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;<3B> MMTSR Module <20>
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
%include ""
;<3B> Externals <20>
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
extern E_AllocateEMS:Far
extern E_GetEMSPageFrame:Far
extern E_ReleaseEMS:Far
extern E_MapEMSMemory:Far
extern Music_Stop:Far
;<3B> Globals <20>
Global MMTSR_InstallMMTSR:Far
Global MMTSR_UninstallMMTSR:Far
Segment MMTSR PARA Public USE16 'Code'
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
%include ""
;<3B> Variables <20>
MAX8 equ 0f8H ; decompression constants
MAX16 equ 0fff0h
BBsize equ 0 ; stucture of MMCMP BigBlocks header
BBcmpsize equ 4 ; (relative offset)
BBxorchk equ 8
BBnblk equ 12
BBflag equ 14
BBntab equ 16
BBsnbit equ 18
BBheadersize equ 20
InstalledFromIT DB 0
;<3B> Functions <20>
Proc MMTSR_InstallMMTSR Far
Push CS
Push CS
Pop DS
Pop ES
Trace " - Determining if MMTSR is already installed"
mov ax,4370h
int 21h ; check if already installed
cmp eax,4352697ah
je @error ; if installed, don't install it again
Trace " - Allocating 64kb of EMS memory for MMTSR decoding"
Mov EAX, 65536 ; 64k
Call E_AllocateEMS
Test AX, AX
JZ @error ; AX = handle, 0 if error.
Mov _memhandle, AX
Call E_GetEMSPageFrame
Mov BaseSeg, AX
Trace " - Installing new INT21h handler"
mov si,offset _inbuf+2
mov [si],ax
mov dx,Bufsize
shr dx,4
add ax,dx
mov [si+4],ax
add ax,20h
mov [si+8],ax
add ax,110h
mov [si+12],ax
add ax,dx
mov [si+16],ax
mov ax,3521h
int 21h
mov word ptr [_old21],bx ; get old INT 21h handler
mov word ptr [_old21+2],es
mov dx,offset @new21
mov ax,2521h
int 21h ; set new INT 21h handler
mov byte ptr [_actived],1 ; MMTSR is ACTIVE!
Mov InstalledFromIT, 1
@error0: ; print message at offset DS:DX onto screen
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
Proc MMTSR_UninstallMMTSR Far
Push CS
Pop DS
Cmp InstalledFromIT, 0
Mov DX, Word Ptr [_old21] ; Reset handler.
Mov DS, Word Ptr [_old21+2]
Mov AX, 2521h
Int 21h
Mov AX, CS:_memhandle
Call E_ReleaseEMS
2023-03-11 15:18:28 -08:00
;EndP MMTSR_UninstallMMTSR
and al,1
mov byte ptr cs:[_actived],al
mov eax,4352697ah
@new21: ; <<<<---------- INT 21 starts here
cmp ax,4370h
je short @installcheck
cmp ax,4371h
je short @activate
cmp ax,4372h
je short @activate
cmp byte ptr cs:[_actived],1
jne short @noopen ; originaly intercepts 'open' only...
cmp ah,3dh ; now stands for 'do old interrupt'
je short @intercept
cmp ah,3eh ; MMTSR intercepts 'open file' calls, and
jne short @noopen ; close file if the handle is the
cmp bx,cs:_modulehandle ; temporary decompressed module handle
je short @intercept
jmp dword ptr cs:[_old21] ; Chain to old interrupt
mov byte ptr cs:[_actived],0 ; desactivate MMTSR while running
mov byte ptr cs:[_function],ah
mov word ptr cs:[_oldstack],sp ; une hook's stack
mov word ptr cs:[_oldstack+2],ss
Call DWord Ptr [CS:_old21]
push es bx ax
les bx,cs:[_oldstack] ;
pushf ;
pushf ; preserve "returned from interrupt" flags
pop ax ; and set IF!! ;)
or ah,2 ;
mov word ptr es:[bx+4],ax ;
popf ; "or" modifies flags...
pop ax bx es ;
jc @eoi ; I/O error
cmp cs:[_function],3dh
je short @open
; close temporary file and delete it
cmp byte ptr cs:_openedfile,1
jne @eoi
push ds
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset _tempfile
mov ah,41h
int 21h
pop ds
mov word ptr cs:[_modulehandle],0
mov byte ptr cs:[_openedfile],0
jmp @eoi
; open file, create the temporary one, decompress, etc....
