default to down
DB " Clear", 0
KeepOrderListButton DW 2
DW 7, 11, 10, 10
DW 2
DW 9, 10
DW 3 ; Set var!
DW 6, 0
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 34, 32, 43, 34
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Keep", 0
ClearOrderListButton DW 2
DW 8, 12, 9, 9
DW 2
DW 9, 10
DW 3
DW 6, 1 ; Clear pattern flag
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 44, 32, 54, 34
DB 8
DB 3 ; Default to down
DB " Clear", 0
NewSongOKButton DW 2
DW 9, 0FFFFh, 12, 12
DW 0 ; Press.
DW 0, 0
DW 0 ; Return value.
DW 1 ; Return OK.
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 35, 38, 37
DB 8
DB 0
DB " OK", 0
NewSongCancelButton DW 2
DW 9, 0FFFFh, 11, 11
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 0
DW 0
DW 0, 0, 0, 0
DB 40, 35, 51, 37
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Cancel", 0
O1_MainMenu DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW MainMenuBox1 ; 0
DW MainMenuBox2 ; 1
DW MainMenuText ; 2
DW MainMenuFile ; 3
DW MainMenuPlayBack ; 4
DW MainMenuViewPatterns ; 5
DW MainMenuViewSamples ; 6
DW MainMenuViewInstruments; 7
DW MainMenuViewOrderPan ; 8
DW MainMenuViewVariables ; 9
DW MainMenuMessage
DW MainMenuHelp ; 11
DW 0
MainMenuBox1 DW 0
DB 6, 14, 38, 46
DB 3
MainMenuBox2 DW 0
DB 7, 15, 37, 45
DB 0
MainMenuText DW 1
DB 12, 16
DB 23h
DB "Main Menu", 0
MainMenuFile DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 4, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 2
DD DWord Ptr F_FileMenu
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 18, 36, 20
DB 28
DB 0
DB " File Menu...", 0
MainMenuPlayBack DW 2
DW 3, 5, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 2
DD DWord Ptr F_PlayBackMenu
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 21, 36, 23
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Playback Menu...", 0
MainMenuViewPatterns DW 2
DW 4, 6, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr F_ViewPattern
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 24, 36, 26
DB 28
DB 0
DB " View Patterns (F2)", 0
MainMenuViewSamples DW 2
DW 5, 7, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 2
DD DWord Ptr F_SampleMenu
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 27, 36, 29
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Sample Menu...", 0
MainMenuViewInstruments DW 2
DW 6, 8, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 2
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentMenu
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 30, 36, 32
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Instrument Menu...", 0
MainMenuViewOrderPan DW 2
DW 7, 9, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_ViewOrderPan
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 33, 36, 35
DB 28
DB 0
DB " View Orders/Panning (F11)", 0
MainMenuViewVariables DW 2
DW 8, 10, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_ViewVariables
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 36, 36, 38
DB 28
DB 0
DB " View Variables (F12)", 0
MainMenuMessage DW 2
DW 9, 11, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_MessageEditor
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 39, 36, 41
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Message Editor (Shift-F9)", 0
MainMenuHelp DW 2
DW 10, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_Help
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 8, 42, 36, 44
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Help! (F1)", 0
O1_FileMenu DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW FileBox1 ; 0
DW FileBox2 ; 1
DW FileMenuText ; 2
DW FileLoad ; 3
DW FileNew
DW FileSaveCurrent
DW FileSaveAs
DW FileDOSShell
DW FileQuit
DW 0
FileBox1 DW 0
DB 25, 16, 54, 39
DB 1
FileBox2 DW 0
DB 26, 17, 53, 38
DB 0
FileMenuText DW 1
DB 30, 18
DB 23h
DB "File Menu", 0
FileLoad DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 4, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_FileLoad
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 20, 52, 22
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Load... (F9)", 0
FileNew DW 2
DW 3, 5, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_FileNew
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 23, 52, 25
DB 28
DB 0
DB " New... (Ctrl-N)", 0
FileSaveCurrent DW 2
DW 4, 6, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_FileSaveCurrent
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 26, 52, 28
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Save Current (Ctrl-S)", 0
FileSaveAs DW 2
DW 5, 7, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_FileSaveAs
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 29, 52, 31
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Save As... (F10)", 0
FileDOSShell DW 2
DW 6, 8, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_FileDOSShell
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 32, 52, 34
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Shell to DOS (Ctrl-D)", 0
