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; TODO implement boot via chs for old bioses (even ones
; as new as 1996 lack support for lba via bios call)
[bits 16]
[org 0x7C00]
jmp entry
times 4 - ($-$$) db 0
2023-10-27 21:54:33 -07:00
; 16mb shown as example
db "MOTHFS",0
db 0
sz: dd 32768 ; 32768 * 512 = 16mb disk image
off: dd 1 ; immediately follows mbr
db "mkmothfs",0,0,0,0,0,0,0
rsv: db 127 ; 64kb of boot code
abm: dd 4096 ; 16mb/(512*8)
2023-10-27 21:54:33 -07:00
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x7BFE ; 30kb stack until 0x500
mov bp, sp
push ax
pop ds
2023-10-27 21:54:33 -07:00
mov dx, 0x80 ; change disk number to 80 because every bios is the worst
push dx
; enable a20 a few different ways
in al, 0xEE
; bios call
mov ax, 0x2401 ; l is real
int 0x15
; fast a20 gate
in al, 0x92
or al, 2
out 0x92, al
mov eax, [off]
mov dword [dapw], eax
; check for lba support
mov ah, 0x41
mov bx, 0x55AA
int 0x13 ; dl is drive number - mbr should pass this value
jc .nde
shr cx, 2 ; wikipedia says bit 1 is disk packet support
jnc .nde
; load kernel flat binary into hma using lba
pop dx
mov ah, 0x42
mov si, dap
int 0x13
; jump to FFFF:0010, the start of HMA. this limits the kernel
; size to 65520 bytes but we are actually loading 496 bytes
; less than that and even that should be more than enough for
; foxdos and any more would probably blow up some garbage bios
mov ax, 0xFFFF
push ax
mov ax, 16
push ax
.nde: mov eax, [sz]
add eax, [off]
cmp eax, 0xFB0400 ; max chs sectors
jg $ ; too big to use chs
jmp $ ; TODO load via chs
dap: dw 0x10 ; size of disk packet
dw 127 ; foxdos will always load 127 segments
dw 16, 0xFFFF ; offset:segment to start of HMA - foxdos loads high
dapw: dd 0, 0
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55