mov word ptr cs:[_cmphandle],ax
push ds
push es
push fs
push gs
; all registers are preserved
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov bp,sp
mov bx,[_cmphandle]
mov ax,4400h
int 21h
test dx,0080h
jne @nochg ; handle is a DEVICE handle, not a file!
mov bx,[_cmphandle]
mov cx,8
mov dx,OFFSET _signaturecheck
mov ah,03fh ; read first 8 bytes of the opened file
int 21h
push ax
mov bx,[_cmphandle]
xor edx,edx ; reset file pointer to its beginning
call @lseek
pop ax
cmp ax,8
jne @nochg
cmp dword ptr _signaturecheck,4352697ah ;
jne @nochg ; check for ziRCONia
cmp dword ptr [_signaturecheck+4],61694e4fh ;
jne @nochg ;
Call Music_Stop
mov dx,_memhandle
Mov AH, 47h
Int 67h
Mov CX, 4
Call E_MapEMSMemory
;------------------ we now have free mem to work ---------------------------
mov ah,3ch ;
mov cx,20h ; create temporary file
mov dx,offset _tempfile ;
int 21h
jc @swapback
mov word ptr [_modulehandle],ax
mov byte ptr [_openedfile],1
mov bx,[_cmphandle]
mov edx,8
call @lseek
push 16
push ds
push offset _filehead ; read file header, 16 bytes minimum
call @read ; (as for now, 16 bytes max too....)
add sp,6
mov bx,[_cmphandle]
mov edx,_blockptr
call @lseek
mov ax,_blktoprocess
shl ax,2 ; load the BigBlock offset table into
push ax ; memory
push dword ptr _blkoffset
call @read
add sp,6
mov word ptr _curblock,0
les di,_blkoffset
add di,_curblock
add word ptr _curblock,4
mov edx,es:[di] ;
mov bx,_cmphandle ; lseek to next BigBlock
call @lseek
les di,_BB ; es:0 -> current BB
mov di,BBheadersize
push di
push dword ptr [_BB] ; read the BB
call @read ;
add sp,6
mov ax,es:[BBnblk] ; number of small block within BB
shl ax,3
push ax
push es
push di
call @read ; read all 'small blocks' info
add sp,6 ; (dw offset, dw size) = 8 bytes each
mov dword ptr _curblkpos,0 ; offset 0 in the first small blk
mov al,es:[BBsnbit]
mov _snbit,al ; snbit: compression info...
test word ptr es:[BBflag],1
je @notcompressed ; if not compressed, why bother?
push word ptr es:[BBntab]
push dword ptr _ttabl ; read translation table (cmp stuff...)
call @read
add sp,6
movzx eax,ax
mov esi,es:[BBcmpsize] ; esi = toread (copmressed size)
sub esi,eax ; - trans table size
xor eax,eax
mov _lasteax,eax ; _lastXXXX: since blocks may be larger
; than the buffer, small blocks may have
; to be decompressed in more than one shot.
; _lastXXX preserve current state of reg.
mov dword ptr _left,eax ; changes also _lastsmp
mov byte ptr _lastch,al
jmp @compressloopend
movzx eax,word ptr Bufsize
sub ax,_left
cmp esi,eax ; read the most we can...
jnb short @readbuf
mov eax,esi
push ax
mov eax,_inbuf
add ax,_left
push eax
call @read ; fill inbuf
add sp,6
movzx eax,ax
sub esi,eax
add ax,_left
mov _rd,ax ; _rd = number of bytes of data in inbuf
test word ptr es:[BBflag],4
jne short @16bits
call @Uncompbuf8 ; (inbuf, outbuf, &used) in DS
mov _towrite,ax
call @Translatebuf8 ; (outbuf, towrite) in DS
test word ptr es:[BBflag],2
je short @nodelta8
call @Undeltabuf8; (outbuf, towrite, lastbyte) in DS
mov cl,8
jmp short @deltadone
call @UncompBuf16 ; for now, write function is ok even is we have a
mov _towrite,ax ; 16 bits buffer with and odd length.
call @UndeltaBuf16 ; (outbuf, towrite, lastbyte) in DS
xor cl,cl
lfs bx,_outbuf
add bx,_towrite
mov ax,fs:[bx-2]
shr ax,cl
mov word ptr _lastsmp,ax ; keep the last sample for future 'undelta'
mov cx,_rd
sub cx,_used
jnb short @leftok
xor cx,cx
mov _left,cx ; inbuf might not have been used up, some is left
je short @writeblock
add cx,3
shr cx,2
push ds es si di
les di,_inbuf
mov si,_used ; copy unused part of inbuf to its bottom
add si,di
mov ds,word ptr [_inbuf+2]
rep movsd
pop di si es ds
call @writeblk ; function to write blocks of data (see it...)