FileQuit DW 2
DW 7, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_FileQuit
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 35, 52, 37
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Quit (Ctrl-Q)", 0
O1_PlayBackMenu DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW PlayBackBox1 ; 0
DW PlayBackBox2 ; 1
DW PlayBackText ; 2
DW PlayBackShowInfoPage ; 3
DW PlayBackSong ; 4
DW PlayBackPattern ; 5
DW PlayBackOrder ; 6
DW PlayBackMark ; 7
DW PlayBackStop ; 8
DW PlayBackReinit ; 9
DW PlayBackDriverScreen ; 10
DW PlayBackCalculateLength ; 11
DW 0
PlayBackBox1 DW 0
DB 25, 16, 59, 48
DB 1
PlayBackBox2 DW 0
DB 26, 17, 58, 47
DB 0
PlayBackText DW 1
DB 31, 18
DB 23h
DB "Playback Menu", 0
PlayBackShowInfoPage DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 4, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_InfoPage
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 20, 57, 22
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Show Infopage (F5)", 0
PlayBackSong DW 2
DW 3, 5, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_PlaySong
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 23, 57, 25
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Play Song (Ctrl-F5)", 0
PlayBackPattern DW 2
DW 4, 6, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_PlayPattern
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 26, 57, 28
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Play Pattern (F6)", 0
PlayBackOrder DW 2
DW 5, 7, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_PlayOrder
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 29, 57, 31
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Play from Order (Shift-F6)", 0
PlayBackMark DW 2
DW 6, 8, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_PlayMark
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 32, 57, 34
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Play from Mark/Cursor (F7)", 0
PlayBackStop DW 2
DW 7, 9, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_Stop
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 35, 57, 37
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Stop (F8)", 0
PlayBackReinit DW 2
DW 8, 10, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_ReinitSoundCard
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 38, 57, 40
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Reinit Soundcard (Ctrl-I)", 0
PlayBackDriverScreen DW 2
DW 9, 11, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_DriverScreen
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 41, 57, 43
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Driver Screen (Shift-F5)", 0
PlayBackCalculateLength DW 2
DW 10, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_CalculateLength
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 44, 57, 46
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Calculate Length (Ctrl-P)", 0
O1_SampleMenu DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW SampleBox1 ; 0
DW SampleBox2 ; 1
DW SampleText ; 2
DW SampleMenuList ; 3
DW SampleLibrary ; 4
DW ReloadGravis ; 5
DW 0
SampleBox1 DW 0
DB 25, 23, 57, 37
DB 1
SampleBox2 DW 0
DB 26, 24, 56, 36
DB 0
SampleText DW 1
DB 30, 25
DB 23h
DB "Sample Menu", 0
SampleMenuList DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 4, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_SampleList
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 27, 55, 29
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Sample List (F3)", 0
SampleLibrary DW 2
DW 3, 5, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_SampleLibrary
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 30, 55, 32
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Sample Library (Ctrl-F3)", 0
ReloadGravis DW 2
DW 4, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_ReloadGravis
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 27, 33, 55, 35
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Reload Soundcard (Ctrl-G)", 0
O1_InstrumentMenu DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW InstrumentBox1 ; 0
DW InstrumentBox2 ; 1
DW InstrumentText ; 2
DW InstrumentMenuList ; 3
DW InstrumentLibrary ; 4
DW 0
InstrumentBox1 DW 0
DB 20, 23, 56, 34
DB 1
InstrumentBox2 DW 0
DB 21, 24, 55, 33
DB 0
InstrumentText DW 1
DB 25, 25
DB 23h
DB "Instrument Menu", 0
InstrumentMenuList DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 4, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentList
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 22, 27, 54, 29
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Instrument List (F4)", 0
InstrumentLibrary DW 2
DW 3, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4
DD DWord Ptr F_InstrumentLibrary
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 22, 30, 54, 32
DB 28
DB 0
DB " Instrument Library (Ctrl-F4)", 0
O1_EditSampleName DW 3
