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Here's something that might help you... I wrote it quite fast but it should
be accurate ;) However, there's probably a lot of stuff here that you don't
need/understant for now... but keep all this, you'll need it soon ;)
--> This is NOT the "official" Tehcnical stuff....
File Header:
offset type/size comment
------ --------- ---------------------------------
0 char[8] Signature: 'ziRCONia'
8 word file header size (from offset 10, not counting this
10 word version 0xyyzh (x.yy) (displayed in hex. no conversion)
z: 0 nothing
1-0eh revision a to n (-may- be useful...)
0fh Beta
12 word number of blocks within file
14 dword total length of unpacked file
18 dword file offset where is located the "block offset table"
22 word dummy... must currently be 0ffffH
The block offset table is simply N_of_Block dwords which are the
absolute position of each block in the file. Each of those blocks have
the following header:
0 dword unpacked size
4 dword compressed size
8 dword XOR check (see note below)
12 word number of "sub-blocks" (nblk)
14 word flags (see below)
16 word number of translation table entry } for compression
18 word start number of bit } don't mind them
for now...
20 sub-block[nblk] Sub-blocks of data info.
each sub-block has the following info:
0 dword absolute position in uncompressed file
4 dword size of uncompressed block
all "nblk" sub-block info are stored right after the block header.
Those small blocks are only non-contiguous blocks of the "same type"
grouped together within one bigger block for better compression.
- XOR check: instead of implementing a CRC, I coded a XOR check.
How it works: a dword variable is set to 0, and XORed
with every complete 4 bytes of the original data of the
"bigblock". Remaining bytes (i.e, size of bigblock is
not a multiple of 4) are simply ignored. This is only
to implement a minimal check of destination when
- Flags: this is a 16 bits field:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
<20> 0 <20> 0 <20> 0 <20> 0 <20> 0 <20> 0 <20>Abs16<31> M/S <20>
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
<20> R <20> T y p e <20> R <20> 8/16<31>Delta<74>Comp.<2E>
bits marked as "0" MUST be 0 (they are reserved for future
extensions...) Every "1" must be considered as invalid or
unsupported feature (compressed by a newer version of MMCMP)
bits marked as "R" are reserved (used during compression processing
and they don't mean much within the file...) No check should be
performed on those bits.
- Comp.: 0: not compressed
1: compressed
- Delta: 0: data is not changed
1: data is Delta (every byte or word is the difference
between itself and the previous one. First byte or word
is compared to 0.
- 8/16: 0: 8 bits compression scheme
1: 16 bits compression scheme
- M/S: 0: mono
1: stereo (not implemented yet) MUST BE 0
- Abs16 Whithin compression algorithm, 16 bits samples are
converted to deltas and transformed a bit so there's
no negative numbers. However, some trackers already
convert data to deltas, but there's still the little
transformation to do.
0: don't do it
1: do it
Note: This bit IS NOT checked if Delta bit is 1, but
should be 0 in this case. May only be set if
Delta bit is 0.
- Type: This field doesn't really serve any purpose ;) but
helping identify type of data in this block. There's
no strict identifier but the following block types are
used by MMCMP (warning: do not expect the following to
always be true... data of different types for us (e.g
instrument header and sample header) may be interpreted
as the same type of block (they are contiguous, or
similar, etc...) for better compression.) The three
bits are stored in the order you would expect (MSB at
left, LSB at right)
0: Module identifier: the firsts bytes of a module
(this type must NOT be used for anything else...)
1: Module header: anything useful in the header, which
is not in block-type 0 (actually not used by MMCMP)
2: instrument header
3: sample header
4: patterns
5: sample
6: no definition yet...
7: remaining (every part of the module that hasn't
been thrown into the "block list" (i.e probably
don't fit under any block types...)
Note that MMCMP sorting scheme puts block of type 0
first and type 7 last. This is also some sort of
priority. As for now, know that block of type 0 is
UNIQUE and is the FIRST.
Scanning files:
1. Check if installed and disable MMTSR
2. Open module
3. Check signature. If not 'ziRCONia' jump to 11
4. read "block offset table" offset field (dword at offset 18)
(and any other info you would like to read)
5. jump to this position within the file
6. read the first entry of the table (position of block 0)
7. jump to this position within the file
8. read the block header.
9. If block-type field is not 0, jump to 6 and read the next entry
instead. (the first block should be of type 0. If not, there's
probably no block of this type...)
10.Read the uncompressed data (it should not have the compressed flag
11.reenable MMTSR if installed
12.Do what you would do with the header info and close module if you