movzx eax,word ptr _left
or eax,esi ; is there something left to uncompress?
jne @compressloop
jmp short @blockloopend
; this part simply copy the uncompressed buffer from the compressed
; module to the temp uncompressed module
mov esi,es:[BBcmpsize] ; esi = toread
movzx eax,word ptr Bufsize
cmp esi,eax
jnb short @readubuf
mov ax,si
push ax
push dword ptr _outbuf
call @read
add sp,6
mov _towrite,ax
movzx eax,ax
sub esi,eax
call @writeblk
or esi,esi
jne short @continuenc
dec word ptr _blktoprocess ; BigBlocks loop end
jne @blockloop
; ----------------------------- done decompressing! -------------------------
mov bx,_modulehandle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h ; close temp file to set file size correctly
mov dx,offset _tempfile
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h ; reeopen it in read only for the Player/tracker
mov _modulehandle,bx
mov [bp+36],bx ; put handle in preserved register
mov ah,3eh
mov bx,_cmphandle
int 21h
;------------------ swap back memory ---------------------------
mov ah,48h
mov dx,_memhandle
int 67h
; pop gs ; this part must be used to return
; pop fs ; after somthing has been done when
; pop es ; debugging.
; pop ds
; popad
; lss sp,cs:[_oldstack]
; mov cs:byte ptr [_actived],1
; iret
; restore all registers
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
pop ds
; lss sp,cs:[_oldstack]
mov cs:byte ptr [_actived],1
; writes decompressed blocks of data at their respective offsets
; withing the temp module
; _towrite = lenght to write
; _curblkpos = current position relative to beginning of the current
; small block
@writeblk proc near
push ebp
push si
xor si,si
mov ebp,_curblkpos
mov edx,es:[di]
add edx,ebp
mov bx,_modulehandle
call @lseek
mov ecx,es:[di+4]
sub ecx,ebp
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,_towrite
cmp ebx,ecx
jnb short @100
mov cx,bx
@100:push cx
mov bx,_modulehandle
mov ah,40h
push ds
lds dx,_outbuf
add dx,si
int 21h
pop ds
pop ax
add si,ax
sub _towrite,ax
movzx eax,ax
add ebp,eax
cmp ebp,es:[di+4]
jne short @notblockend
add di,8
dec word ptr es:[BBnblk]
xor ebp,ebp
or word ptr _towrite,0
jz short @writeend
or word ptr es:[BBnblk],0
jnz short @writeloop
mov _curblkpos,ebp
pop si
pop ebp
@writeblk endp
; this reads only from the compressed module!
@read proc near
push bp
; Mov DX, _memhandle
; Mov CX, 4
; Call E_MapEMSMemory
mov bp,sp
mov bx,_cmphandle
push ds
lds dx,[bp+4]
mov cx,[bp+8]
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
pop ds bp
@read endp
@lseek proc near
shld ecx,edx,16
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
@lseek endp
; unsigned int Uncompress(char far *ib, char far *ob, word far *used)
@Uncompbuf8 proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2
push si
push di
push fs
push es
lfs si,_inbuf
les di,_outbuf
lea ax,[di-100h]
add ax,Bufsize
mov [bp-2],ax