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCReturnList
DW EditSampleNameBox ; 0
DW EditSampleNameText ; 1
DW EditSampleNameInputBox ; 2
DW EditSampleNameInput ;3
DW 0
EditSampleNameBox DW 0
DB 23, 25, 56, 31
DB 3
EditSampleNameText DW 1
DB 32, 26
DB 23h
DB "Edit Sample Name", 0
EditSampleNameInputBox DW 0
DB 26, 28, 53, 30
DB 27
EditSampleNameInput DW 16
DB 27, 29
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 0, SampleName
DW 26
DD DWord Ptr F_Return1
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_DebugList DW 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleDebugFunctionList
DW DebugKeyList
DW FullScreenBox
DW ScreenHeader
DW DebugBox
DW DebugText
DW DebugInputBox
DW DebugAddressInput
DW DebugInfo
DW FillHeader
DW DebugHeader
DW 0
DebugInfo DW 8
IdleDebugFunctionList DD DWord Ptr F_DrawDebug
DD DWord Ptr IdleUpdateInfoLine
DD 0
DebugKeyList Label
DB 4
DW 0
DD DWord Ptr F_PostDebug
DB 0
DW 1C8h
DD DWord Ptr F_DebugUp
DB 0
DW 1D0h
DD DWord Ptr F_DebugDown
DB 0
DW 1C9h
DD DWord Ptr F_DebugPgUp
DB 0
DW 1D1h
DD DWord Ptr F_DebugPgDn
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyList
DebugBox DW 0
DB 1, 14, 78, 45
DB 27
DebugText DW 1
DB 4, 47
DB 20h
DB "Address", 0
DebugInputBox DW 0
DB 11, 46, 30, 48
DB 25
DebugAddressInput DW 16
DB 12, 47
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 5, AddressInput
DW 18
DD DWord Ptr F_DebugStringInput
DebugHeader DW 10
DB "Debug", 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_ConfigurePaletteList DW 53
DW IdleFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW ConfigurePaletteHeader ; 3
DW SetHelpContext10
DW PaletteColourBorder1
DW PaletteColourBorder2
DW PaletteColourBorder3
DW PaletteColourBorder4
DW PaletteColourBorder5
DW PaletteColourBorder6 ; 10
DW PaletteColourBorder7
DW PaletteColourBorder8
DW PaletteColourBorder9
DW PaletteColourBorder10
DW PaletteColourBorder11
DW PaletteColourBorder12
DW PaletteColourBorder13
DW PaletteColourBorder14
DW PaletteColourBorder15
DW PaletteColourBorder16 ; 20
DW PaletteColourBox1
DW PaletteColourBox2
DW PaletteColourBox3
DW PaletteColourBox4
DW PaletteColourBox5
DW PaletteColourBox6
DW PaletteColourBox7
DW PaletteColourBox8
DW PaletteColourBox9
DW PaletteColourBox10 ; 30
DW PaletteColourBox11
DW PaletteColourBox12
DW PaletteColourBox13
DW PaletteColourBox14
DW PaletteColourBox15
DW PaletteColourBox16
DW PaletteInputBox1
DW PaletteInputBox2
DW PaletteInputBox3
DW PaletteInputBox4 ; 40
DW PaletteInputBox5
DW PaletteInputBox6
DW PaletteInputBox7
DW PaletteInputBox8
DW PaletteInputBox9
DW PaletteInputBox10
DW PaletteInputBox11
DW PaletteInputBox12
DW PaletteInputBox13
DW PaletteInputBox14 ; 50
DW PaletteInputBox15
DW PaletteInputBox16
DW Colour0RedInput ; 53
DW Colour0GreenInput
DW Colour0BlueInput
DW Colour1RedInput ; 56
DW Colour1GreenInput
DW Colour1BlueInput
DW Colour2RedInput
DW Colour2GreenInput ; 60
DW Colour2BlueInput
DW Colour3RedInput
DW Colour3GreenInput
DW Colour3BlueInput
DW Colour4RedInput
DW Colour4GreenInput
DW Colour4BlueInput
DW Colour5RedInput
DW Colour5GreenInput
DW Colour5BlueInput ; 70
DW Colour6RedInput
DW Colour6GreenInput
DW Colour6BlueInput
DW Colour7RedInput ; 74
DW Colour7GreenInput
DW Colour7BlueInput
DW Colour8RedInput
DW Colour8GreenInput
DW Colour8BlueInput
DW Colour9RedInput ; 80
DW Colour9GreenInput
DW Colour9BlueInput
DW Colour10RedInput
DW Colour10GreenInput
DW Colour10BlueInput
DW Colour11RedInput
DW Colour11GreenInput
DW Colour11BlueInput
DW Colour12RedInput
DW Colour12GreenInput ; 90
DW Colour12BlueInput
DW Colour13RedInput
DW Colour13GreenInput
DW Colour13BlueInput
DW Colour14RedInput
DW Colour14GreenInput
DW Colour14BlueInput
DW Colour15RedInput
DW Colour15GreenInput
DW Colour15BlueInput ; 100
DW PredefinedPaletteMsg
DW PredefinedPalette1
DW PredefinedPalette2
DW PredefinedPalette3
DW PredefinedPalette4
DW PredefinedPalette5
DW PredefinedPalette6
DW PredefinedPalette7
DW 0
ConfigurePaletteHeader DW 10
DB "Palette Configuration (Ctrl-F12)", 0
PaletteColourBorder1 DW 0
DB 2, 13, 8, 17
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder2 DW 0
DB 2, 18, 8, 22
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder3 DW 0
DB 2, 23, 8, 27
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder4 DW 0
DB 2, 28, 8, 32
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder5 DW 0
DB 2, 33, 8, 37
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder6 DW 0
DB 2, 38, 8, 42
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder7 DW 0
DB 2, 43, 8, 47
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder8 DW 0
DB 29, 13, 35, 17
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder9 DW 0
DB 29, 18, 35, 22
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder10 DW 0
DB 29, 23, 35, 27
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder11 DW 0
DB 29, 28, 35, 32
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder12 DW 0
DB 29, 33, 35, 37
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder13 DW 0
