a couple bugfixes

This commit is contained in:
'mr software' 2022-11-02 17:28:53 -07:00
parent 3971b4602f
commit 187cd0fbd4
2 changed files with 63 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
; foxdos boot sector. should load kernel into segment 0x50 at 0x00. max size
; would be 64k but i doubt a dos needs more than that. stack is placed at
; 0x10500. i would suggest changing this to load the kernel into extended
; a20-gate memory so as not to overwrite the boot sector with larger kernels
; but i will leave that for you to do. code is public domain as always. i
; have not tested any of this so your mileage using it may vary
; foxdos boot sector
%include "config.s"
[org 0x7C00]
[bits 16]
mov ax, K_ADDR << 4
mov ax, K_ADDR >> 4
push ax ; setup for ds
mov es, ax
mov gs, ax
mov fs, ax
xor bx, bx
mov ds, bx
xor cx, cx
mov ds, cx
mov word [0x21*4], 2 ; see kernel_entry
mov word [0x21*4+2], ax
pop ds
mov ax, 0x200 | NUMSEG
mov cl, 2
mov cl, ah
xor dh, dh
int 13h
; 64kb stack
pop ds
mov ax, STACK_SEG
mov ss, ax
xor sp, sp

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@ -2,14 +2,56 @@ int21:
push ds
push cs
pop ds
; your handler goes here
; you could maybe make a jump table that takes ah as input?
pop ds
; this probably works
mov word [tmp], bx ; cannot use stack for this
movzx bx, ah
shl bx, 1
add bx, fn
push end21 ; the proper return address
; generated return address. should avoid any issues
; with things like prefetch or instruction caches
push bx
mov bx, word [tmp]
end21: pop ds
nul: stc
; TODO figure out a way to format this table. maybe it can be autogenerated?
; this table is misaligned for me and im the one who made it
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
fn: dw nul, rdin_echo, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 0
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 1
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, setint, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, gettime, settime, setverify, nul ; 2
dw getver, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 3
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, getret, nul, nul ; 4
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, setverify, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 5
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 6
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 7
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 8
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; 9
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; A
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; B
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; C
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; D
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; E
dw nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul, nul ; F
tmp: dw 0
retcode: dw 0
verify: db 0
rdin_echo:; ah=01h
push ax
mov ah, 8
int 0x21
; TODO does echo go to stdout or to screen?
pop ax
; AH = 4dh
; get return code
; inputs:
@ -17,11 +59,10 @@ verify: db 0
; outputs:
; AH: termination type (0 = normal, 1 = control-C abort, 2 = critical error abort, 3 = terminate and stay resident)
; AL: return code
mov ax, [retcode]
xor ax, ax
mov [retcode], ax
xchg [retcode], ax
; AH = 30h
; get the DOS version number
@ -30,11 +71,12 @@ get_retcode:
; outputs:
; AL: major version
; AH: minor version
mov ax, 8 ; if it is not zero indexed this indicates windows ME
xor bx, bx ; update: what does that comment mean
mov cx, bx
; AH = 54h
; get disk verify flag
@ -44,7 +86,7 @@ get_version:
; AL: 0 if off, 1 if on
mov al, [verify]
; AH = 2eh
; set disk verify flag
@ -54,7 +96,7 @@ getverify:
; none
mov [verify], al
; AH = 35h
; get interrupt vector
@ -76,7 +118,7 @@ getint:
mov word es, [di+2]
pop di
pop ds
; AH = 25h
; set interrupt vector
@ -97,7 +139,7 @@ setint:
mov word [di+2], ds
pop ds
; read from CMOS register
; inputs:
@ -168,7 +210,7 @@ gettime:
add ch, 12
.end: pop ax
; AH = 2dh
; set system time in the CMOS
@ -194,4 +236,4 @@ settime:
call wrcmos
xor al, al ; it probably succeeded, its fine. TODO: am i missing return codes anywhere else
pop bx