mov ch,_lastch ; bit count in eax
mov eax,_lasteax ; eax : data
mov cl,_snbit ; num of bit to use
inc cl
xor bh,bh
xor dx,dx
jmp short @017
@012:shrd dx,ax,cl
shr eax,cl
rol dx,cl
sub ch,cl
mov bl,cl
@013:cmp dl,[bx+_bchg8-1]
jb short @016
shl bx,1
jmp word ptr [bx+_fct1-2]
@015c:and dl,7 ; 3 bits used
jmp short @011
@015b:and dl,3 ; 2 bits used, get highest bit
shr eax,1
rcl dl,1
sub ch,1
jmp short @011
@015a:and dl,1 ; 1 bit used, get 2 highest bits
shl dl,2
shrd dx,ax,2
shr eax,2
rol dx,2
sub ch,2
jmp short @011
@015:xor dl,dl ; no bit used, get 3 bits
shrd dx,ax,3
shr eax,3
rol dx,3
sub ch,3
@011:shr bx,1
inc dl
cmp cl,dl
je short @011a
mov cl,dl
jmp short @017
@011a: ; Special commands (254,255, end);
mov dl,al
shr eax,3
sub ch,3
and dl,7
cmp dl,7
je short @019 ; maybe end-of-buf command
@016a:add dl,MAX8
@016:mov es:[di],dl ; Store uncompressed data
inc di
cmp di,[bp-2]
je short @019b
xor dl,dl
@017:cmp ch,10H
jnb short @012
@018:xchg cl,ch
ror eax,cl
mov ax,fs:[si]
add si,2
rol eax,cl
add cl,10H
xchg cl,ch
jmp @012
@019:dec ch
shr eax,1
jnc @016a ; no only a 255
mov _lastch,ch
mov _lasteax,eax
dec cl
mov _snbit,cl
sub si,word ptr _inbuf
mov _used,si
sub di,word ptr _outbuf
mov ax,di
pop es
pop fs
pop di
pop si
@Uncompbuf8 endp
; void UndeltaBuf8(void far *buf, unsigned int len, char lastbyte)
@UndeltaBuf8 proc near
push ds
mov cx,_towrite
add cx,3
and cl,0fch
mov dl,byte ptr _lastsmp
lds bx,_outbuf
add cx,bx
@091:mov eax,[bx]
add al,dl
add ah,al
mov dl,ah
ror eax,16
add al,dl
add ah,al
mov dl,ah
ror eax,16
mov [bx],eax
add bx,4
cmp bx,cx
jne short @091
@092:pop ds
@UndeltaBuf8 endp
; void TranslateBuf8(char far *buf, unsigned int len)
@TranslateBuf8 proc near
push es
push ds
push si
push di
mov cx,_towrite
add cx,3
shr cx,2
les di,_outbuf
lds si,_ttabl
xor bh,bh
@110: mov eax,es:[di]
mov bl,al
mov al,[bx+si]
mov bl,ah
mov ah,[bx+si]
ror eax,16
mov bl,al
mov al,[bx+si]
mov bl,ah
mov ah,[bx+si]
ror eax,16
dec cx
jne short @110
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop es
@TranslateBuf8 endp
;******************** 16 bits decompression code *******************
; unsigned int Uncompbuf16(char far *ib, char far *ob, CompProcess *CP)
@Uncompbuf16 proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2
push si
push di
push fs
push es
lfs si,_inbuf
les di,_outbuf
lea ax,[di-100h]
add ax,Bufsize
mov [bp-2],ax
mov ch,_lastch ; bit count in eax
mov eax,_lasteax ; eax : data
mov cl,_snbit ; num of bit to use
inc cl
xor dx,dx
xor ebx,ebx
jmp @217
@212:shrd dx,ax,cl
shr eax,cl
rol dx,cl
sub ch,cl
mov bl,cl
cmp ch,10H
jnb short @213
xchg cl,ch
ror eax,cl
mov ax,fs:[si]
add si,2
rol eax,cl
add cl,10H
xchg cl,ch
@213: dd 1b943b67H ;\
dw (_bchg16-2) ; } cmp dx,[ebx+ebx+_bchg16-2]
dw 0 ;/
jb @216
dd 1ba4ff67H ;\ jmp word ptr [ebx+ebx+_fct3-2] still this
dw (_fct3-2) ; } bug with 16 bits labels...