DB 29, 38, 35, 42
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder14 DW 0
DB 29, 43, 35, 47
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder15 DW 0
DB 56, 13, 62, 17
DB 11
PaletteColourBorder16 DW 0
DB 56, 18, 62, 22
DB 11
PaletteColourBox1 DW 1
DB 3, 14
DB 00h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox2 DW 1
DB 3, 19
DB 10h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox3 DW 1
DB 3, 24
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox4 DW 1
DB 3, 29
DB 30h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox5 DW 1
DB 3, 34
DB 40h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox6 DW 1
DB 3, 39
DB 50h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox7 DW 1
DB 3, 44
DB 60h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox8 DW 1
DB 30, 14
DB 70h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox9 DW 1
DB 30, 19
DB 80h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox10 DW 1
DB 30, 24
DB 90h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox11 DW 1
DB 30, 29
DB 0A0h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox12 DW 1
DB 30, 34
DB 0B0h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox13 DW 1
DB 30, 39
DB 0C0h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox14 DW 1
DB 30, 44
DB 0D0h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox15 DW 1
DB 57, 14
DB 0E0h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteColourBox16 DW 1
DB 57, 19
DB 0F0h
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " ", 0
PaletteInputBox1 DW 0
DB 9, 13, 19, 17
DB 27
PaletteInputBox2 DW 0
DB 9, 18, 19, 22
DB 27
PaletteInputBox3 DW 0
DB 9, 23, 19, 27
DB 27
PaletteInputBox4 DW 0
DB 9, 28, 19, 32
DB 27
PaletteInputBox5 DW 0
DB 9, 33, 19, 37
DB 27
PaletteInputBox6 DW 0
DB 9, 38, 19, 42
DB 27
PaletteInputBox7 DW 0
DB 9, 43, 19, 47
DB 27
PaletteInputBox8 DW 0
DB 36, 13, 46, 17
DB 27
PaletteInputBox9 DW 0
DB 36, 18, 46, 22
DB 27
PaletteInputBox10 DW 0
DB 36, 23, 46, 27
DB 27
PaletteInputBox11 DW 0
DB 36, 28, 46, 32
DB 27
PaletteInputBox12 DW 0
DB 36, 33, 46, 37
DB 27
PaletteInputBox13 DW 0
DB 36, 38, 46, 42
DB 27
PaletteInputBox14 DW 0
DB 36, 43, 46, 47
DB 27
PaletteInputBox15 DW 0
DB 63, 13, 73, 17
DB 27
PaletteInputBox16 DW 0
DB 63, 18, 73, 22
DB 27
Colour0RedInput DW 9
DB 10, 14
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs
DW 0FFFFh, 54, 74, 95, 0FFFFh, 56
Colour0GreenInput DW 9
DB 10, 15
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+1
DW 53, 55, 75, 96, 0FFFFh, 57
Colour0BlueInput DW 9
DB 10, 16
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+2
DW 54, 56, 76, 97, 0FFFFh, 58
Colour1RedInput DW 9
DB 10, 19
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+3
DW 55, 57, 77, 98, 53, 59
Colour1GreenInput DW 9
DB 10, 20
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+4
DW 56, 58, 78, 99, 54, 60
Colour1BlueInput DW 9
DB 10, 21
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+5
DW 57, 59, 79, 100, 55, 61
Colour2RedInput DW 9
DB 10, 24
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+6
DW 58, 60, 80, 0FFFFh, 56, 62
Colour2GreenInput DW 9
DB 10, 25
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+7
DW 59, 61, 81, 0FFFFh, 57, 63
Colour2BlueInput DW 9
DB 10, 26
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+8
DW 60, 62, 82, 0FFFFh, 58, 64
Colour3RedInput DW 9
DB 10, 29
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+9
DW 61, 63, 83, 0FFFFh, 59, 65
Colour3GreenInput DW 9
DB 10, 30
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+10
DW 62, 64, 84, 0FFFFh, 60, 66
Colour3BlueInput DW 9
DB 10, 31
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+11
DW 63, 65, 85, 0FFFFh, 61, 67
Colour4RedInput DW 9
DB 10, 34
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+12
DW 64, 66, 86, 0FFFFh, 62, 68
Colour4GreenInput DW 9
DB 10, 35
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+13
DW 65, 67, 87, 0FFFFh, 63, 69
Colour4BlueInput DW 9
DB 10, 36
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+14
DW 66, 68, 88, 0FFFFh, 64, 70
Colour5RedInput DW 9
DB 10, 39
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+15
DW 67, 69, 89, 0FFFFh, 65, 71
Colour5GreenInput DW 9
DB 10, 40
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+16
DW 68, 70, 90, 0FFFFh, 66, 72
Colour5BlueInput DW 9
DB 10, 41
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+17
DW 69, 71, 91, 0FFFFh, 67, 73
Colour6RedInput DW 9
DB 10, 44
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+18
DW 70, 72, 92, 0FFFFh, 68, 74
Colour6GreenInput DW 9
DB 10, 45
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+19
DW 71, 73, 93, 0FFFFh, 69, 75
Colour6BlueInput DW 9
DB 10, 46
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+20
DW 72, 74, 94, 0FFFFh, 70, 76
Colour7RedInput DW 9
DB 37, 14
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+21
DW 73, 75, 95, 53, 71, 77
Colour7GreenInput DW 9
DB 37, 15
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+22
DW 74, 76, 96, 54, 72, 78
Colour7BlueInput DW 9
DB 37, 16
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+23
DW 75, 77, 97, 55, 73, 79
Colour8RedInput DW 9
DB 37, 19
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+24
DW 76, 78, 98, 56, 74, 80
Colour8GreenInput DW 9
DB 37, 20
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+25
DW 77, 79, 99, 57, 75, 81
Colour8BlueInput DW 9
DB 37, 21
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+26
DW 78, 80, 100, 58, 76, 82
Colour9RedInput DW 9
DB 37, 24
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+27
DW 79, 81, 102, 59, 77, 83
Colour9GreenInput DW 9
DB 37, 25
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+28
DW 80, 82, 102, 60, 78, 84
Colour9BlueInput DW 9
DB 37, 26
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+29
DW 81, 83, 102, 61, 79, 85
Colour10RedInput DW 9
DB 37, 29
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+30
DW 82, 84, 102, 62, 80, 86
Colour10GreenInput DW 9
DB 37, 30
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+31
DW 83, 85, 102, 63, 81, 87
Colour10BlueInput DW 9
DB 37, 31
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+32
DW 84, 86, 102, 64, 82, 88
Colour11RedInput DW 9
DB 37, 34
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+33
DW 85, 87, 102, 65, 83, 89
Colour11GreenInput DW 9
DB 37, 35
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+34
DW 86, 88, 102, 66, 84, 90
Colour11BlueInput DW 9
DB 37, 36
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+35
DW 87, 89, 102, 67, 85, 91
Colour12RedInput DW 9
DB 37, 39
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+36
DW 88, 90, 102, 68, 86, 92
Colour12GreenInput DW 9
DB 37, 40
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+37
DW 89, 91, 102, 69, 87, 93
Colour12BlueInput DW 9
DB 37, 41
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+38
DW 90, 92, 102, 70, 88, 94
Colour13RedInput DW 9
DB 37, 44
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+39
DW 91, 93, 102, 71, 89, 95
Colour13GreenInput DW 9
DB 37, 45
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+40
DW 92, 94, 102, 72, 90, 96
Colour13BlueInput DW 9
DB 37, 46
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+41
DW 93, 95, 102, 73, 91, 97
Colour14RedInput DW 9
DB 64, 14
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+42
DW 94, 96, 53, 74, 92, 98
Colour14GreenInput DW 9
DB 64, 15
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+43
DW 95, 97, 54, 75, 93, 99
Colour14BlueInput DW 9
DB 64, 16
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+44
DW 96, 98, 55, 76, 94, 100
Colour15RedInput DW 9
DB 64, 19
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+45
DW 97, 99, 56, 77, 95, 102
Colour15GreenInput DW 9
DB 64, 20
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+46
DW 98, 100, 57, 78, 96, 102
Colour15BlueInput DW 9
DB 64, 21
DW 0, 63
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 7, PaletteDefs+47
DW 99, 102, 58, 79, 97, 102
PredefinedPaletteMsg DW 1
DB 57, 25
DB 20h
DB "Predefined Palettes", 0
PredefinedPalette1 DW 2
DW 100, 103, 82, 61
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr S_UsePresetPalette
DW 0 ; First palette
DW 0, 0 ; Unused data
DB 55, 27, 77, 29
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Light Blue", 0
PredefinedPalette2 DW 2
DW 102, 104, 85, 64
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr S_UsePresetPalette
DW 1 ; First palette
DW 0, 0 ; Unused data
DB 55, 30, 77, 32
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Gold", 0
PredefinedPalette3 DW 2
DW 103, 105, 86, 65
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr S_UsePresetPalette
DW 2 ; First palette
DW 0, 0 ; Unused data
DB 55, 33, 77, 35
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Camouflage", 0
PredefinedPalette4 DW 2
DW 104, 106, 88, 67
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr S_UsePresetPalette
DW 3
DW 0, 0 ; Unused data
DB 55, 36, 77, 38
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Midnight Tracking", 0
PredefinedPalette5 DW 2
DW 105, 107, 90, 69
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr S_UsePresetPalette
DW 4
DW 0, 0 ; Unused data
DB 55, 39, 77, 41
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Pine Colours", 0
PredefinedPalette6 DW 2
DW 106, 108, 91, 70
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr S_UsePresetPalette
DW 5
DW 0, 0 ; Unused data
DB 55, 42, 77, 44
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Soundtracker", 0
PredefinedPalette7 DW 2
DW 107, 0FFFFh, 94, 73
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 4 ; Jump to function
DD DWord Ptr S_UsePresetPalette
DW 6
DW 0, 0 ; Unused data
DB 55, 45, 77, 47
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Volcanic", 0
O1_LoadInstrumentList DW 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW InstrumentNameLoader ; Idlekey