dw 0 ;/
@215d:and dx,15 ; 4 bits used
jmp short @211
@215c:and dl,7 ; 3 bits used, get highest bit
shr eax,1
rcl dl,1
dec ch
jmp short @211
@215b:and dl,3 ; 2 bit used, get 2 highest bits
shl dl,2
shrd dx,ax,2
shr eax,2
rol dx,2
sub ch,2
jmp short @211
@215a:and dl,1 ; 1 bit used, get 3 highest bits
shl dl,3
shrd dx,ax,3
shr eax,3
rol dx,3
sub ch,3
jmp short @211
@215:xor dl,dl ; no bit used, get 4 bits
shrd dx,ax,4
shr eax,4
rol dx,4
sub ch,4
@211:inc dl
cmp cl,dl
je short @211a
mov cl,dl
jmp short @217
@211a: ; Special commands;
cmp ch,10H
jnb short @216b
xchg cl,ch
ror eax,cl
mov ax,fs:[si]
add si,2
rol eax,cl
add cl,10H
xchg cl,ch
@216b:mov dl,al
shr eax,4
sub ch,4
and dx,15
cmp dl,15
je short @219 ; maybe end-of-buf command
@216a:add dx,MAX16
@216:mov es:[di],dx ; Store uncompressed data
add di,2
cmp di,[bp-2]
je short @219b
xor dx,dx
@217:cmp ch,10H
jnb @212
@218:xchg cl,ch
ror eax,cl
mov ax,fs:[si]
add si,2
rol eax,cl
add cl,10H
xchg cl,ch
jmp @212
@219:cmp ch,10H
jnb short @219a
xchg cl,ch
ror eax,cl
mov ax,fs:[si]
add si,2
rol eax,cl
add cl,10H
xchg cl,ch
@219a:dec ch
shr eax,1
jnc @216a ; no only a 65535
mov _lastch,ch
mov _lasteax,eax
dec cl
mov _snbit,cl
sub si,word ptr _inbuf
mov _used,si
sub di,word ptr _outbuf
mov ax,di
pop es
pop fs
pop di
pop si
@Uncompbuf16 endp
; void UndeltaBuf16(char far *buf, unsigned int len, CompProcess *CP)
@UndeltaBuf16 proc near
push ds
push si
mov cx,_towrite
add cx,3
shr cx,2
mov bx,_lastsmp
lds si,_outbuf
test word ptr es:[BBflag],2
je short @321
@320:mov eax,[si]
shr ax,1
rcr dx,1
sar dx,15
xor ax,dx
add ax,bx
mov bx,ax
ror eax,16
shr ax,1
rcr dx,1
sar dx,15
xor ax,dx
add ax,bx
mov bx,ax
ror eax,16
mov [si],eax
add si,4
dec cx
jne short @320
jmp short @323
@321:test word ptr es:[BBflag],200h
je short @323
@322:mov eax,[si]
shr ax,1
rcr dx,1
sar dx,15
xor ax,dx
ror eax,16
shr ax,1
rcr dx,1
sar dx,15
xor ax,dx
ror eax,16
mov [si],eax
add si,4
dec cx
jne short @322
@323:pop si
pop ds
mov word ptr _lastsmp,bx
@UndeltaBuf16 endp
;******************** 8 bits decompression data ********************
_bchg8 label byte
db 01H
db 03H
db 07H
db 0fH
db 1eH
db 3cH
db 78H
db 0f8H
_fct1 label word
dw @015
dw @015
dw @015
dw @015
dw @015a
dw @015b
dw @015c
dw @015c
;********************* 16 bits compression data ********************
_bchg16 label word
dw 00001H ;1
dw 00003H ;2
dw 00007H ;3
dw 0000fH ;4
dw 0001eH ;5
dw 0003cH ;6
dw 00078H ;7
dw 000f0H ;8
dw 001f0H ;9
dw 003f0H ;10
dw 007f0H ;11
dw 00ff0H ;12
dw 01ff0H ;13
dw 03ff0H ;14
dw 07ff0H ;15
dw 0fff0H ;16
_fct3 label word
dw @215
dw @215
dw @215
dw @215
dw @215a
dw @215b
dw @215c
dw @215d
dw @215d
dw @215d
dw @215d
dw @215d
dw @215d
dw @215d
dw @215d
dw @215d
align 4
BaseSeg dw 08000h
Bufsize dw 06E00h ; 0b000h or anything else for XMS...
_inbuf dd 0 ; size: Bufsize ; Basemem
_ttabl dd 0 ; size: 200h ; Basemem + Bufsize
_BB dd 0 ; size: 1100h ; Basemem + Bufsize + 200h
_outbuf dd 0 ; size: Bufsize ; Basemem + Bufsize + 1300h
_blkoffset dd 0 ; size: 2000h ; Basemem + 2*Bufsize + 1300h
_tempfile db 'C:\_~zirc~_.tmp',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; 23 b + NULL (24 b)
_old21 dd 0
_driver dd 0
_oldstack dd 0
_memhandle dw 0
_actived db 0
_openedfile db 0
_function db 0
_signaturecheck label qword
_headersize dw 0
_version dw 0
_blktoprocess dw 0
_unpacklen dd 0
_blockptr dd 0
_dummy dw 0
_cmphandle dw 0
_modulehandle dw 0
_lasteax dd 0
_left dw 0
_lastsmp dw 0
_lastch db 0
_curblock dw 0
_curblkpos dd 0
_towrite dw 0
_rd dw 0
_used dw 0
_snbit db 0
align 2