DW LoadInstrumentKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW LoadInstrumentHeader ; 2
DW FillHeader ; 3
DW LoadInstrumentWindow
DW LoadInstrument ; 5
DW LoadInstrumentDriveWindow
DW LoadInstrumentDrive
DW SetHelpContext11
DW 0
LoadInstrumentDriveWindow DW 0
DB 63, 15, 72, 48
DB 27
LoadInstrumentDrive DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_LIDrawDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_LIPreDriveWindow
DD DWord Ptr D_LIPostDriveWindow
O1_ViewInstrumentLibrary DW 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW InstrumentNameLoader ; Idlekey
DW LoadInstrumentKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW InstrumentLibraryHeader ; 2
DW FillHeader ; 3
DW LoadInstrumentWindow
DW ViewInstrument ; 5
DW LoadInstrumentDriveWindow
DW LoadInstrumentDrive
DW SetHelpContext11
DW 0
LoadInstrumentHeader DW 10
DB "Load Instrument", 0
InstrumentLibraryHeader DW 10
DB "Instrument Library (Ctrl-F4)", 0
LoadInstrumentWindow DW 0
DB 5, 12, 62, 48
DB 27
LoadInstrument DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawLoadInstrument
DD DWord Ptr D_PreLoadInstrument
DD DWord Ptr D_PostLoadInstrument
ViewInstrument DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawLoadInstrument
DD DWord Ptr D_PreLoadInstrument
DD DWord Ptr D_ViewInstrument
InstrumentNameLoader DD DWord Ptr D_LoadInstrumentNames
DD DWord Ptr IdleUpdateInfoLine
DD 0
O1_UndoList DW 3
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW ESCExitList
DW UndoBox1
DW UndoBox2
DW UndoText
DW UndoSelector
DW 0
UndoBox1 DW 0
DB 16, 21, 63, 36
DB 3
UndoBox2 DW 0
DB 19, 23, 60, 34
DB 27
UndoText DW 1
DB 38, 22
DB 23h
DB "Undo", 0
UndoSelector DW 15
DD DWord Ptr PEFunction_DrawUndo
DD DWord Ptr PEFunction_PreUndo
DD DWord Ptr PEFunction_PostUndo
O1_MessageList DW 4
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW MessageBox
DW MessageObject
DW MessageHeader
DW SetHelpContext12
DW 0
MessageBox DW 0
DB 1, 12, 78, 48
DB 27
MessageObject DW 15
DD DWord Ptr Msg_DrawMessage
DD DWord Ptr Msg_PreMessage
DD DWord Ptr Msg_PostMessage
MessageHeader DW 10
DB "Message Editor (Shift-F9)", 0
O1_MIDIOutputScreen DW 9
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW MIDIOutputHeader
DW MIDIOutputMainConfigText
DW MIDIOutputSFxConfigText
DW MIDIOutputMainConfigBox
DW MIDIOutputSFxConfigBox
DW MIDIOutputZxxConfigBox ; 8
DW MIDIStartInput ; 9
DW MIDIStopInput ; 10
DW MIDITickInput ; 11
DW MIDINoteOnInput ; 12
DW MIDINoteOffInput ; 13
DW MIDIChangeVolumeInput ; 14
DW MIDIChangePanInput ; 15
DW MIDIBankSelectInput ; 16
DW MIDIProgramChangeInput ; 17
DW MIDISFFInput ; 33
DW MIDIZxxNumbering
DW 0
MIDIOutputHeader DW 10
DB "MIDI Output Configuration", 0
MIDIZxxNumbering DW 8
DD DWord Ptr F_ShowMIDIZxxInput
MIDIOutKeyList DB 0
DW 1C8h
DD DWord Ptr F_MIDI_Up
DB 0
DW 1D0h
DD DWord Ptr F_MIDI_Down
DB 0
DW 1C9h
DD DWord Ptr F_MIDI_PgUp
DB 0
DW 1D1h
DD DWord Ptr F_MIDI_PgDn
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyChain
MIDIOutputMainConfigText DW 1
DB 2, 13
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 4, " MIDI Start", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " MIDI Stop", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " MIDI Tick", 13
DB 0FFh, 7, " Note On", 13
DB 0FFh, 6, " Note Off", 13
DB " Change Volume", 13
DB 0FFh, 4, " Change Pan", 13
DB " Bank Select", 13
DB "Program Change", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Macro", 13
DB " Setup", 0
MIDIOutputSFxConfigText DW 1
DB 13, 24
DB 20h
DB "SF0", 13
DB "SF1", 13
DB "SF2", 13
DB "SF3", 13
DB "SF4", 13
DB "SF5", 13
DB "SF6", 13
DB "SF7", 13
DB "SF8", 13
DB "SF9", 13
DB "SFA", 13
DB "SFB", 13
DB "SFC", 13
DB "SFD", 13
DB "SFE", 13
DB "SFF", 0
MIDIOutputMainConfigBox DW 0
DB 16, 12, 60, 22
DB 27
MIDIOutputSFxConfigBox DW 0
DB 16, 23, 60, 40
DB 27
MIDIOutputZxxConfigBox DW 0
DB 16, 41, 60, 49
DB 27
MIDIStartInput DW 16
DB 17, 13
DW 7, 0
DW 32
DD 0
DW 9, 10, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIStopInput DW 16
DB 17, 14
DW 7, 20h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 9, 11, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDITickInput DW 16
DB 17, 15
DW 7, 40h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 10, 12, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDINoteOnInput DW 16
DB 17, 16
DW 7, 60h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 11, 13, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDINoteOffInput DW 16
DB 17, 17
DW 7, 80h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 12, 14, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIChangeVolumeInput DW 16
DB 17, 18
DW 7, 0A0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 13, 15, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIChangePanInput DW 16
DB 17, 19
DW 7, 0C0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 14, 16, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIBankSelectInput DW 16
DB 17, 20
DW 7, 0E0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 15, 17, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIProgramChangeInput DW 16
DB 17, 21
DW 7, 100h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 16, 18, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF0Input DW 16
DB 17, 24
DW 7, 120h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 17, 19, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF1Input DW 16
DB 17, 25
DW 7, 140h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 18, 20, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF2Input DW 16
DB 17, 26
DW 7, 160h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 19, 21, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF3Input DW 16
DB 17, 27
DW 7, 180h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 20, 22, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF4Input DW 16
DB 17, 28
DW 7, 1A0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 21, 23, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF5Input DW 16
DB 17, 29
DW 7, 1C0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 22, 24, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF6Input DW 16
DB 17, 30
DW 7, 1E0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 23, 25, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF7Input DW 16
DB 17, 31
DW 7, 200h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 24, 26, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF8Input DW 16
DB 17, 32
DW 7, 220h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 25, 27, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDISF9Input DW 16
DB 17, 33
DW 7, 240h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 26, 28, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DB 17, 34
DW 7, 260h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 27, 29, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DB 17, 35
DW 7, 280h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 28, 30, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DB 17, 36
DW 7, 2A0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 29, 31, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DB 17, 37
DW 7, 2C0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 30, 32, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DB 17, 38
DW 7, 2E0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 31, 33, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DB 17, 39
DW 7, 300h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 32, 34, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIZ1Input DW 16
DB 17, 42
DW 7, 8320h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 0FFFFh, 35, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIZ2Input DW 16
DB 17, 43
DW 7, 8340h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 34, 36, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIZ3Input DW 16
DB 17, 44
DW 7, 8360h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 35, 37, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIZ4Input DW 16
DB 17, 45
DW 7, 8380h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 36, 38, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIZ5Input DW 16
DB 17, 46
DW 7, 83A0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 37, 39, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIZ6Input DW 16
DB 17, 47
DW 7, 83C0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 38, 40, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIZ7Input DW 16
DB 17, 48
DW 7, 83E0h
DW 32
DD 0
DW 39, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
O1_MIDIScreen DW 7
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader
DW FillHeader
DW ShowMIDIInput
DW MIDIOptionsBox ; 5
DW MIDIOptions ; 6
DW ProgramChangeToggle ; 7
DW Program1Toggle ; 8
DW RecordNoteOffToggle ; 9
DW RecordVelocityToggle ; 10
DW RecordAfterTouchToggle ; 11
DW MIDITranslateBox ; 12
DW MIDIAmplificationTB ; 13
DW MIDICentralNoteTB ; 14
DW MIDIOutputButton ; 15
DW MIDISaveConfigButton ; 16
DW MIDINoteOffCut ; 17
DW MIDIPitchBox ; 18
DW MIDIPitchToggle ; 19
DW MIDIPWDInput ; 20
DW MIDIEmbedToggle
DW SetHelpContext13
DW 0
MIDIHeader DW 10
DB "MIDI Screen (Shift-F1)", 0
MIDIPitchToggle DW 17
DB 25, 27
DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 2Ch ; of 'Flags'
DB 64
DW 14, 20, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIEmbedToggle DW 17
DB 25, 31
DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 2Ch ; of 'Flags'
DB 128
DW 20, 15, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DB 25, 28
DW 0, 32
DW 3, 35h
DW 19, 22, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh ; PgUp/PgDn
DW 25
MIDIOutputButton DW 2
DW 22, 16, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 1
DD DWord Ptr O1_MIDIOutputScreen
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 2, 34, 32, 36
DB 8
DB 0
DB " MIDI Output Configuration", 0
MIDISaveConfigButton DW 2
DW 15, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 0
DW 0, 0
DW 2
DD DWord Ptr Music_SaveMIDIConfig
DW 0, 0, 0
DB 2, 37, 32, 39
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Save Output Configuration", 0
ShowMIDIInput DW 8
MIDIIdleList DD DWord Ptr K_ShowMIDIInput
DD DWord Ptr IdleUpdateInfoLine
DD 0
MIDIOptionsBox DW 0
DB 24, 14, 30, 21
DB 27
MIDITranslateBox DW 0
DB 24, 22, 51, 25
DB 27
MIDIPitchBox DW 0
DB 24, 26, 51, 29
DB 27
MIDIEmbedBox DW 0
DB 24, 30, 51, 32
DB 27
MIDIOptions DW 1
DB 7, 15
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 4, " Tick quantize", 13
DB " Base Program 1", 13
DB " Record Note-Off", 13
DB " Record Velocity", 13
DB "Record Aftertouch", 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " Cut note off", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB 0FFh, 4, " Amplification", 13
DB " C-5 Note-value", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB "Output MIDI pitch", 13
DB "Pitch wheel depth", 13
DB 13
DB 13
DB " Embed MIDI data", 0
ProgramChangeToggle DW 17
DB 25, 15
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, CentraliseCursor
DB 8
DW 0FFFFh, 8, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
Program1Toggle DW 17
DB 25, 16
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, CentraliseCursor
DB 16
DW 7, 9, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
RecordNoteOffToggle DW 17
DB 25, 17
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, CentraliseCursor
DB 32
DW 8, 10, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
RecordVelocityToggle DW 17
DB 25, 18
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, CentraliseCursor
DB 64
DW 9, 11, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
RecordAfterTouchToggle DW 17
DB 25, 19
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, CentraliseCursor
DB 128
DW 10, 17, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDINoteOffCut DW 17
DB 25, 20
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, Flags
DB 2
DW 11, 13, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDIAmplificationTB DW 9
DB 25, 23
DW 0, 200
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, MIDIAmplification
DW 17, 14, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
MIDICentralNoteTB DW 14
DB 25, 24
DW 0, 127
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW 1, MIDICentralNote
DW 13, 19, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh
DW 25
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_TimerList DW 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW InfoPageIdleList
DW GlobalKeyList
DW FullScreenBox ; 0
DW ScreenHeader ; 1
DW FillHeader ; 2
DW TimerHeader
DW TimerText ; 4
DW DrawTimer
DW Divider
DW SetHelpContext0
DW 0
TimerHeader DW 10
DB "Time Information", 0
TimerText DW 1
DB 2, 13
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 4, " Module time:", 13
DB "Current session:", 13
DB 13
DB 0FFh, 5, " Total time:", 0
DrawTimer DW 15
DD DWord Ptr D_DrawTimer
DD DWord Ptr F_Nothing
DD DWord Ptr D_PostTimerList
Divider DW 1
DB 1, 18
DB 20h
DB 0FFh, 78, 09Ah, 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_StereoSampleList DW 2
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW IdleFunctionList
DW LRKeyList
DW StereoSampleBox ; 0
DW StereoSampleText
DW StereoButtonLeft ; 2
DW StereoButtonRight ; 3
DW 0
LRKeyList DB 8
DW 'L'
DD DWord Ptr F_Return64
DB 8
DW 'R'
DD DWord Ptr F_Return192
StereoSampleBox DW 0
DB 26, 22, 54, 29
DB 3
StereoSampleText DW 1
DB 30, 24
DB 20h
DB "Loading Stereo Sample", 0
StereoButtonLeft DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 3, 3
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Unused
DW 0 ; Return
DW 64
DW 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Unused
DB 30, 26, 39, 28
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Left", 0
StereoButtonRight DW 2
DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh, 2, 2
DW 0
DW 0, 0 ; Unused
DW 0 ; Return
DW 64+128
DW 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Unused
DB 40, 26, 50, 28
DB 8
DB 0
DB " Right", 0
O1_ShowTime DW 2
DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW ESCReturnList
DW ShowTime
DW OKButton
DW SongLengthText
DW 0
SongLengthText DW 1
DB 27, 27
DB 20h
DB "Total song time: ", 0
ShowTime DW 8
DD Music_ShowTime
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
O1_FourierDisplay DW 0
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
; DW FourierIdleList
DW InfoPageIdleList
DW FourierKeyList
DW FourierDisplay
DW 0
;FourierIdleList DD DWord Ptr Fourier_IdleList
; DD 0
FourierKeyList DB 1
DW '-'
DD DWord Ptr DisplayMinus
DB 1
DW '+'
DD DWord Ptr DisplayPlus
DB 0
DW 13Fh
DD DWord Ptr Glbl_Ctrl_F5
DB 1
DW 'p'
DD DWord Ptr Fourier_ChangePalette
DB 5
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
DW PlayCommandChain
FourierDisplay DW 15
DD DWord Ptr Fourier_PreDrawScreen
DD DWord Ptr Fourier_DrawScreen
DD DWord Ptr Fourier_PostFunction
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00